Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 11 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 27 of 31

: gj a.. CI) ~ :i!: l.:I -.J ~ U THE WINNERS Jim .... bam in Woosta, Obio in 1947 aDd f"1nt started ridiDI in 1965. He beame • profea8oDal in 1966. He resides in Palo Alto, Califomia. When. his nIC:iDs ~ ends-which sbouIdn't be (or some time-he pIaDs tn become a tuner aDd sponsor. (Continued from Page 16) An .&Iumtmn's potmtitll Oft ptrHIfIerIt Ita b«rI recoimzed siIu:e his A _ _ yet1r, IIIId his fint Pictory _ 0II1y II 1Nltt1f' of time. Hf6 will lit San PoilIt 1Mtk 1rim tDtOtlter one of the fint IbM wiIuIln, IIIId broke tN RilyI10mIHIriey 1uDrurtmock 0" rotUl rtlciIr8. An _ 110m ill 511" Frrmcbt:o ill 1943 tIIId 1JOW IiFa ill Brisbtme, OJIi{onritt. He lHpn his spon_ atrf!t!I' ill 1965 lind tliTtIed pro two y-, IIftt:r ~ 11ft AAIA rtIJ%. He is II motlJrcycle medrIuric, _ to tnnd exterubdy, IIIId Iika trtlil ~, huntilr&, IIIId girls. NO. 84-EDDIE WIRTH: SANTA FE 17 CHAMPION .to NO. BOY -JIM RICE: SAN JOSE. CHAMPION, SEDALIA CHAMPION, OKLAHOMA CITY CHAMPION. qll.w tions iDdi&:ate that Jim .... can be one of the future supc:r stars, and we would be swpriaed if he were not given a prominent National Plate for 1970. ONE STOP CYCLE SlfOPPING - Aufhonzed dlr. for PHOElIX BUDDY STUBBS .• ARIZONA HoD. S.r~nl 011 01 Anl. Coalplett stock of twrytlnng fol 1+0. Four lidol)'" fIo'ned oed1..",,- Ooen 'I-< Tues.-Sol 1501 E. lit 00..11 Rd.. 1'110.... 85008. T.I: n;lm 27S-1671. TUJUI..A CRESBlTA VALLEY SPORT CYCLES 7139 Foolll.1I Blvd.. TUJunp. Cafj!. 91042. 352·5911 Y.... Hod., Bonaoza. Sal.. & Ser. ~ _~ coopl.", Ins. Krill,. Honda-Tn""Pll. 1257 S. LaBre. Blvd:. wood. 618-5035. ·The IIIc DepL Sllre.· I.~ .. LA MARIA 100\ FinaKine,. LE llARO & UNOERIOOO. 221 E. h.pei.1 Hoy•• La H..... pilon. 714-819-3252 Of 213-691-3104. ·SeMe. lEST LOS AIlGELES is our arici:lle MlIIf-. 8SA, Honda, BIll. CAUFORNIA . AUMUA STEO'S I.c. 1635 I. Vallet Blvd. /2131 289...35L Wholesale _d Rttal <:tn .... Fooo. Rur SuspenSIOn., Rt~ Me1Jsse KIts. ~fi Lt'ed. NOI also deale foj SoZlli<. &H-O. BUEIA PARK LOIS IIU.ClI DALE B~'" IIIC:" 2~1 U>nl _ 8vd., lJ>n& _ . 427-394L Siul*i. ~lloaI. Nollla, Dum. MustM&. CoIlplete p-b. accessories. Mel service. MlC Insurmct. Finacine,. A* JIJout our diSQMIt dub. latctllor OUlIDlDlly ~eaafsf HARlEY-OAVIOSOII OF LOIIG BEAOl - 3654 U>nl BeD Blvd., 4i5-7IIil 11-0 deoI.. for LOlli Ileadl ar... foil h.. 01 parts &acces. fol boll _ & CDolP. IMIno Top lIlaIltr fully tqUlPIJOd S¥C. doI>l ilI>... Tues.-Fri. 8-6. SoL bI 5. -co, JOE KOONS SALES & S£RVlCE - IlSA, IlllI.Sal. Jncf V""a. & acces. lor oil ..... LalJO ..01. SoeMct depl fuU, st3ffed ... traited MdL ~nlln tI blile and see lIlat we can do. 1350 Eo An.... otll ile>dl, 591-7159 _ Moo. lhN SoL 8-6. r: LONG IlEACIf YAllAlfA, Y lle3I.. for Lonl Boodl ... area. Ie semce ill. Opea , days 9-6:]) In loae ileacll. 3580 E. Padfie Coast Hoy. (213) 433-3981. LONG BEAOl TRllJIPlf SALE~ 624 I. Paafic Coast Hoy., Lonl_ (21D 436-01511. ·Best ..... co ""~ able, $pet1a1illnlln ~s. - Tn., Kaw•• &kilo GuUI and~ LA PUEITE HODAKA Sales. Parts. SefVlce. Uolo GUlZll50cc OoJen EAGlE MOTORS, AllIef/can Eagle, Greeves, Malco, and Ossa - Yankee. 