Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 10 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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TUESDAY,OCTOBERI Regularly SCheduled Even'. ATTENTION Pro"', Int.estH In .dvertlsln. lIlel' .-.I. In lhl~ collflllll. contact: Tom CUlp • .tlonal Advwll sin. DI,ector Cycle New. (213) 427-7433 EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT Flattraek & TT, (l. llge Co. Raceway, ACA Sa1-- ~...<;) _. Gates Open 6:30 pm, 1'. ",,,0 _-e 8 pm, Valencia afframp ot. ....n DIego Freeway lIPprOI. 2 miles South. EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT SPEEDWAY RACING at Orange Coun!;y FairgrOUDds, Costa Mesa.. Gates open 7 p.m. Rac1Dg at 8 p.m. SCRAMBLES by tile HWtioppers ·of Oakland, Cal. at Altamont Speedway. TracyLiTermore on HwY. 50 at Junet. of 580. Prac~ at 5 p.m. Race at 7 p.m. AMA BaDet. 3 ellgine classes, Jr. and Sr. rider classes. Info: (415) 276-9211. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11111 TROPHY PRESENTATION by the invaders M.C. and the Four-Aces M.C. M1D1-sklrt contest and party. Mach1n1sts Hall, 2600 W. Victory Blvt1.. Burbank, Cal. 8 p.m. SAT. & SUN., OCT. 18th and l!th BUGGY RACES by All Good Ra.ctng Enterprlses at octotillo Wells, Cal. Sat: Novlce 50 miler. Sun: Pro 200 mller. Bike class both days. Entries: $25 Nov. $135 Pro. to A.R.E. 6982 La Jolla BI.,d. . La Jolla, Cal. 92037. Info: 459-6528. DESERT SCRAMBLES CANCELLED by the Lions M.C. in the Borego Desert east of BaD Diego, Cal. ROAD RACE by the AFM at Vaca Valley Raceway, Vacal'l1le, Cal. All classes Prod. and G.p. Free entry to racers tra-veI1ng ewer 250 mlles. Gates open at 8 a.m. first race at Noon. Info: (415) 588-6525. MOTOCROSS Inter-Am Internat10mJ at Pepperell, Mass. SPortcenter. Rt. 111 between Pepperell and Nash_, N.H. Admission $4, 1 p.m. start. MOTOCROSS by the Fresno M.C. of Fresno. Cal. Info: 251-2819. SHORT TRACK at Sacramento Raceway, Cal. AMA Sanct. Sign-uP and pract. at 9:30 a.m. race at Noon. Watch or ride $2. BENEFIT RUN by SCl1A for Hathaway ChUdrens Home. Info: (213) 429-3557. TT SCRAMBLES by KIrc City Wheelers M.C. at KIng City Fair Grounds, Cal. AMA Sanct. Class C traction. SIgn-,.:J at 9 a.m. Flrst race at Noon. Into: 385-5591•• ROUGH SCRAMBLES by the Powder Puff Assn. a.t Perris, Cal. AMA Dis!. 37 po1ots, 10 laps more or less. Lightweight pract. 8 a.m., Big Bore pract. 11 a.m. Knobbles OK' Info: (213) 375-0737. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24th SCRAMBLES by the Beaumont M.C. at 4450 Major Dr., Beaumont, Tex. AMA BaDct. Info: 832-2766. FLAT TRACK and TT at Trojan Speedway, South Gate, Cal. Just off the Long Beacb Frwy. Pits close 7 p.m. Three classes. SCRAMBLES by the Bowie Pathfinders M.C. of Bowie, Tex. AMA Sanct. Info: 872-3940•. SCRAMBLES by the Richmond Ramblers of Rlchmond, Cal. AMA Sanet. TAKE A FIEND TO THE RACES THIS WEEKEND OPEN PRACTICE SPort Rid1ng at Hunt1ngton Beach Cycle Park, Cal. 1/2 Mile PROFE&.10NAL TT RACES, Ascot Park, Gardena, CaJU. Rac1Dg starts 8: 15 p.m. See ad tbls Issue. W. of Beach Bl.,d. on Talbert. