Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 02 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'R e g u l a r l y Scheduled Event. ATTENTION PROMOTERS: For ListIng In this column call or wrltl: Paul Cosner, clo Cycle News Box 498, Long Beach, Ca. 90801 (213) 421-1433 . SAT. &. SUN., JAN. 31st &. FEB. 1st" OPEN PRACTICE: Sport riding at Huntington Beach Cycle Park - 1/2 mi. west of Beach on Talbert. $1.50 per bike and rider. Spectators 50~. Hours from 10 a.m, to 4 p.m, Into: 897-4458. HARE SCRAMBLES by the Greyhounds MC at the Ponderosa, Cal. 15 mUes east of Lancaster on Ave. J . Three nine mUe loops, all classes both days, trophies to 50%. Contingency awards from McHal and Bardahl, Camping. Into: (213) 3672907. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT TT RACING, Elsinore Race Track, Gates open 3 p.m.; races start 7:30 p.m., Off HwY. 71 In Elsinore, Cal. 1st &. 3rd SUN, OF EVERY MO. . . . Deadman's Point, Apple Valley, Cal. 1st Sun. European Scrambles, 3 Classes, 1 hr. each - 8 a.m, Practice - 10 a.m, start - 3rd Sunday, Motocross - all classes, 8 a.m, prac, - 10 a.m, start. $1.00 Entry Fee - Into: (714) 247-7473 (eves.) SATURDAY, JANUARY 31st MOTOCROSS SCHOOL by Gary Bailey at Bay Mare. Group and indivldualinstructlon $15. 8:30 a.m, to 4:30 p.m, Sign up Saturday morning. FRIDAY, JANUARY 30th FLATTRACKAND TTSCRAMBLESat ' Trojan Speedway, South Gate, Cal. Gates open 6 p.m, and close at 7: 15 p.m. Flrst race 7:30 p.m, Into: (213) 923-7115 ~ TROPHY PRESENTATION by So. Cal. Buzzards and S.G.V.M.C. at 7 p.m., St. Sava Hall, 1640 S. San Gabriel Blvd., San Gabriel, Cal. MOTOCROSS SCRAMBLES at Altamont Speedway, Tracy-Liver"' - ""\,, HwY 50 at junction of !" OU~ 't~ .. e from 6 to 7:45 P.,.."c~\.\.E_ c e at 8 p.m, Jr. & Sr. class. C".... admission. For Into. call BR 6-9213 or (415) 276;-9211. SUNDAY, FEBRUARYbt '0 FILMS of the National Hare and Hound at Cherry Creek, Utah, Isle of Mann, Belgium Grand Prfx, German Gran Prfx, and Holland Grand Prix all for free. Lomita Rec ; Center, 24428 Eshelman Ave., Lomita, 8 p.rn, Tickets available at Pacific Coast Honda on first come flrst serve basis. Doors open at 7: 15for those with tickets. Others wlll be admitted at 7:45, space permitting. Free refreshments too . MOTOCROSS Team Prix at Bay Mare, Cal. $2200 total in prizes. 125, 250 and 500cc classes. Teams may be 1 Sr. and 1 Jr. or two Jrs. Practice at 0 a.m, $15 per team to: Team Prix, 15032 Ventura . BlVd., Sherman oaks, Cal. Entries close Jan. 26th. Into: 986-5251. ENDURO Sawmill Enduro by North Bay M.C. at Upper Lake, Cal. 70 miles, 18 MPH average, Water proofing a must. 1 hr. lay over, food and gas available. Man entries by Jan. 22 to: Max Hurlburt, 2283 West Hearn Ave., Santa Rosa, Cal. 95401. Iofo: (707) 542-0287. J . C. AGAJAN IAN Presents A MA TT STEEPLECHASE All seats . ••..• •. •• • $3.00 Children 8-12 •.• ••••• $1.00 Under 8 • • •• •• ••. • • Free FEB 1st • 2:30 p.m, - Gates Open Noon 18400 S. Vermont-Gard ena Easily Reach ed - Just Off HarbO r & San Di e go Frwys. HARE SCRAMBLES Monster Run by the K.C. Trail Blazers at Buttonwlllow, Cal. Three 25 mile loops, two for traU bikes. Limed from middle of town, 11 a.m , . start•. AMA O1st. 35 point event. Into : (805) 746-4058. MOTOCROSS by Stockton MC at Helvetia Park 6 miles westofSacramentoonHwY. 16. Races start at 10 a.m, Novice, Amateur and Expert classes in 125, 250 and Open divisions. Info: Jorgie's (209) 4632912 or Coleman's (209) 466-5872. ENDURO Gold Rush Enduro by tlui Prospectors M.C. Start and finish 15 mUes north of Mojave, Cal. on HwY 14. 100 mUes, well marked, laid out for the average rider. AMA and Dtst; 37 Sanct, Gas and food at start. Trallbikes go full distance. License and muffler optional. $7 post entry, $5 mail entry ($1 additional for each team rider) to: Earl WUson, 1547 W. 219th St., Torrance, Cal. 90501. MOTOCROSS at Huntington Beach Cycle Park. l /Z mi. w. of Beach Ave. on Talbert, Huntington Beach, Cal. Gates open at 8 a.m., sign-up W10 a.m, Jr.and Sr. classes, three number plates. $3 entry, park admission $1.50. Into : (714) 8974458 or 638-9530. PROFESSIONAL TT RACE Ascot Park, Gardena, Cal. Season opener. Gates open at Noon, first race 2:30 p.m, Into : 3215323 or 323-5055. EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES by the Sagehoppe rs M.C. Limed from HwY. 5 and Enc1n1tas Blvd., Enc1n1tas, Cal. Practice at 9 a.m, Experts race at 10 a.m., Novices follow. AMA Sanct. $3.50 entry. Into : (714) 273-5258. ENGLISH TRIALS by the San Diego Trials Riders at Elfin Forest, Escondido . Take HwY 395 to Escondido, then 9th St. west to Ume. S.D.T.R. sanct, $3 entry fee. Spark arrestors requested• For into. call (714) 477-5969. MOTOCROSS by the High jinks F .M.C. 3 classes: 10OCc, 125cc, & 250 Open. Trophies to 40% presented at finish. Entry fee $3. Riders' meeting at 9:30 a.m, Start at 10a.m.Limedfrom Central Ave. off Riverside FrwY. For inlo. call (213) 865-4508. MOTOCROSS by the CMC at Perris, Cal. All new course, all classes. $10' post entry, $5 maU entry to: CMC, P.O. Box 1402, Costa Mesa, Cal. 92626. Into: (714) 646-3143. EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES by Desert Cballengers and Jesters MC at Phelan, Cal. Limed from HwY. 395 and 66. Pits across the street from Rockin K Tavern on Phelen Road. Brand new courses, trophies to 40% of entries. Starting times: Jesters - 125/250, 9 a.m.; Open 10:15 a.m.; 100cc 11:30 a.m, (Last month's trophies may be picked up at a 1:30 presentation at the Rockln KTavern) NOTE: The Desert Cballengers have cancelled thelr portion of this race. TT SCRAMBLES at Eastside Cycle Park, Tucson, Ariz. Into: 327-6902. DEADMAN'S POINT • RIDE WITH THE BEST RIDE FEBRUARY 8 :!!! .I1J1aD MERC~DISE Y AWARDS.... (i)

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