Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 12 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~r------------------------------------------"""'" • ~ Q, Afler Sears int~ aU any two-stroke cando is Suzuki's lead. ....... " '~~;~~} • '44 Art Baumann on a SOOcc Suzuki streaking to the first two-stroke victory ever in an open class AMA road race. • Expert race. And won it going away: Taking the lead on lap 4, Baumann's Suzuki finished 48 seconds in front of second place, a full lap ahead of fifth. And another Suzuki T-500 ridden by Ron Grant was in second place for over half the race. The same machine and rider that only a couple of weeks earlier set three new National Land All motorcycle manufacturers claim a lot for their bikes. 'But in the 37 years of AMA road racing, no two-stroke bike ever won the open class in a national race. Until Suzuki did it at the Sears Point Nationals on September 7,1969. Art Baumann riding a Suzuki T-500 won the 125 mile National •• •• I ... • II • ~ ~ I..

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