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. $1.50 per rider, c1ass C traction. Info: 879-4458. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT SUNDAY,OCTOBER1~ MOTOCROSS. Final race of CMC Anniversary Series at SaddJeback Park, Cal. Greeves GrUfon to serles 'lrinner. Post entry $10. $5 mall entry to: p.O. Box 1334, Huntington Beach, Cal. 92647. Info: (714) 646-3143 TT RACING, Els1nore Race Track, Gates open 3 p.m., races start 7:30 p.m .. Off HwY. 71 in Elslnore, Cal. FIRST SAT. OF EVERY MO. 1/2 MILE FLAT TRACK, Ascot Park, Gardena, CaJU. Rac1Dg starts 8: 15 p.m., See ad tb1s Issue. lSI & In SUN. OF EVERY MO. Depdrn.ns Point, Apple Valley, Cal. - 1st Suad. European Sa.. 3 classes, 1 br. each - 8 a.m. prac.- 10 a.m. start.- 3rd SaD., Motocrossall classes, 8 a.m. prac. - 10 a.m. start. Iufo: (714) 247-7473 (eves.). ANA NATIONALS Oc:IH.19, 19&9, S-Uy 155 MILE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP ENDURANCE RUN, Mid-West Enduro Team. P.O. Box 22«4. St. Loui . MO. 63126. At Potosi, Missouri. TRIALS RIDING SCHOOL by S.C. T .A. at Saddleback Park, Cal. Wo: (714) 6395832. MOTOCROSS by Golden Eagles M.C. 011 the IntI. Motocross course, Dallas, Tex. Info: (214) 358-5577. 1-~Sun. ROAD TOUR Hawatian Tour by the Majesties M.C. at the Colorado RiTer, 16 Mi. N. of Blythe, Cal. on HwY. 95. $4 Mall entry to Dale Foss, 5825 E. Florence SP. 21, Bell Gardens, Cal. 90201. AMA Sanet. (213) 771-1716. HARE SCRAMBLES by the Buzzards M.C. AMA Dis!. 37 polnts. Limed from Four Corners, Cal. HwYs 395 and 58. 10 a.m. start, two 40 mlle loops for all bikes. Topless party Sat.. n1gb.t. Info: (213) 359-6355. TT SCRAMBLES by the Mesa M.C. at South Bay Speedway, Cal. Limed south of Cbula Vista on Hwy 101, take Main MINI SCRAMBLES at Sadcl1eback Park, Cal. Info: (714) 639-5832. HALF MILE t. U1A Sanct. at Manor Downs, Te'(..\\~ mi. E. of Austio on Hwy 290 at ~<>~r Downs, Tex. 7 Classes incl. mW's and wbeelle blkes. Sportsman only. Gates open 10 a.m.. first race 2 p.m. Info: 472-8246 or 444-5901. ROAD RUN by the Road Cruisers M.C. san Diego, Cal. !lifo: 479-3808. ~~~~~ ~, 'PtJP«lM 'DUll-fUel SCOT SAT. &SUN., OCTOBER 25t11& 2&111 MOTOCROSS by Hi-llnks M.C.atRi.,erside, Cal. Limed from Central A.,e. off Riverside Frwy. 2 Classes, 0-100 and 101-125. 9:30 a.m. start. Info: (213) 863-4456. 0 OCROSS Ocl.26 SATURDAY,OCTOBER2ah SCRAMBLES by the Pathf1nders M.C. at Kearney Bowi, Cal. NJghtprogram,AMA Sanet. NIGHT MOTOCROSS by the CMC at Fontana intI. Raceway, Cal. cash for E.xperts, six make a c1ass. Tropbles for Juniors. Grandstands and refreshments, post entry. Info: (714) 646-3143. St. east to track. Class C traction. Pract. at 10 a.m. first race at Noon. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25tIl POKER RUN by the Lod1 M.C. at the Lod1 Cycle Bowl, Cal. AMA BaDet. $2 Entry, 10 a.m. sign-uP, run ends at 3 p.m. 100 miles all good paved roads. MOTOCROSS 'by tile Sprockets M.C. at Sprocket's Park, Bakersfield, Cal. AMA Sanet. SHORT TRACK at Sacramento Raceway, Cal. AMA Sanet. S1p-uP and pract. at 9:80 a.m. race at Noon. Watch or ride $2. CROSS COUNTRYby the Lions M.C.AMA Sanet. San Diego County, Cal. TT SCRAMBLES and swap meet by the Grtpsters M.C. at Elsinore, Cal. AMA Dlst. 37 points. Up to 250 sign-uP closes at 8:30 a.m. 250-Open closes at 2:30. Swa,p MlC parts only (no wives). Info: 879-8263. MOTOCROSS by the Fresno, Cal. M.C. Chestnut and Clayton. AMA Sanet. SCRAMBLES by the Wheelers M.C. at the King Clty, Cal. Stampede Grounds. AMA Sanet. Info: 385-5139. HARE AND HOUND by the Rams M.C. 20th Annual BillY Goat Run. Limed from Lucerne, Cal. 13 mi. from Soggy Lake Rd. 10 a.m. start. Tral1 blkes go 47 m.l. first loop. SCRAMBLES by the Corey Park M.C. at Corey Park, Maltby, Wash. AMA Sanet. Infl!: 486-8837. CROSS COUNTRY by the Road Runners M.C. at McCbord AFB, Tacoma, Wash. A.MA Sanet. Info: 584-2451. TT SCRAMBLES at Hun~n Cycle Park, Cal. 1/2 Mi. west of Bl.,d. on Talbert Ave. Sign-uP Noon, first race 12:30 p.m. $2 class C traction. Park admission Info: (714) 897-4458. HILL CUMB by the Campbell M.C. at Cycle Hills, Morgan Hill, Cal. AMA BaDc!. All classes 200cc UP, Unlimi.ted exblbltion, $5 entry. Pract. at 9 a.m. cllmb at 11 a.m. MOTOCROSS Team Prix. TV Special Motocross at Bay Mare Ranch, Cal. $1150 prize money. 125s go 90 m1os, 250-Open goes 2 brs. $15 entry for team includes 4 adult admissions. Gates open at 8 a.m., first race at 10 a.m. Mall entry to: 15032 Ventura BlVd., Sberman Oaks, Cal. Info: (213) 986-5251- MOTOCROSS by the Golden Eagles M.C. MX course 10 Dallas, Te:x. on the IntI. AMA Sanet. MOTOCROSS by the Austin Spokesmen M.C. at Manor ,Downs, Manor, Tex ..AMA Sanct. Info: 452-9798. ENDURO by the Redwood Scramblers M.C. at Crescent City, Cal. AMA Sanet. Info: (707) 464- 5097 • VIDEO TAPE FOR TV Come out ilDd be on televi sion FIRST BIG RACE AT 12:30 Gates Open 9 a.m. - Jr. Qualifying at 10 a.m. See Over 200 Riders Racing for $1200. Purse SCRAMBLES by the Stockton Scramblers M.C. at Lod1 Cycle Bowl, Cal. AMA Sanet. Pract. 9 a.m. to 11, first race at Noon. $1.50 watch or ride. POKER RUN by the Trall Riders of Houston, Tex. POKER RUN by the Lodl M.C. Lodl, Cal. AMA Sanet. Info: 369-7182. r1 I~ - "li1I\!h." Q c. Half·MiI. lsI Sal. ~ OfH~l AGAJANIAN Presents AMA M;ior~yCi~dj~~~:; I I~I F ' 0" "d P"reo< " So< J. Beach Beach 10 to entry, $1.25. PA T A v Nil.'::. 8:15 E, Vi 0 50<: II I vermon~ardena~ 18400 S. Easily Reached. - Just Off HarbOr & San Dlego Frwys. • II ~~~~~~~ '" Pe, Person On Each Adult Ticket

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