Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 10 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WANT ADS WANT ADS release... t1ltron, lUeat fQr TT scrambles. $ or best after (213) S4'7250'l 1.969 YAMAHA US: ~ Set up fQI: TT, very fast, utras. $5.5llJl.Q. SuzuJd X5 S~ 119 (7l4) 539-3474!. WANT ADS '68 mnIMPH 5,OOcc. Z600 ac.tua1 mnes. I.ooks. new. Co~bound, must sell $8,75'. (a13) 790-ZQ55. '6.7 Bl.!L'IlACO LobLtQ" 5: p-Qrt, m1cro- sealed. l1iJi,tIeDed. cnnk, compress1on WANT ADS 23& dLrt bike Ilke new, new spare parts 1.968 BUL.TACO PurSilng.Speclal torque, enctne, e.xc.elleot>. malta otter. (2U) 3.S.94QU~ TEU LA CROSS S S55IL C II afteli i ,.... lIAy aw G3-41n_ veQ' fast. $450..llQ. 5:3.7- 9'l115.. ATTEl'lTl0 - Datsun &. Sl:anIIers.- you can IlearD. tD ride a CZ. SclacqP8, 725.'Z; Brpdmrst LYe., Lo6 AnceJss. Cal. ElL'S 2J '69 YAMAHA 250 EDdIIro;. lSQO m1le.s, clsan 95'. (%13) 33.9.-93.52. HONI:lA Scrambler 250 - cbeny._wly The. bike AdolPh ell rode. to w1n& In tbe German G..P. & SarlrfJPback Park. ~..Am. Must kno.w Suzuki, a.SA., Bu1I:aco; 5 da,ys beDetlts. IIan own tnoIs;. UD1!QI:1IlS t!InI1shed.. Sw:uId Fun. Cllllter, Burbank. (21S) 845-3779 OJ: (21:3) 849-7Z9.5. PI..u tnl tr.. to drCIP In I:lIll SM us. f lCllU' Harlel-D Ids:aIt DHIds. SSElL RLEY-DA.VlDSO 161U SIwmat '111/ Va.n urs. Callf..u~ EiDg;I:De &. transmIsston re,- tmUt. Tbls is tbe tastiest 250cc motocrass. aYaIlable $940.00.. Call (714) 642-8534, eYeS~(714) 642.18%1. KAW.ASAKl ill 500. 3 cylinder, onlY 500 m1le.s, $Il5O. IlaYe Hagen, 5 S.E. ex:wa;r Lane, MIl-wde, Ot:egpn (5:03) 659-6000. FOR SAlE~ MTORCYCLE SERVICE OP DRAG BIKE: For adults anlyl The. compIe.te Trtwnpb drag racing stable. owned by Bob Ebe~ 10.2.6:secDods and 1.38.00 mph on. fort;y iDl:hes and 1l0W set up witb 41l incbas. C.omp!ete extra trame and ~, llOWi ' . IIIllgllatQ. Establisbed 5 years. EJa::.e1lent. op.POl'tunit;y for gpod mecllan1l: or w1ll train. WID sen. tor !racliQll of parts stQck. Smog-b::ee city at lOC4oo0 in. s. calif. (714) a42-3813 or wrUll. "Box E!'". c/o 3Ji-i895. 615-6558 kc BSA VICTOR '67 V1ctm', Cer1aD1s froot& re&J:, sprocket. $4QO~ (213) 478-544l. ti! MAl CO 3&.8 $151. DeW condltiOD. '69 HODAKA desert or motocross ready $350.00. ~;!13) 673-0742 (never raced). Chuck Lantz. Ls alive and well In ReDO' and 15. giVIng: away FREE BU SKlES ANJO PENTONS - wen, aJm.o5t, but 1 will IIllltch or beat any pric.e In tbe U.S. on any model Hus.qyarna. or PentDn. All you ~t to do is ~ your bodY uP bere and get it. 100% fI DS nclng it needed. I am In residence at B1ll Rudd MotQrs, 570 Gentry way, Reno, Nevada., Call !lrst.u, (702) 32.3-109 4 ask for Chu.e.k Lantz or Cb.1:rp Snodgrass. S LE NWANTED Top quallt;y mDDxcycle salesman witb TrLUIllPb. Yamaba and Greave e.l(I)ertence. Aggressive salesman witb. man.- 3€'itme.nt pQS.S1b tie.. Salary QPen. Contact Mr. Sparks at R.M. LB." 'cy tQp (71.4) 5:33- t3 m.echanic.. • Also, oPe HONDA 450 street bike, runs IQOd. HUSQV A-PEJITON, SCUDERlA, 1&34. AYilnO BLVD., REID DO 1353.7 <:Itilshaw 81 vd.. Ridden bvfce, nat raced, (714) 4-Q-2665.. '1'HIS EEKBND $45:Q.OO. (2.13) 676-6.746. otors lU.wlbonl•• Cal. (2l3) TAKE A FIEND TO THE RACES '6~ SDe~ist SAC H J 19.6.9. DA.TSUN P1l:k-uP - rad10 aD. Bamber. best after. 1969 Sachs. l.25:Cl:. readY fbr m.olol:rass. or deSert $575.PO. Call atller ~3A (%1.3) 76:2..35.'73. '6:7 BSA VICTOR - perfect cOlld. All equip.. extras $595.. (714) 6:89-9.95.9. '68 BULT,A.CO PurSang, 25Occ. Clean & t"ll1lable. $625:.00. (S'S) FR 6.-6.fil7_ retluflt $Z5O.. (a13) 753.-895:8. Lar~ Honda Dealer needs uperLenc.ed SIIlesman. Prefer man 25.-S5' w/taJn1I:Y and auto-cycle !lal:.kltround. Woadertul fUture lea- self-startlCr. Send resume to TIlrl!l;r Lad HOIIda. 2411 LIncoln, santa MoD1ea. Cali!. sucllas crank, p:Is.tons, rods, parts '69 YAMAHA 250c.c DTI-B. 1mmandetp '6t Ggldd:ar. sw:iDdD& arm. Good CQIl.dltIan, ractDg mapeID &. trans. $4QO...oo. (213) 579-1967. ~ DSEa CE and a Bell belmet $6.50.00. (714) 537'Z4a8. '67 BODAKA set up for: dirt $275.00.('n4) 53'Z-742a. street legal, 1500 lll1les $650. (7il~ Lu.. 5IIcc SUZUKr. 90. cI1rt eq,uIp.menl $1Z5..QQ or trade tJ ,(714) 5:46-09.78. Qr ('n4) 5.3.8%008. SET- P '68 KAWASAKI tJor ~$/ ~-18bcr orotlJCtS t:x::t:aI 119.00 Y/.. Pica BI~d.. 'N.L.A. 477-0997 HELP-HELP-HELP. In need of experienced H-D MechaJI1cs. Reloeate In sunny San D1eiO wi.tb eotnr coocertl. Fringe beneftts', good pay-and cOlld1t1oa5. San ~o Huley Dav1dsoD Co., 929 lnd1a St. San Diego, Call!. ....... JUSTIlECAUSE 'rOil CAN'T SEE: ntROtlGM THE. FOG .•• Of!l YOUlil FAC€ ELD:. ~

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