9.ree~ Desert and Motoc«lss. Sales and 5elvice. 6032 Beadl Blvd. (2 doors off Arte~'I. (114\ 52~275l Open weekday' !lo1. Fn. !lo9, 50lH . BURBAU ~ElfR BROS.. Inc.. 317 N. Vic10ry Blvd.. Burtlank. (21~ 842-4147 or 8_21. N.L rea>lI"zed 5 port ..d., eltClu5IYe front fo~ desle'!. Send $2.00 for new 69-70 Cal Y lion.• Hod., Ka.... flolo Glrz~, WB. Open ..... flo.. & Fn. !lo9. NO. 87-MARK BRESLFORD: ASCOT TT CHAMPION Hon.. Tri., Gre., BMW. Sates, Svc.. parts & Ins. Bill ARIZONA _days~. closed ~ 9:1I - 8'00 Tues.-Sat. 11:00-6.110 Sundar. Mot""e" Supply. 14824 E. V.lIey Blvd. Ph. l.J6-881~ MOITEBELLO STEVE HURD IIlTORCYCLES - K ..... 1lllI. M.Ich.. Nor., Gre., Duc., Mon., Hod. Matchless pa1s galOA!:. SelVlte & parts for lItlat we seU. 1405 Olympic Blvd., Mont.bello (21~ 124-11466. »OITEREY PAIK EO KRETZ &iDN CYCLE SHOP. m E. GoIvey Ave., Monleley PI1L AT 0-3244. Tn, Hon.. 1111 Old Sul. Cooplete parts & ElIpOf1 tIJ1i'l & oedl...II<. _co. CUD" PAU PACOIIIA INTERllATllJlAl.IIIC CO. 72D Ch&. Ave•• talol' Padl. (213) ~37llI. 100',01 usad parts. Cyl. rebors. Tri, Y Hod.,_Beta. ••• CASEY'S CYCLE REPAI R- BSA - ~l.. H_•• Swe. for nosl. Coopl. oadllne lllop. ilI>01 Tues. 1hnI Sal. 9-6. lD2e Sol Femaldo Rd.. POQll'" 896-1046. I:lIIIPTlIII CUmJM C1lY SPORTS COTER Soles & Swe. Y .... Iliai-~ke" ToteFtes, ole !nil.... alS!. acces. see you deal. !Joy. 0011. Irade. 15721 S. Al1aatie. Coop. . 6JH058. lIS _ COIllU FLOYD !lIJRK dbI COROIA IIIC COTER. .. !lave Hootda, Tri..... 8IlIloaI. Hi_ & K_saIo. teeIDlIy localod 101 Drool' & Riverside Co. Opeo 9-2 T....~Fri•• 9-5 Sat. '! oil. II. of Hi..... de Foy. 6211 II. Ilaio 01 Hi... ~d. (114) 1~. CULVEI CITY -.,cIe TEO EVAIIS Sales aod 5eMce. Cooplele line of _ fill Tri y_...r 1101-. _ .-I opeod _Ill ,...aoltr· ilI>.. daily 9 II & lion. 1334/ I. lasIllOtllo 6. Sol 8 II 5. dosed Blvd. (lI3) J90-lG. IIDT1lODE CB IIlTORS - Ilullxo safes. .. m. Jil oakes. Vi~ lion ...... TIJiI. _ 01 'llOI1s: .. fill II. bill. CUdi. HodU. & Bill ThoIwI1c!soII.13537 C",,"'" Blvd., H _ . Cal. (213)619-6550. "IDEIl HONDA OF GARDENA, ISS15 s. lestem Ave•• G.rde... Pn: 110-0603 Of 3~31". Belln.gllvale t,atn.couf5e. f(ee nd!nllnst Come 1ft or caU for f\llIln1o. GLEIDALE HOIlOA OF GARDOA, ISS15 S. Ie_ Ave, _ Ph. (213) nlll WIlli lacl. IlJineiJ oedls. Opeo T.... .s.t. 8-6. 671·1ll1'l. BlU KRAUSE 1tOIl000TRllWIf.A1so dea/.. IorY... _ . G & ZlIodapp. Soles. Ser Palls &Ins. 1257 .... S. tJllIea Blvd..lnci.-d. 678-5Ols 01 671.Q41l1 ·Th. WC llI\>l SIDr...... 1C1 .... & usod cydes "" lli>pi., 01 oil hoes. _ only to be carew. He bas the cIeliIr:mIaatIc to slay at It when wins are not comiDg euily, aad be baa the broad taJont to lleccsa. ODe of the best aBoftlWId riden. His exbaQulinary lbility at TT rac:iDq lends itself to both pavesne;,t aDd flat lraclcs, and he Ibows gnU potential in Ihese two areas. No doubt, bill sudiDg hobby sharpem bill feel fot balance aad speed. Eddie aDd his wife Lynn reside in Manhattan Beach, California wbKe be WlX'ks as a priIl_. He bagan riding in 1959 and turned profesoioaal in 1962 with his fatha's ...............1. rulrilr8. Jim Rice won not only his first ClwnpioDJbip race this """""", but also his lIIlrd . FurthermOl'C, he is a first year Expert and does not carry a National Number. 