Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 03 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Trlullph's Work Horse Of U The. Breed Apart" Triumph's slnlle carb 650cc TIler 100 Is a hllhly dlYeloped civilized road bike that can comfortably convey one to far-spread scenic locaIes like the Santa Barbara MIssion shown In the bacqround. Just at the beginning of this . year's arising. That seems to be the Tiger's we tested there was a new accessory Installed. At first glance it appeared to be a skid plate, but upon closer inspection it turned out to be aplastic watcbamacalllt, lined with foam rubber to absorb any oil seepage from the engine. Although Triumph seems to have chosen a rather Rube Goldberg approach to the problem, this little pan did its job well, letting no 011 reach the garage floor. Interested Triumph owners can purchase a similar pan from their local dealers. Although not the quickest bike on the boulevard, the Tiger has more than adequate acceleration, actually out dragging the more highly..tuned Bonneville up to 75 mph. 'Mtere the Bonneville has twin carbs for better breathing at high rpm's, the Tiger has a single carb for easy maintenance, better low-end torque and Improved gas mileage. The new Concentric seems to have f1na11y been sorted out and wor ks exceptionally smoothly, with no coughing or sputtering when the throttle Is yanked open Imprudently. The big twin would haul two people right on up to 100 mph with llttle vibration to warn that it is approaching the ton; The Tiger's good gas mileage was made apparent when we were ridlngwith one of the large two-strokes which seemed to use enormous amounts of fuel compared to the Triumph. forte; it is totally dependable even if somewhat mundane. It Is not a machine to arouse strong feelings pro or con in the uninitiated. The paint is sort of a meta1l1c avocado and aroused comments from, "rather plain" to, " quite attractive" • No one however, could fault the workmanship or quality of finish. The paint, the chrome, the trim and all major components were beautifully rendered and speaks well for improved quality control in the Triumph factory. The' only component the English have apparently despaired of improving is their gasket material. We noted wryly that on the model ISlO BERKSHIRE TRIAL SCHEDULED FOR MAY 16111 & 11111 AT MIDDLEFIELD, MASS. Handling every bit as good as we've come to expect from Triumph motorcycles; dead ' steady steering and stable enough to ride In a gale . Riding one up or two, it made no difference in the hnadllng. The one thing that Impressed us most about the Triumph Tiger 650 is that it performs all Its functions without the slightest whimper. It is not a flashy high-strung street racer, but rather a untempermental workhorse designed to carry you from point A to point B with a minimum of hassles. It just wouldn't seem right to paint It Dayg10 Orange. • road touring season (which in CalI!ornia starts on the - day following the close of the previous season) the CYCLE NEWS staff had the pleasure of testing one of Triumph's premier touring machines; the Tiger 650. Although not the flashiest or the fastest model in the Triumph line, the Tiger has admirable simple vtrtures that endears it to riders who would rather spend their time soaking up the road, air and sunshine Instead of tinering with a balky strip burner. On one trip up and down the scenic Pacific coast we totaled up 500 miles packing doubled without the first problem Barry has also bought 15 acr es of land an action that has set British fans furiously speculating about his long term intentions. Is mighty Briggs thinking of setWng In the States? Meantime, although his negotiations to get a Yank team to Britain.looks like it's getting off the ground, his ambassadorial wranglings to sueeze National champion Steve Bast Into this year's World Championship look like falling on fallow land. With the British qual\!iers having to be run earlier than ever this year, the tight schedule means that something like 200 British-based riders won't get a chance at the title. For there are to be no rounds on Division II tracks. And that means no joy for Bast. . Another International name In a similar spot is the Japanese champion, Jimmy Ogisu, now scheduled to make his European debut In the first big classic of the British season, the Wills Internationale at Wimbledon, London, on May 25. Ogisu also asked to compete In the World Championship but was given the same answer. But there is hope for the future. With speedway extending Its horizons Internationally it is likely that there will be a non-European theatre for qual\!lcation In 1971, encompassing riders fromAustralla, New Zealand, the U.S.A., and Japan. in