Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Regularly SCheduled Event. ATIENTION PROMOTERS: Far LlsUo,ln tbls col_ call or wrl": Pal CosIer, c/. Cycle News Boa 491, Lan, Beach, Ca. 90101 (213) 421-1433 EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT NIGHT MOTOCROSS at Altamont Speedway, Livermore, CaL Pits open 6 p.m. - First race 7:30 p.m. Jr. I< Sr. Classes, C&sbl< Tropb1es. For info. call (415) 278-3154 or 447-7727. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT TT RACING, Elsinore Race Track, Gates open 3 p.m•• races start 7:30 p.m., Off Hwy. 71 in Elsinore, CaL AMA CLASS C INDOOR SHORT TRACK (Dec. 13, 20. 26, Jan. I, 23) Cow Palace San Francisco. Warm ups 6:30 p.m. Races 8:15 p.m. 1st II 3rd SUN. OF EVERY MO. Deedm'ns Point, Apple Valley, Cal. - 1st Sun. European Scr.. 3 classes. 1 br. each - 8 a.m. prac. - 10 a.m. start. - 3rd Sun., Motocrossall classes, 8 a.m. prac.- 10 a.m. start. IDfo: (714) 247-7473 (eves.). TUESDAY, DECEMBER23D VACATION by tbe Cycle News staff. The offlces of Cycle News wW be closed for two weeks during the holiday period. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21111 INDOOR SHORT TRACK at the Cow Palace, San Francisco, Cal. AMA Professionals. Races at 8: 15 p.m. Adults $2.75, kids 75~. MOTOCROSS Gary Baney motocross school in the morning and 125 and 250 Jr. races in the p.m. at Ascot Park, Gardena, Cal. •........... _._ SUNDAY,DECEMBER2~ TT SCRAMBLES by L1cbtwelcbts M.C. at Adelanto, Cal. Race Track. SpecJal M1n1 BIke race. o-200cc 7 a.m. stcn-uP, 8 a.m. practice. 250CC 10 a.m. stcn-uP. BIc boree III p.m. s1gn-uP, 1 p.m. pract. MOTOCRaIS at Ascot Park, GardeDa, Cal. All classes, priZe mOll8Y for Seniors. Fract. at "9 a.m. first race at 10:30 a.m. $12 mall entry onJy to; 17124 S. Western Ave. 116. GardeDa, Cal. 9Oll4'7. TRIALS by tile Blue Barons M.C. at 01ymp1a, Wash. AMA Senet. Info: 4741591. MOTOCROSS by the CMC at Fontana, Cal. Raceway. First day race of winter season. Pract. at 8 a.m., stcn-uP closes at 9: 15, first race at 10 a.m. $5 mall entry to; CMC, P.O. Box 1402, Costa Mesa, Cal. 911626. PrIze money to 250 and 500 EJlperts, trophies to others. $10 post entry. Info: (714) 64&-3143. BARE AND ijOUND by tile El Cajon M.C. AMA Dlst. 38 sanet. 10th annual Coyote Chase. Info: (714) 444-7829. MOTOCROSS by tbe Lompoc Slo-Poites M.C. at Santa Maria Speedway, Cal.AMA DIST. 35 Senet. Info: 734-4716. ENDURO Goose Chase Enduro by Explorer Post 305 of oakhurst, CaL AMA Senet. TT SCRAMBLES at Woodland, Wash. AMA Sanet. S1gn-uPs at 8 a.m. BARE SCRAMBLES by the Master Links M.C. Last Chance for AMA Dist. 37 points. Limed from Adelanto, Cal. Info: (714) 892-3709 or 897-0250. -. _._ : BAILEY BROS. SAY: • : 11t~ eW4tMtU • : THIS AD GOOO FOR $1.00 OFF PRICE OF GEN. ADMISSION TO • : • : : : L.A. INTERNATIONAL MOTO-X : : : DEC. 27 & 28 : : ASCOT PARK ARENA : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "Q». -----...,.-+-~~~:..:...._-\---------. · · • . . • ~ ~ • 7\ ~ • ~ ~ I • I----I-----------l--------iii •r MOTOCROSS by the Bushmasters M.C. at Canyon Crest, Riverside, Cal. Proceeds to Dave McCord family. Limed west of Riverside Fwy. on Central Aft. $2.50 entry, first race 9:30 a.m. Info: (714) 8'77-0101. MOTOCROSS by the Scramblers M.C. at Bay Mare, Cal. AMA Dist. 37 points. Post entry $5, $3.50 mail entry to: 7439 Baird St., Reseda, Cal. 91335. Info: (213) 342-4231. r , HA,RSOR.. FWY I~ 1" 1lA1. 011 SIIIU 1lA1. 011 SKin DEC. 28th DEC. 27th SUI. SCHEDUlf SAT. SCIIEDflIE 1:. PlIIIIll_ 11:. JIll. Prt~ lUi, 251, .-cc • 12& Sr.1 12:.'