Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 10 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Mucho Mud Slinging At § Salem Motocross !oJ By Marie Layton o.J U SALEM, ORE., Sept. 21, 1969- Takeooe ::.. rougb, well travelled motocross course, U add one week of drencbtng rains, stir well with the wheels of eigbty-two assorted motorcycles, add a few bundred avid tans, wb1p up a fairly dry day and you'll have the formula used at Salem Motocross Par k for their somewhat muddy motocross. The riders weren't slowed noticeably, except on the b1lls and an occasional corner, wbtcb looked more llke a small pOnd. One b1ll near the concession area, where they usually put their wtngs out and fly over, saw many of them lose their momentum and bog down In the mud. Some of them even sUpped around and ended up going the other way, a sure-fire method of cutting down on points. The Beginners Class was the first off the Une and eigbteen more or less un1n1t1ated riders beaded into the l1rst corner. Two went down before that lap was over and by the time the heat was through only ten remained in the funning. The next two heats had dwindled down to fifteen and fourteen starttne, but again lost a good share of them to the hazards at the course. B1ll French of Eugene on a Hodaka took f1rst place with Charles Andrews, also Eugene, on a Honda taking a fairly strong second. Rod Wtebe of Salem riding a Bul took third. The l25cc Junior Class went to Stan Morin of Woodburn on a Honda. Rick Burgett, Portland, rid1ng a Yamaha beld on to the lead for the first two beats and most of the third unW he fell and then settled for working his way back up as far as second place. Steve Brose, al!lO of Portland, f1n1shed in third aboard a Kawasaki. Ike Reed, Salem, winner of the championship race at Sidewinders Class C Expert race this year, turned out for the more physical motocross type rid1ng and ended up with hlgb honors In the 125cc Senior Class rid1ng a Bnltaco. Giving b1m a good, cloae race for second was another Bul, maneuvered by Dennis Sblpman of Salem. Dennis G~w, Salem, took third and Dennis Htines of Beaver took fourth. Actually, it was anyone's guess as to bow these four placed unW the points had been added up for eacb beat, with all of them f1n1sbtng In a different position eacb time. Wayne MWer, Greeves, a toP contender in the 250cc Juniors captured another f1rst In this class with Art Egger, CZ of West Linn, edging in a second place win. Kawasaki rider Robert Eick of Eugene, was third. Ron Long of Sandy came in fourth on that rare (around here anyway) bird, an American Eagle. Salem's Bob Leach was victorious In the 250cc Senior and In the Open rid1ng a Husky for both events. Ed Herrmann, Milwaukie, who placed second In the 250 Seniors found it easy going on b1s Bul most of the way, w1nn1ng his nrst beat and even lapping the Jaggers. He was r1gbt behind Leacb all the way In the 2nd beat, but bad to work a little In the last coming all the way uP from eighth to f1n1sb In second. Garry Seeley, Salem, rid1ng a CZ took third. Matco mounted Dick Clay of Estacada took second In the Open. He led the third beat for four laps but lost to Leach the f1lth time around. Third place went to Dennis Himes of Beaver, 'D0unted on a CZ. The club's next races are scbeduled for the 5th and 19th of October. Any races following that will depend largely upon the county land usage board renewIng their variance. If it is renewed races are planned through the winter and twice monthly. (Results on page 20) beat. Fole Nabs Overall Crown Poi., Seders TreUe" ToEla1ne jones Perris By PERRIS, CAL., Sept. 27,1969- The Elsinore Point run drew some of the Perrts regulars especially In the amateur and expert ranks. The big bike riders had it made because of the six 0' clock start so they beat it over to Perrts and made it a full night of racing. The 100cc classes were almost a repeat of last week except for the first group wbtch had Walt Foster (Suz) who bas been a second place ftntsber for many weeks, move up to take the gold. Rob Morrison (Kaw) and Toby Stanford (Yam), Perris regulars, were the winners of the second and third groups. The fireworks came from the lOOcc Am.lEx. class. As there were only three riders In the class they were put with the l75-200cc class. K1rk McDowell, celebrating