Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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FOR SALE: TO'M RAPP'S 125 & 250 SHERPA '68 HODAKA 100. Desert set-uP, fresh enc1ne $350.00. Call Kelly (213) 681-10'12 CUSTOM TRIUMPH OnlY custom $1.00 to A-L Cycles, p.O. Box 434, Bellflower, Calif. * Mitco BalfaCO (114) 522-6109 MICRO-MIDGET (go-cart) powered by 1966, 305cc Honda SUPer Hawk motor, 4 speed, elect. starter, super fast, must sell cbeap. (213) 372-9381. '68 HONDA 350, exc. condo $500. 3100 miles. (714) 683-5716. '68 HODAKA 10Occ, 5 speed, 5 port, 26mm carb,' leading Unk front end, Mavericks, Dykes piston, new clutcb and cbatn $325 or offer. (714) 823-6785. '69 YAMAHA DTIB. 940 street mUes, excellent condil1on $650flrm.(213) GA 32550. CAMPER - 6-1/2' long, 4' wide, narrow bed, factory bUUt, excellent condo $65.00. McCulloch Pumper carb, 36mm and tbroWe 11nkage $25.00. (714) 828-8843. '68 GREEVES MX5 Cballenger. Excellent bandllng, fast, perfect condlt1on, o1ckel frame witb orange glass, comp.release, skid plate, many extras $550. (213) 845-1841 eves. 764-8050 days. '69 KA WASAKl Busbwbacker, 175cc, street/dirt, clean. (213) 881-4939. DUNE BUGGY 40 H.P. VW, plaUorm type big tires $'100.00. (714) 622-1174 or 622-8635. '&9 PURSANG Set uP for TT, fast, reliable $550. '69 125 Sherpa, for TT, new piston, ringS, Reed, ported, extra gears, very fast. $475.00. Call M-Sat. (213) 733-4914. THANK YOU For a nne job of riding Inter-Am Carlsbed, Dec. 7, 1st place 125cc class, Bryar Holcomb. Why spend that bard earned dollar on sometbtng that migbt not work? Racers and weekend fun riders: U you bave a problem, give me a call, lets talk about it. We bave a complete machine sbop and servicing plus personal pride to make your bike do what you want it to do. E.C. Blrt (213) 370-9978. 80cc YAMAHA Trail - xtra chrome $195.00. Very clean & sanitary. (213) 722-2159. 14' YELLOW JACKET runabout boat,. 30 bP Merc. motor & traller, tuck &< roll uPbl.. plex. windshield, very clean. WUl trade for DTI-B Yamaha or equal. (213) 722-2159. GREEVES MX3D - FUtron etc., fast, dependable, good shape. (714) 827-5709. HARMON racing cam for 350 Honda $40. Otber parts. (714) 540-6717. 1967 - HARLEY Sprint 25Occ. Special factory, frame, cam, piston, gearing, reliable and fast $395.00. Call (714) 445-2863. * COMPETITION CYCLES S100 DISCOUNT W/lbls Ad on ALL NEW CYCLES! 7241 W. Or.,ltllorpe, Buena Park SALESMAN IiNTED TO $1,• • • A IIJIITH PLUS Larp Honda Dealer needs uper!euced Salellman. Prefer IIWl 25-35 w/fam1IJ catalogue - LATE '68 HUSKY 36OcC, good shape, sUPer dependable $750.00.(213) 676-6101 fred flgiles LATE 1969 GREEVES 360, FUtron, skld plate, compo release, new clntcb, new gears, Cer1an1, sboclal, fast dependab\e, extra parts. (714) 496-1785atier 5, Doug. (213) 347-1203. 21217 Sherman Way (IlCroSS from So b's Oli ve-in). ......AIIl. . can Eagle & Gr."s FOR SALE - Leatbers for motorcycle racing- (213) 698-6172. FOR SALE: Road Racer, 1968 Yamaha TDIC, Goodyears, fairing, factory clutch and igti1tion, all else stock, excellent condll1on, perfect for beginner. $600. Call (213) 695-7761. 