.....1 ... PnID'l111 12lill • liIGccl l:• •lI-Cre.. SellNI I:.......'......CrI.. I_C (FULL SII0W: I "'111 .f 12& • Z5I _.,. Till 1& II. . will nhn SU.,.I .,eII GEl, ADM. - $2.51 • • FRIDAY, JANUARY 9tll THURSDAY, JANUARY 1st FLAT TRACK AND TT SCRAMBLES at Trojan Speedway, SoutIl Gate, Cal.Gates open 6 p.m. and close at 7: 15 p.m. First race 7:30 p.m. Info: (1l13) 923-7115. OPEN PRACTICE for Motocross only at HlDlt1ngton Beach Cycle Park, Cal. 1/2 m1Je west of Beach Blvd. on Ta1bertAft. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. $1.50 per rider. Spectators 50~. Info: (714) 897-4458. INDOOR SHORT TRACK at the Cow Palace, San Francisco, Cal. AMA Professionals. Races at 8: 15 p.m. Adults $2.75, kids 75~. SATURDAY, JANUARY 1DtII MOTOCROSS. Sponsored by the City of Concord, Cal. at Baldwin Park on Parkside Dr. Practice at 1 p.m., heats at 2 p.m. Admission $1.50. Entry by personal lnvUation only. FRIDAY, JANUARY 2nd SUNDAY, JANUARY 11111 FLAT" TRACK AND TT SCRAMBLES at Trojan Speedway, South Gate, CaLGates open 6 p.m. aItd close at 7:15 p.m. First race 7:30 p.m. Info: (213) 923-7115. SNOW RUN from Pacific Coast Honda, 2073 Pacific Coast Hwy., Lomita, Cal. Gorman to Ojai and back to L.A. For masocb1sts, sadists and baiody riders. SAT. AND SUN. JAN. 3D aad 4tII Continned on Page 21 OPEN PRACTICE and Sport riding at Huntington Beach Cycle Park" 1/2 mi. W. of Beach Blvd. on Talbert. $1.50 rer rider, epectators 50~. Hours 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Info: (714) 897-4458. .t1 SaOOLeSaCK fihe ACTION'S BARE SCRAMBLES by the Greyhounds M.C. at the Ponderosa, Cal. 15 Mi. E.of Lancaster on Ave. J 3 nine mile loops, all classes both days, tropbtes to 50%. Contingency awards from McHal and Bardahl, camping. Info: (213) 367-2907. DECEMBER 21 National Mini-Bike Champi onshi ps SCTA Riding School SUNDAY, JANUARY 4tb MOTOCROSS by the Feather River M.C. Road limed from Marysv111e, Cal. AMA Sa.nct. All classes and side backs. S1gnuP at 9 a.m. First race at Noon. DECEMBER 28 ACA Motocross Finale TT SCRAMBLES by Eastside Cycle Inc. of Tucson, Ariz. on graded and oiled 3/8 mi. track with three jumps. Info: 32769Oll. TRIALS by Pacific International Trials Society at Cycle Hills near Uvas Dam, Morgan Hill, Cal. Advance entry to: Mr. Vic Victorine, PITS Registrar, P.O.BO% 22711, Menlo Park, Cal. 94025. JANUARY 1 Happy New Yearl Open Weekends. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Closed Weekdays Admission $2.50; Juniors & Minis $L50 MOTOCROSS by River Ridge Associates ztlJab, Wash. 2 mUes east of ZUlab on Hwy 12 to Teapot ServIce Station. S1gnuP at 9 a.m. race at Noon. $3 entry. BOX 2455. oranGe. cal..lFOml3 92661 NewportFwy. to Chapman Ave., east to slinttago Canyon Blvd.. tum riebt, 1'h miles to entrance opposite state fire station. Phone (714) 639-5832. 100 MILE ENDURO by C.E.R.A. (Calif. Enduro Riders Assn.) LImed 15 mt. So. ot Barstow on Hwy 15 I< 66,. Entrtes close Dec. 20. $6 mail entry. $'7 poet. Team entry $1 per rider extra. Ma1l entries to: C.E.R.A .• Box2102,Cypress. Cal. 90630. International Racing Enterprises Presents... ",~~ 11- ~eM'4," MOTOCROSS at BAYMARE -JAN. 4th$315 TO Sf"'OIS 501 TIO'H'U TO J8"'015 Purs. Payolf-125 Cia...: $25-10.10.5; 250 Class: $50-25-10.10-5; SOD Clan: $75-50. 25.10-5. Tropbtes & Prize Money can be picked up at 15032 Ventura Blvd•• Sherman Oaks, Calif. 9ue 'C~ & 'PMt/f ~4U I ENTRY FEE: $5.00 ALL COMPo CARDS ACCEPTED IN FO: (2131 916-5251 Sl,n up: 7-9 a.m.; Praetln: 9-9:30; Ran Ilellns: 9:30 SPECIAL EVENT- R • D Racine Team Is II.klne fir a eIIalleaee froIIIlI, ItIIer team (4 riders),