Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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By Dan'l Mac Murray
My dad had been planning a trip over
a rocky old stagecoach route' in the
Northern California Rubicon River countryon his Bultaco Loblto for quite some
time, and we spent some time researching about the old stage route from Wentworth Springs to the site of the old hotel
at Rubicon Springs.
A few of my father's friends were telling my father how rough the "Lower
Sluce Box" was so he asked one of them,
"What would you think of Danny doing it
on the minibike?"
And the reply came back, "A person
would have to be some kinda nut to
even try!"
So the day before my father left I
asked if I could go with him on my
Bonanza minibike with the hot Hodaka in
it and he said, "Are you kidding?"
I told him, "NO, I really mean it."
He didn't say anything else so the next
day we loaded UP the truck and we headed
for the Rubicon River country;
We camped just east of a ghost town
cailed Wentworth Springs, all by ourselves on the bank of a brim-full river.
We didn't join the four-wheelers in the
slums .they call public campgrounds.
When we got there my father Said,
"I'm not sure how rough it is but just to
put this trip in proper perspective you
can come along on the Bonanza but the
minute you start to get tired you turn
around and head back to camp."
All this was fine by me.
The last t1)ing we did before we left
was to make sure that we didn't leave
anything important like the tools, the
extra spark plugs or the repair links and
chain breaker. After we checked this we
took off.
The real Rubicon Trip begins at the
hardest part, the 'Lower Sluce Box'
where the rocks range from the size of
my fist to bigger'n Ice boxes •••which is
pretty rough going on a minibike. Or
anything on wheels, for that matter.
The secret of traveling over rough
terrain like this is getting off and walking
and letting the biKe pull you so all you
have to do is guide the front wheel and
help it over the bigg.est roCks.
That's the hardest part of the trip.
Toward the middle of the Lower Sluce
Box there's a road branching off to the
left - in case you don't want to quite
finish the Sluce Box, and I didn't! - that
zigs and zags and then goes straight for
a while then back to the zig-zag route,
but eventually It becomes part of the
original road again.
I'm not saying the trip gets much
easier but the rest of it just isn't really
as hard as the Lower Sluce Box.
Four-wheelers don't seem to have
much confidence - they tI:avelin bunches
like bananas and one seldom sees fewer
than three or four In the back country,
and the Rubicon gets 'em in groups of
over 300 - any place those people go
they make a safari out of it.
So about a mile or so past the Lower
Sluce Box we passed a passel of dune
buggies parked beside the road with the
drivers standing in the middle of the road
so here 1 came down the pike right
through the center of the mob..
Everybody in the safari saw me a.nd
their mouths dropped open and their
eyes got real big and one of the guys
there said, "Well, I'llbeasonofa Beel"
This made myoId man laugh so hard
he ran the Lobito off the road into a brush
pile. That made him quit laughing.
The going wasn't too bad for the next
couple miles so we kept plugging along,
Dan'l displays how to ravel over rough terrain with a minibike while negotiating the
Rubicon River Trail.
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getting thirstier and thirstier.
I think \IlY father and I picked the wrong
day for the triP; it was gettin' kinda hot
and I was really sweating under my
helmet, so we were real pleased with
our next discovery 'cause just around a
couple of bends there was a six-Inch
deep crick with the coldest water you
ever tasted. Or maybe it was because I
was never so thirsty before.
My father told me to do the same thing
thai desert riders do when they come to
a crick: Get down and splash water on
yourself and don't forget to wet a rag
because It may get awful hot before you
find water again and nothing feels better
than swabbing yourself with a cool damp
rag on a hot day.
We rested by the crick for a while and
found that there's a trall off to the left
of the crick but we didn't have time to
explore the trail, so we left.
The old stage road would be kind of
hard to lose 'cause you cane see it forty
feet or more ahead of you but I suppose
someone has done it.
A little ways past the crick I really
began to notice how poorly the m1n1bike
ran at high altitude.
My dad said It should be down about
three main jet numbers for the altitude
we were at.
Well, anyway we were going good unW
we came to what Is known as the 'Upper
Sluce Box.'
The Upper Sluce Box Isn't nearly as
hard as the Lower Sluce Box but our
problem was that a Jeep was wedged,.(n
the road so neatly we couldn't get by on
either side.
We got to talking with the two jeepers
and they turned out to be competition
jeepers that actually knew something
about how to use a Jeep.
My dad said that they were the first
four-wheelers he ever saw that knew
their asses from second basel
Some other jeepers came by while we
were talking to the two competition jeepers and as the road was blocked they
signaled them to go around and over.
Then my father asked one of the com(Continued on page 18)
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