one month of marriage, wailed on all comers and brougbt his lOOCc Ka wasaJd bome in front. Bob W1lliams Jr. (Kaw) and Bob K11ne (Suz) were second and third. The 125cc class had the same group of guys battling it out and it ts a pretty even match as DO one rider seems to dominate the winners circle. This week Jim K11ne (Yam) looked tully recovered from his knee Injury and was In the rtgbt place at the rlgbt time and turned it Into a win. Steve "Red Baron" Ttnsley(Yam) made Jim work for it all the way but bad to settle for second. B1ll Dobbs (Yam) got UP to capture third and George GWespie (Yam) was fourth. The 200c:c class saw Loyal Penn (Bul) looking better and better mnvtng UP (Continued 011 Page 29) _ _.~;;.;r HAYWARD POINTS AWARDS NEAR SEASON FINISH StoryandPbotosby W.H. Spencer HAYWARD, CAL., Sept. 27,1969- Jim Foley from Lafayette, wrapped UP the overall points race at Hayward Raceway with a third In the 250cc Expert main Saturday nlgbt. Foley. now bas 49 points with only one more week to make any scores. His closest competition ts the nation's number one sportsman rider, Paul Johnson, but Johnson ts st1ll In a cast and will not ride for awhile. Even with Johnson being out so long his 40 points would bave been worth a second place in Saturday's stand1ngs. Third on the overall Ust ts lOOCc Amateur Rocky Malynn with 38 points. The main event for the evening was a 20-lap affair for 650cc Experts. Bill Budde led it from wire to wire over an extremely slick track. Second went to Tiffen Mullenax who bad his bands full fend1ng off Wheeler Gresham. Likewise, 8.i", YOIr OW, Allor W.eels Th. I.llow sc:ootlne alone the frack on hi s .Ibow In lront 01 the pack Is Larry Pow.,s who lat. cot up to win the 200 Amat_. Th. IlIpp.ry track Is aplly nick named the Hay. ward Spillway. Gresham had his bands full offend1ngoff Dan Hugbes as the first four pulled a half a lap ahead of the rest of the pack to make two distinct races. The 200cc Novice main saw Aaron Asman do terrtlic battle with Ken Toledo for the f1rst half of the race until Asman really turned on the gas and pulled sligbtly ahead to win. Larry Powers took over the lead halfway througb the 200cc Amateur main and won with a command1ng lead. Going Into the 250cc Novice main the points were tied between Bob Doornbos and Mike Burleson both with 26 points. Alter the checkered Bob had a three point lead. Burleson took fourth. A total of elgbt bikes feU In the f1rst turn of the 250cc Amateur main and that ts a clue as to wby this track is called the Hayward Spillway. On the restart Bob Rickerts took over the lead at the end of three laps from Ted Bailey and pulled away to win with a nice lead. Penton - Hodaka Yamaha - BSA Husqvarl'la Norton MOTo-X ACCESSORIES 1223 Ave. I Lancnter CI05) 942""24 M0 In the 2SUcc Expert main Kenny Roberts took the lead from the start. Al Kenyon tried every way In the book to get by to no avail, as Roberts did a great job. Passing is difficult on this track under ideal conditions and almost impossible when the track is as motst and sUck as it was all night. Leaky Lenny Mortensen won the 350cc Amateur main over Dorian Jewett and Clarence Jones. Jones ts the high point man In this class and maintains a th1n one point lead over Bob Clesson. The 500 Amateur main started off with Jay FrWi in the lead but be mtssed a shift and something came apart In the f1rst corner and that sideUned b1m. Bruce Teixeira led the 15 lap 500 Expert main and pulled ahead with qn1te a lead over Ricb Jacobs and Jerry Cbadim who bave been rtgbt on Teixeira In the points all year. A t the half way point Cliff Aksland went througb a bole and f1ntshed second behind Bruce. Scott Schumacher wrapped up b1s class, 650cc Amateur, with a win to give b1m 30 points and an assured trophy for his efforts this year. (Results on page 20) "-llcan Dive & Cycl. Dlst. Co. 500 Broadway St.,, Cal. 94590 All orders shipped same day RECycle Racers Use "~t~~att" RACING CASTOR M& WHub, Spokes & Nipples, Akront Rim Compl.te Kit S39, 95 Prepaid, we pay shipp inc Sp.clfy Rim a. Axel size - We lace wn••ls sa,DD Wi. Wit•• & W Than Any Other Brand On . The" Market. C H EC K The Records For Proof! MId. By Addzip Additi ves 1433 FI rst Street Escalon, CaIIC. 95320

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