1bese EddIe Wkth, at 26, 1>09' '!I bill Naticaal HAPCO IIlTO R5 - Ito... Hod.. Kaw. Sal.....SemcoParts-lns.-Rentals. Portlnl in all 4-sboIle bl3Ads. Our reputJtion IS built on ServIce. 11637 Pl(::O Bhd.. I. LA. GR 8-Q98.4. 00'" I day, - 8:ll-1. PETE JOS8'I(S HOUS£ OF YAllAlfA - ElSA, 1lllI. Bultaal aod y _ sales service & parts. No do., """..I OAe. Opeo Tues. flo", Sol 8:ll-6:OO........ !he.stars !Joy fbell ~ cars.. 119~ Solta IIooica Blvd. 1 ",I. west 01 San 0i"lO roy. Call (213) GR ~ 6711 for p~ IlCl de•..., _ce. TEI1S IIIPORTS - Tn..... sal.. & Coope!ltioa dnest tlkes - ready to "'. - 18 s»tt. -we will taIle CJfS i. trJdlr 1173 Siltil Monica Btwl, •• Los AnIOJes. (2131 GR ~IIDL Open 6 dols. Rod 1<0*,. SeMco 1laoatOI. IlfJTTlER HARLEY-[AVIOSOll lull ~ . . .o. & .sod oolllCJCJes. parts & """. dopL Lots 01 _ _ . .Ie .. ,.,.., yoollG FREE collee. l2li3lI E. Ihilli.. Blvd. (2131 693-'.1114 Js>eo _-Sol. Home To..•• '1l,,,,,', nooulo HILLS KOLBE CYCLE SHOf' 22431 Del Vall•• _and Hills. I) 8-7865. ElSA, Honda, Bultaal. H.- &Aoo... Eae1" CoopI.1e parts & sennco dept. "Take YO. "siDeSS .ere it is . .ted aad appreciated. Patronize the peeple listed lIere." NO. AMER. CON TIN MT NORTlf AMERICAN IIIPllRTS, Shock'. Ito~ Ila Tr.. sistoriled Ilutions, AkOlt Alloy Rims & SUi"" les, steel lc>okes. Free Ii_ _ lOqUOs\. P.O. Bo.621 G.".. GlOve. Calif.92ti42. Ph. (7141 53406390. NEVADA LAS VEGAS SHAI CYCLE SALES &SERV1CE,J.... C.Z& Bullxo. Coop1ele sales & SOl. doI>L F,lIli.. of parts & aeces. 102li t 1st St.. Las Vep$, Noy. I bill. E. 0I1la,.. PIl. (7Il2) 382-4282. WASHINGTON SEATT\.E PlIMOIIA HARlEY-OAVIOSOlI OF POIIlIlA-1241 I. HoII Blvd. ~ (213) m-L II YEISI DE SlIlp FORDYCE IIlTORCYCLE COTER. •..·ve been l)Id its one of Mends .st CDIlPlete Mel oodem faciliti.... lIIop II. lIil SIDre SAVE Wbefe 1M blfpias . . 10 Ite _dde of Street at 14" Rh'I'M. (714) 684-4747. SAl IElUIOIIG BUOSCHAT Io'IlTORCYCL£S - T... •• HUIlQUar1.... Ouc.. Had.. _ Gl1ul. Norton. Palls - A. ",II<. Ito.", 10-1. Dosed Suo. & Ibt. ·THE IIlTORCYCLE INSlJRAIICE IIITER" ""CO 1937. F"., !hefl. _ . 1'.0. & 8.1. ,ncr._ 0011'Illsuranct and Dealer IftWMOe. JOH 'MAYNARD _e__._ .-1Ily LEATHER APPAREL CUSTlJIlWlE ~ _ _ aod zippers to-. ....-.. 9Ill2 1. _ a_ m--. ~ ABC G*, Colil. 902IID. _ : (2131 564-JWl. Qpeo . . . . to 4:1I p.o. _ fIlru Fri. e, ~. E>ooriOli ..._ t s - , SERVICES STEEN'S loe. 1635 W. V.lley Blvd.. Alhamb13. H, Performanu tlodaka SerVIce: f~s elltended b 5-lneh trawel, 90« c.ue.s bored fot 100cc cylinder, 90ee eases mDll\ed 101 5-spe!d O'J&S. 'bonng and pOftl"&' Con1llete Cell.. susper1SlOSllWU ana serVlU. 8:30-5:)) tmn.Fn: "r ::00 So. q11\ 2p9-4351. NU BER PLAYES Hlld,:ed, fiblqlass pIaIes for plO.& ~ liders. All ~z ... Clllo<>, &_r styles. 