CalI!ornia - Kawasaki Motors Corp. has established an Engine Division with main offices In Minneapolis, Minnesota for distribution of Kawasaki engines in North America. Mr. Yojl Hamawaki, Vice President of Kawasaki Motors corp.bas announced that Mr. Darrel Krause w11l be the Manager of this Division. The new Engine Division address is 5100 Edina Industrial Boulevard, Minneapolis, Minn. 55435, telephone number 612/941-6696. For the past four years Mr. Krause has been with the Motorcycle Division of Kawasaki . He Is 31 years old with an excellent background in engineering and product development. Kawasaki recently Introduced engines for snowmobiles and All Season Vehicles. New models for minibikes, chain saws, and generators w11l be available soon. In addition to being Japan's largest air cooled engine manufacturer, Kawasak1is one of the world's leading manufacturers of ships, aircraft, high speed trains, and motorcycles . WIN.. ~ ride an XC- 100 INVADER ~~ ~ Stay ahead all the way with MB XC-100 INVADER. Genuine Ceriani suspension lets you steer through the most grueling experience-no sweat! 51" wheelbase. THE INVADER gets you where you want to be ... First. Write MB SPORTCYCLES for complete details. 311 E. Alexander Ave., Tacoma, Washington, 98421 . DELUXE DESERT MODEL Designed for fast, rough Desert riding or trick y T rials use more." . Fearrnan is contacting Briggs In the States to pass on this message. So the prospect of a British visit by an American team Is now very much on the cards. Briggs, Incidentally, has announced that he hopes to commute to America durmg the British season, thus gaining the best of both worlds. "Although the travel w11l probably kill me in the end," he said, with a grin. New Zealander KAWASAKI ENGINE DIVISION ESTABLISHED was Britain Asks For Yank Team To· Com.pete In Speedway Races By Dave Lanning Wanted. A Stateside sponsor to s end an American national speedway team to Britain this year. For a London mee ting of British League Division II bosses have agreed to invite a Yank team to tour for the first time since 1951- providing some organization w11l sponsor their travel arrangements. Brltian's Division II, with 16 clubs from Berwick on the Scottish border to Plymouth down In glorious Devon, is already heavily committed with international tours this year. The Czechoslovakians, box office bonanza last year, are returning for seven matches in August. Another series against young Australasia - the pick of aspiring Aussles and Kiwis - w11l also be staged later In the year. Now, following correspondence with ace soloist Barry Briggs, who has been riding for Yamaha at Houston and Daytona, the British track bosses believe they could still find room for a visit from Americans, but they cannot afford to shell out to airlift such a team to the United KIngdom. Commented multiple-promoter Reg Fearman, chairman of the Division II Management Committee: "We have the greatest speedway set-up In the world In Britain. Every nation comes here to learn about speedway - the Swedes, Russians, Poles. No nation can ever hope to become an international force without extended experience on our tracks. " If the Americans wish to take advantage of our facillties, we would be delighted to see them even though, for the most part, they are a totally unknown quantity. We are gambling heavily on their public appeal. "But providing they can arrange for a sponsor to fly them to Britaln - and we understand that there are many big money sponsors In the States - then we would be prepared to arrange their accommodation and travel for their duration in this country. I envisage a 14 day tour, with five matches - but possibly The 1970 edition of this well estabUshed cross country motorcycle event w11l take place in the Berkshire Hills of western Massachusetts over the May 16th & 17th weekend, headquartered at the Middlefield Fairgrounds. The ISDT type event will cover approximately 400 miles of mountain trails and dirt roads, and w11l Include special speed test sections both days. Run under rules similar. to the ISDT, the Berkshire awards medals to all finishers, gold, silver, or bronze, depending on the score earned. In addition, team awards go to the top trade supported one make team, and the top sportsman club team. We Pay Postage on Prepaid Orders California Residents add 5% for ..Ies tax Dealer Inquires Invited Mayrielc Shoelcs $34.00 • pair S0-90 PROGRESSIVELY W OUND CHROME PLATED SPRING FOUR S, INCH TRAVEL, 13 INCHES CEN TER TO CENTER, AVAILABL E IN EYE & EYE OR EYE & CLEVIS TYPE. NORTI-I AMERICAN IMPORTS P .O . BOX 62\ GARDEN GROVE , CAUFORNIA g,2642 PHONE (714) 534-63"0 ' ~ to:I ~ ::5 U :>.. U

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