Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Slnry by Terry Pratt
Pictures bY DeDDis Green
Qct. 5~ 1.969J - Ron Pierce, serea:med
his Ylmlalla past Don Emde in. tbe cl0sing laps of tbe 250 to Oeen GP .90 to win
tbe AFM meet at Orange C ~ Illternational Race~.
Emde led most of tbe Wl'y w1tb Pierce
drafting along inbts.slJPstream.,A tbree~ battle for was. precl\ld.ed
when JDdy Nicholas' was s1de11ned in tbe
tlrst ball of tile l'3£e.
The w1nn1ng ummer-GillbranseJI Ilac.k:
tea.,m se.ts uP to lap Richards and Rice
in thefr firs.t outing on tIleir first. bac.k:<.
aheadl of' Roland Pagan and Steve Me
Laughlin was. tlf.tll. on tbe 350 American
Steve! s raclng day was cut short after
a ~ tl:re uringpnct1ce burned
his GP Ya.maIia to a crisp. Apparently
a severed. fue1line sllci:ed' tbe. rear tire
and tile ensning crash sparlled tba blaze.
Steve. ltOt uP and ran to the bike" but
tbe flames beat him tbere and the Yamaha was coasumed. bY'tlre.
Don Gingerel11 and Gary Scott fQllowed.
The firS-t l7~ bike across. tbe line was
the Bttdgestooe riddenbyGeorp.M11le£.
Right. behind. him came..Tt:m Rockwood
whll was tile 1%5 vietor Oil a Yamaha.
When tile 2lro Opea Jr. GP race ltOt
tile cbsder, tbe first. tbree were. Yamaha 25.0 ridars. Scott.Autrey, Kel1Y'~
and 01£1: Bre!wer f1ntsIled abeBd (J/. itde.
K1Iler on a 35.ll Suzuki and DJc:k' MartfD
on a NOrton. Wade aDdl Dtcl£ were, clasS'
Riders hit tile S8dd1es at the. smt o! tbe Open. PrQduc.t1oo race. Here's where all
lfIose. wind spr1ntl5 you did in' blgJl sdIool wou1d.~at!..
Flnisb1olLbeb1nd. the out and out GP
machines (J/. PieI:ce and Emda were the
muscle. bikes aC George. Kerker'~ Rolluld
Pagan, and Mike WOZn1ako Ge.oqe and
Mike 'Welte on Nurtxlns' and it. W8S' a '1'1!1'umpli. !or Roland. Wozniak lbst a foot
peg and bad to e1tber rest h1s foot on
the shifter or let it. dange 0IIl tbe breeze.
In tile produdlolll race. Kerker was in
tull command after d1spaI:ch1ng tbe.cballenge of BUl Ma.nley on his BSA Rocket
Three. Wozniak brougIl.t his NOrlnnhome
Cieorp. K'erli:er
C1OQ.Ve. WIdeJ: BUl Manley. Ke1:1W' beJd Ids Nonla..
on tor wins fD boI:h tile GP- and Praduc:t1on. Open clll.sses.
After all the rubber and fiber g)
parts; are rep1ac«1 aDd everytting elsa
58 odNa sled. stra1ibtene