Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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COSTA MESA, CAL., OCt.·17, 1969Sanctioned by tbe F .I.M. as an EldraNational event due to !be appearance ot
Scottisb rider Bert Harldos, Frtday
nlgbt's sbow at !be fairgrounds track was
wortb every penny ot adm1sslop at Harklos, who 15 Captaln ot tbe Coatbrldge
Monarcb's Team, 15 one of tbe toP
speedway racers in Scotland. Bart bad
tittle trouble adapting to the mucb smaller track but be did have a problem finding tbe rlgbt groove for bls best way
around. He had many opportunities to try
the track as be was matcbed three times
against American riders as well as
com~ting In the regular program.
f.,ing Scot An" Rici Woo"s Top fie'"
At Orange Count, fairgroun"s
Story by Mike Capallte
Photos by Denn1s Greene
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Nel I Haney
Bill Cody missed a transfer to the main
but learned a new sliding position.
His !lrst ride of the even1ng was in
the Handicap program wbere he missed
out by only finishing fourth wblch left
him only the Scratch program to make
It In. As Bert was handicapped to the 50yard Une with Woods on his first run, it
was a tittle too much to ask for his first
time out. Before his scratcb heat, Harklos was pitted against DeWayne Keeter
in a two-lap match race wblcb Keeter
won although Bert was right on his rear
wheel the entire way.
10 his Scratch heat, Bar kins was able
to bold his lead over Larry Heloselman
for the win as Bill CodY and Stu Morley
both fell down. Bert was next matched
against Rick Woods and again f1n1shed
a close second in tbe 2-lap encounter.
10 the second Scratch Seml- main,
Woods got a tittle over-anxious on !be
Une and blasted through the tapes to be
dlsquallf1ed. Using the flag to· s tart, the
starter then bad to send Eddie Mulder to
the pits as Eddie jumped the gun before
the starter even raised the flag. Thl5
left only John Carter and Steve Bast
who took an easy ride for the race to
save their engines as John stayed 10
front all the way and Steve f1n1sbed
second at an easy pace.
After tbls race, Woods came out to the
1nfleld and tried to get a restart on the
w. eni••, e.lIf.
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4.'<-~ 40 New Motorcycles In stock
Oewayne lIIet.. out In front of Dennis Glldenhaus. Oewayne won his match race ov.. tbe
visiting SCot, Bert Harkins.
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Ail orders shipped same day
Wheel on wheel, Steve Bast and Bert
Harkins slide around In their match race.
Bast won on hi s home ground but the Scot
gained the approval of the fans.
the Handicap Maln Event on September
12. Since that time, Rick bas taken ten
wins over Steve when they have raced
agalnst eacb other.
Rick again showed them the way around
in the Handicap Maln Event as he picked
his way through the pack to come UP with
the win as Stu Morley and Chuck Berry
took the next two spotS.
Bert Harkins f1nal1y bad bls moment'
ot glory as be jumped to the lead in the
Scratcb Main and was able to fend otf the
advances by Larry Helnselman and Steve
Bast to take home a maln event win.
Next week they w111 have Barry Briggs
and Ivan Mauger, both World'S Cham-
Rick Woods sliding at opposite lock In
front rI Bert Harkins. Woods won tbe
Handicap Main.
grounds that Bast also inched across the
Une when he blasted through the tapes
and should be disqualWed, not realizing
that if Steve bad been dlsquallf1ed, the
only rider eUg1ble for the re-start would
have been Carter. His tactics proved as
futile as Ron M1ller's were the previous
week and many of the fans were disenchanted with his efforts to get are-start
as be bad so obviously deserve