Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 10 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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The 250 Junlars spread the width of the start· Inc area before funneUne down Into the first turn at Saddlebaek. The motoc:roSl marked the final one In the CMC Annlver ury Series. By John Shedd ORANGE, CALIF. Oct. 19, 1969 - Jim 0' Neal picked ott the second spot In the 250cc and 500cc Junior classes to cllncb the CMC anniver sary Series. Jim earned 33 polnts out of a possibl e 36 for the six races. After winning the series and the new Greeve s Gritton, Jim was bard17 able to talk for smillng but did say tbat a great deal or the credit must go to bis tuner, Andy Delator ra, who kept both or his C-Zs running flaw1esslJr. Patrick John DeBene detti and Mtke Runyard tied for second in the POints standing with 29 points, wbUe Jim West followed with 26 and B01 Urban with 25. Tbe Greeve s, or course, was the big prize wbicb went to smiling Jim 0' Neal from Reseda, but tropbies wU1 be presented to overall class winners or the series. SUDday was not oaI7 the end or the second very success ful CMC series, but it marked a big muea c- when the club signed QP Its 1,oootII membe r, Robert Leach from Salem, OregoD .Robert r1des a Husky in the Expert class. We bear tbat be ts a bard man to bMt in his neck d the woods. Tbe Saddleback course bad been changed very 1lttle since the ACA motocross two weeks ago, but it was better sHs. Jim O'Neal, ee._, And this Is wIIat " bas be., all about for the last six CMC motoc:ro frOID tbe Nortb H.llywood shakes bends wltb Stu Peters and aeeepts his new Gr..ves Griffon durlnc tbe lWIes althouch points shop of Nlek Nicholson, richt. Jim totaled 33 of a possible 36 Palrlek John .... MIke Runyard he took a seeond to Patrlek John De Benedetti In the flnal raee. tied for seeond pl_ In the series wllh 29 points. prepare d, or so it seemed since dust was at a minimu m. Only a few Expert showed uP for the race, so the 250cc and 500cc classes were combine d and run as one. There were only (our in the 125cc event, but the CMC ran them as a class anyway. Many or the top Experts were in the East for the first or the lnter-A m series so they wUl cause a shortag e or riders unU! the lnter-A m comes west. Mtke Runyar d, who was second in the point standing s, needed a win badly in the 125cc class but bad mechan ical problem s In the first moto wbUe pushing the leaders Tom Rapp and Lars Larsson. Raw won the first one on a Bullaeo sponsor ed by Miteo, but Larsson , the speed mercha nt from Sweden, won the next two on the Torsten Hallman Racing Team Penton. The 250-500 cc Expert class was a duel between Larsson and Jim WUson on the Nick Nlcbols on sponsor ed Greeves Gritton . Larsson retired with problem s In the first leg and Jim went on to win It with almost a full lap lead over second place. In the second leg Lars and Jim swapped the lead several times before AN INTER-AM EVENT OREGON INTERNATIONAL MOTO-CROSS SALEM MOTO-CROSS TRACK * T ten HaII man ors : Bengt Aberg Roger De Coster * Hakan Andersson * Sylvain Geboers SWEDEN World ChiIDpion 4 Times - HUSQVARNA ::D:~:~:~=.. SUN 0AY . NOVEMBER BELGIUM - CZ SWEDEN - HUSQVARNA BELGIUM - cz * Dave Smith ENGLAND - AMERICAN EAGLE *Jiri Stodu Ika CZECHOSLOVAKIA - • SANCTIONED ALL MOTORCYCLE PROFESSIONAL cz For Inf orm ati on Ca ll INTERNATIONAL MOTOCROSS 4190 PALM AVE. OR LA MESA, CAUF. 92041 m4l 460-4219 or 4&0-8151 DON SCHABERG 128 llERRA DR. N.E. SALEM, OREGON 91301 (513) 364-04&1 PRACTICE ••••• ••••• 9:00a.m. RACES ••••• •• 12:00 Noon Sbarpl RA IN OR SH INE SI0.00 INTERNATIONAL S 1.50 NATIONAL SPORTSMAN CLASSES 125cc JR. - 250cc JR. SPORTSMAN 510cc JR. - 500cc SENIOR INTERNATIONAL UD on 't Mis s Th is, - Th e Ro ug hes t, . Wi lde st & Mo st Dif fic ult Sp ort On Ea rth " ~R~~S~~~:~~1TION

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