24 hI. Ser.plO. quality. Also COIIPIele ~" paiolloJ. P!I. (213) 422·1908 tal ~nces 01 ~" & co-en:iJl Send 101 ilIOdouI. & _b1.... Ace ~" ~ St.. l.on& - . CaL !lIIIl5. Ielleritlt eo.. _et FRAMES Mfr.. IaQIlI I...... nlld 01 "rift,.. libeqfass _ de.,,). "'o&llll _s lor ,IIl;t;,;;loodels fol "Iorm"" to SOIllClELO s....c-..l ~I ('Pet. & _. Sen4! 14547 _ola SL, Uol1 Calif. 91..2 -(213) 785-2323. ·r. VII N",,, ~~!'I'!II!l" Dr;i\LfjRS: Customers keep coming back for Cycle News!lu UIHH.l1{ me newspaper for your store, call Cycle News Circulation Manager (213) 427-7433 (both display and Outside vending Racks now available). Mark Brelsford, from San Bruno, California, was bam in 1949. That makes him one of the younr;est professionals on the c:iradt, aDd a Championsb.t> win during his first Expert year points toward a ~ and lllICCeSlful racing =. Mark started riding in 1966 and turned pro a year later. He is employed as a salesman rides enduros, aDd likes to fish when not otherwise occupied. One day motocross will become an CYCDt on the National Circuit, and Mark's unusual skills at TT and Hare Saambles will establish him as one of the fllYOrites at that kind of racing. ~~~~ Ho' li"ers S'rai",e. O.t A' Perris '''.5 By Elaine Jones PERRIS, CAL. Nov. 15, 1969- What has got to be some at the best racing of the season and the fastest took place at Perris Saturday night when the 250cc Ama.tue- Experts _nt at It. The first go saw Bob Kltne (Yam), the only Nov1ce in the cla.s8, have an easy win but It was the only one. in the second fltght Doug Mason (Yam), Bob, and Steve Ntchols (Yam) fought elbow to elbow unttl the fl.nal turn wilen Steve NIcbolsbombedhts _y through for the win. It was steve and Bob aU the _y In the fl.nal beat with Bob tIna1IJ' getting by as they "ROt down the side. Jamey Blunt (Kaw) anQ Mark ReYe1s (Kaw) had DO trouble ~ lbetr l00cc Nonce Classes but It wasn't cptte so easy for the l00cc Amateur-Experts. Old rtnls Bob Sanders and Doug Mason both Ka-.saJtt mounted IIl8.lI8g4!d tn win one each so Bob broke the tie In the tbtrd moto. It was Bob otlthe ltne ftrstand he stayed there despite anylblng Doug tried. Jim K1lne (Yam) wasn't to be out dcme by brother Bob and showed the 125 boys the way home every time. Chuck Tidwell (Yam) after getting of! to a bad start came back and 100Il the next two to take the 250cc Novice class, Bob Greenstreet, riding a new 360cc Bultaco; had back to back wins in the Novice Motn and the Amateur-Expert moto. Terry Dorsch (Trt) tried to change tb1ngs but was IID3.ble to make the ftrst race so d!dn't have enough points with hts two wins to top Bob's win and two second places. (Results on j:8ge 20) Pe••'s w ~s lesi"e.'s •• Ge' "eir li",s A P~shan1a Judge ruled the state' s helmet ]aw lllIConsUtuttooal In a recent decls1on. He said It .. stifled t!Ie rights at individuals." A 10cal at1lorDey, Yan p. Arnold cba1l~ the conslttuttonaltty ct the law and woo hands down, ISLE OF MAN WORLD'S OLDEST Longest conttnally runnlng motorcycle race in the world Is the isle at Man TT (Tourist Trophy). Its ftrst runnlng was in 1907 and the winner was rldlng a Matchless.

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