1968 BULTACO EL BANDIDO and auto-cycle becJccround. WoadeI'fuI future fal' seIt-starter. Send r _ . to ,~ Lad Honda, 2411 Lincoln, Santa Monlc:a. Calif. '69 SUZUKl lZOcc. Set for dirt, clean, many goodies, $350. (213) 838-5620. NEW HUSQVARNAS NOW IN STOCK 400cc Husqvarna 250cc (8 speed) Husqvarnas MUne Bros.. 1941 E. Colorado, Pasadena Calif. (213) 681-3503. PARTS MAN WANTED EJrpel'ienced only. Full time, good PlI1. Call Mr. Sparts (714) 533-1309. Robt. M. Law MolIorcyc1ell, Anahe1m, Calif. 25% SAYINGS ON INSURANCE 2 STROKE MECHANIC wanted. Must be experienced. Call (213) 655-5101. Three Star Sports Center, Los Angeles, Calif. Dealer garage liability 15% saviii&s on Dealer's bonds. JOHN W. MAYNARD INSURANCE, 3447 Motor -Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Pbone: 836-5211. WANTED: SERVICE MANAGER Pomona' Valley largest Honda- Triumph dealer bas complete shop equipment and work for 3 mechanics. Salary plus benefits. Must bave previous experience as Servil!e Manager and bave references. Footb11l Motorcycles (714) 982-8951. ATTENTION: CHOPPERS-CUSTOMSll I want to do a photo-story on you and your machine it one hasn't been done before. Call DG STUDIOS (213) 4234707. 1968 BULTACO Bandido 36Occ. Many extras, good condition $650. (714) 7533345. Eng. rebuilt, 21" wbeel, 2 gas tanks, Kao1 shocks and more. (213) 390-3406 days. (213) 641-0356 evenlng and weekends. Ask for Mike. 1969 HUSQVARNA 250 MX. Excellently prepared witb many extras. Kon1 shocks, Hallman springs, special sprockets, Barum tire, Akront rims. Goes like tile wind. (216) 889-9802. A '68 PUR SANG is now for sale at Motorcycle Service Center. Don't delay. 220 E. Huntington, Monrova. (213) 3572274. H-D MECHANIC WANTED Must know complete 74's or Sportsters and bave sbop eJqlerience. Need 3 dependable men - year 'round work, All benefits - top pay - bonus. Excellent shop &, equipment, weather & Uving condl110ns. Would belP rtgbt man to move. Excellent opportunity. Call collect for detaUs. Laldlaw's Harley-Davidson Sales, Inc., 8351 Garvey, Rosemead, Calif. 91770 (Southern CalIf.) (213) 2803977. MOTORCYCLE OWNERS, RIDERS Inti ENTHUSIASTS • '69 1/2 C- Z. 5 tanks of gas. Perfect condo $945. '68 MAlCO X-4. Needs rod & piston. $300. (714) 686-5071 or 687-2842. Drag Bike Cbassis. Must see. $300. MORE puts the motorcycl1stS moutb where b1s money is - in governmentl P.O. Box 26062, Sacramento, Ca. 95826. , YAMAHA MECHANIC WANTED monttsa . SACHS· NCAr, Relocate to smog-free Chula VIsta just south of Diego. Need top meebam.c who ts capable of mating $l,ooo/montb or more. Many fringe benef1ts. Call (714) 427-2434. 1144 NO. ..." .... IT. .......... CAUI.