Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 01 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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but w111 be per mitted a back UP bike of the sam e size and make. The guaranteed pur se for the event will be $1000. The cours e will be slightly changed to put pit areas in front of the grandstands s o spec tators w111 be able to s ee the changing of r iders. The program will lead off at 10 a.m, with a special passenger race offering $200 to the winners . Each r ider will carry a buddy as he atte mpts to negotiate the tricky course. All classes will s tart and ride togethe r In the team race but will be scored separately. The entry fee is $5per rider and mall and-post entries will be accepted. Mall entries may be sent to: Bailey Bros., 17124 So. Western, Gardena, Cal ., 90247. Further information may be obtained by call1ng (213) 327-1 420. SAN FELIPE 500 SLATED TO RUN LATER THIS MONTH You are Invited to compete in the fir st running of the San Fellpe 500 scheduled for January 30, 31 & February ise, of 1970. This w111 be an off r oad event for cars and motorcycles. There will bEi no pavement work at all. The event Is sponsored by the Dept. of Tourism of Baja Caill. & the town of San Fel1pe, with proceeds to be used for town im provement. The race w111 begin and end in San Fellpe, running clockwise through Puetecltos, San Luis Gonzaga, Chapala, Rancho Santa Inez, E1 Rosario, Camalu, Valle Trinidad and back to San Fellpe. Rider changes will be made at E1 Rosario and parts of the course reach elevations of 4500 feet so bring jets. The classes for cars have been reduced to three, and the traditional two classes for motorcycles have been r etained. The rules have been slmpl1fled as much as possible, but r eta1n1ng adequate safety measures. Gasollne will be avai lable but only Meldcan brand Pe mex Is provided . 1f you need high octave, br ing your own. Friday, Januar y 30th will be devoted to tech Inspection at the E1 Cortez Motel In San Fellpe. Motorcycles will be s tarted at 1 minute intervals starting at 0:00 a.m, January 31st. . Cars w111 be s ta r ted at 1:00 p.m, January 31st. The time llmlt for completi on of the race Is 24 hours. The entry fee will be $175.00 for automobiles and $75.00 for motorcycles. It will Include insurance, gasollne, & jac ket patch but will not includ e accommodatlons. January 17 Is the closing date for entries. The prize money for cars Is 40% of the total entry fees for cars dis tributed among the first 5 places In each car class. The prize money for motorcycles Is '40% of the total motorcycle entry fee distributed among the first 5 places In each motorcycle cla ss. Trophies and prize w111 be pres ented 8:00 p.m., Sunday February Ist, at the EI Cortez Motel. Tourist card and visitor cards will be required but every effort w111 be made by the Dept. of Tourism to smooth the way and avoid Inconvenience to the drivers and their teams . A- charge of $3.00 Is required for the drivers and crews cards. Further Information and entry blanks can be obtai ned by contacting B111 or Shirley Alvarez at p.O . Box 4029, Fuller ton, Cal. Phone (714) 528-5 146. Another Scrambler's 1st: BORREGO 300 SET FOR THIS WEEKEND The first clas sic off-croad race within the finan1cal means of the aver age Sunday motorc ycle racer Is scheduled for Jan. 17, 18 near the Salton Sea . B1l1ed as "The Borrego 300" this new event, with an expected purse of $7500, Is only charging $25.00 per motor cycle entry. This Is a far cry fr om the $150 to $300 fees charged for other off- road races . Inter es ted parUclpants may write for fur ther Infor mation and an entry blank to Johnny Jones , c/ o Action Auto Parts, 4086 Mar ket St., San Diego, Ca . or phone (262) 868- 6789. BAYMARE All lie. COlrse fll for All lillers Sign-up 1:30 a.m. District 31 Points Class CTractio. Or '.o"ies THREE HOUR TEAM RACE SET FOR ASCOT, JAN. 25 GARDENA, CAL.• Jan. 13,1970- Ascot Park motocross promoters Boband Gary Bailey announced today that a team motocross has been scheduled for the Gar dena, Cal. racetrack on Sunday, Jan. 25th. Teams may be composed of one Senior and one J unior rider or two Juni or riders. Contestants may enter one mach1ne • • SaOOLeSaCK • • • • • • • • • • ~he ACTION'S at1 $1,200 (ash purse $1,000 In .erchandise $2,200010'" Prile orance COUnTY'S moror PLaYGrOuno , JANUARY 25 AMA Motocr os s Watch this s pa ce for fut ure events. W ' re e p lanning a full ye ar of Motocro ss, Sc ramb le s and hillcl imbsl Ope n Wee kend s, 8 a .m. s-s p.m, Cl os e d W kday s ee Adm ission S2.50; Juniors & Mini s S1.50 saDDLeaacK ParK 10 ~ BOX 2455, oranGe. cauFOI71Ia 92667 NewllOrtFwy. to Chapman Ave., east to Santiago Canyon Blvd.. tum right, 1'fz miles to entrance opposite state fire station. Phone (71 4) 639-5832. '-'I1II.... -..lI,.", _ : : • • • • • • : ~• TEAM PRIX SPECTACULAR SUN.. FEB_ 1ST. 84¥MArdE ENTRIES a.OSE JAN.26th lJi"ifro' ClASSES,125 ~~ 250 5: 5 50050~S SAME COURSE /ItS OCT.26 th NO DUST. NO MUD Send ~15°O Per Team to TEAMPIlIX IS==~SBLVD. GATE PAS9E8 WITH ENTRY 2 RIDERS PER TEA.., I JR. I SR ..... 2. JR . 2 JR. COMPETE RlR MONEY E11Ilf'HI MONEY ONLY JRt.SR. 50's can ride 250, 500, or both classes' RIDERS "'UST RIDE UNDER HIGHEST CLASSIFICATION ACA.- CMC-AMA ~ ./gell£'f)t/l. PRAcnCE.9:30-IO=OO 125- 10:00-11:00 250-12:00-1:30 500-2:30- 4 :00 £NT£R,TI//NM£AlT B€7W££A/ AL.L. CAROS ACCEPTEO 1G4C!E-S SAT.. JAN. 31st - GARY BAILEYMOTO SCNOOL- " " . ... -' ~.~.• _~ • •• ~~• • ~~.~• .~• • • • : • • • : • • • • • • • • • • • ! . ~~. .••• ...

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