~ 1969 MONTESA Cappra 4-speed witb FUtrOll8, Diamond cba1n, Curnuttsbocb, Reed valve, and 34mm carbo $795 (cost $1160); 1968 Kawasaki 35OccScramb1er, $425; 1968 SUZuki 200cc, $3oo.Call(213) 376-6031 mornlngs. san ~ MINI·IIKE West Bend 5 1/2 bP. 2 cycle, band-drum brake. $100 or best dfer. (213) 7926567. ...... "7-DOI 1!1&9 OSSA mLETTO One brl ~ ported, reed, short track pipe and port specks. One new barrel,2rear wheels, tires, bars, many parts•. Write BUl Crane, c/o LEE'S CYCLE 948-4tb Ave., Yuma, Ariz. 85364 '69 HODAKA SS. Fast, excel. condo Baraett clntcb, 26m.m. carb, Hi-comp. bead, compo release, Cer1an1 front & rear, gears, jets, Reed valve, filtron, Dykes piston. $475.00. (213) 8964789. 1969 HONDA 50, 200 mUes, excellent Christmas gift $149.00/offer. (213) 4725902. FREE SAMPLE COPY at Cycle News East (the eastern states Cycle News). Send 15~ in coin or stamps to Cycle News East, Amherst, Ohio 44001. BRIDGESTONE FACTORY RACER'S Gary WeU's selling 175 & 100 Factracers just overbauled. Won 27 tropbys tb1s year. Pbone Ron (602) 278-6093. 1!69 C·Z 360cc Motocross. 3503. $895.00. (213) 681- RICKMAN METISSE road racer '1970' 650 Tri. Dicron1ted lower end - PM cams, pushrods, valve springs, Fontana fronl brake, Certani rear, brake & forts, Goodyears, fairing, street legal, extras. Only 15 mi. on completed machine. Must sell $1595.00 or offer. Kim Stuart, (415) PR 5-6220. VISIT THE INDIAN FACTORY Place your order now for a new 19'10 Indian chopper. From 500cc to 1400cc witb a 60 day delivery: Indlan Factory, 822 South Macoolia, Monrovia, california . KAWASAKI - YAMAHA - SUZUKI HOOAKA 114O·S. C,pre.. St. Unit 'K' La Habra. Cal. to&31- (7141 52501504 5-Porting, piston mod., cylinder boring, beads mUled, expansion chambers MORE. Complete machine sbop. Hel1ar~ Welding. M/C Speciall1es, 15816 Amar Road, City of Industry, Calif. (213) 330-4564. '69 SPORTSTER, Orange, electric start, small gas tank 18" wheels, under 3,000 mUes. Call (213) 691-3427 eveo1ngs. 1968 GREEVES 360cc. Cerian1 forksand sbocks, special M.X. model, Gr1tfon tank, narrow seat, sk,1d Plate, new M.. X. tire, never raced. (213) 357-3696. ENDURO RIDERS, .. ATTENTION California Enduro Riders ASSOCiation (C.E.R,A.). Join now before January 1, 1970 for next year's Endurance runs and save $4.00 - also receive cbarter member benefits. Instruction booklet for new riders and younger riders. Free T-Shirt, etc. Four (4) additional Enduros next yearl by C.E.R.A. For moreintormal1on and entry form write CERA, P.O. Box 2102, Cypress, Calif. 90630. '69 360 GREEVES. Never raced, clean & neat, Cer1an1, 21" wheel. $850.00. (213) 676-2133. 11[;3 HUSKY-Cl-MAICO MOTORCYCLE BUSINESS FOR SALE WeU establ1sbed, good franchises, lots of stock and equipment. MUST sell 1mm~.Termsa~.BobSlr~ Motorcycle. (213) 338-7010. (Tues. tbru Sat.) g1an THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT . 1111 AT . tJAAN#E elJ.eyelE Two I1ckets to tbe Los Angeles Internal10n Motocross. Ascot Park, December 28tb. For I1ckets call TRS-I0oo or (213) 627-1248. •• caM'.' 111( rIMn~,.. _Jat ..Le. •• - - _ cu. . . ~ l l l I l l K _ . I I U LC.c. M:9":TOCROsfHWOUAR'W u ......... :, . E) RAKE CO. CYCLE ...1&&_"..,..11II".... 714-5319984 z~ ~/N6 7b f61I/E UP DEt./Y£~/NG 7~~ O,e #£"MI,f tJt."!USE 4P/AEL) 7b "Iy ,Pot./cy / (;Er "" II) ~ l&l :z: l&l c3 )., U