Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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~ u,. TOP LEFT: 11....11 Tomm, putter. b, on • liZ. Th. Inmnetlonel 'Olld .Ien "FI.he'lIUIn ."lvlnC In .ntlqu••uto••,••dmltl.d fre•• • TOP RIGHT: Ju.llo remind ,OU Ju.1 how Int_tlon.1 thl ••vent I., he,. I. W.r.bln Ju,IJj of Ih. Sovl.1 Union I••m ,ldlnC a KoYfovU followed b, 1t.I,'. P. . . .lnl Aldo 011 • lIorlnl. THE UNE UP: Lelllo ,ICht. John Rice and Cha,lI. HOl:kl. .re $al:hI .nd Herl:ul.. ,Iders. AI Baker. Thl. ,ounc., m• • • filth. 8111 .nd H.b Uhl f.ther·lOn •• m. Bob Hll:kI 01 lila... Th. new 0 ... IUIII m.... be'. . Oliver Uses Mud To Win Santa Maria Motocross By David Smead SANTA MARIA, CAL. Sept. 21, 1969- Raetoc 15 picldnc uP for the Lompoc Slo-Pokes. One hundred and f11ty-three riders showed uP at the Santa Marta speedway for a day of muddy bike lhruhlng. The lOOCc Juniors got to demonstrate their sldlls first. A great battle dl!\'eloped between John Mason, Hodlllca and Al Syaey on the new Kawasaki 100. The Kawasaki showed its power but Mason's coolness paid off with two firsts wllteb left Syaey second oyeraU. The 125 Juniors battled next. In the first d1v1s1on Dean York oyerwbe1med the field. In the first race he lost fire traverslng the mudhole but eame back from a nttb for two first p1llees. Allan Leach rode hard in a grand attempt to keeP York honest but beseldomgotelose enough. The second division of 125's were more l!\'enly matched. B1ll Lerford won the first and lut race bullet Don Kepley sneak away with the second. Keeping l!\'eryone on his toes was WID Bradley who took a well earned tbtrd oyerall. The 250 Juniors eame off the ltne next. Al Dam observed the style of Gary ChaPltn in the first raee and then eame back to beat him in the next two. OVerlll1 tbtrd place winner, Mike Beanway, on a new, new CZ took two tbtrds and a second and gave fits to Davis and ChapUn. The Experts graced the track with their presence next. To make uP a large field the 100, 125, and 250 Seniors were combined. The 250's got a 10 yard lead over the 125's who in turn had a 10 yard lead over the 100 Seniors. New 125 Expert, Bob Fortier acted Uke he didn't know he was riding against Seniors and that some of them were on 250' s. He got by all but two of the 250's before-five laps were up. He kept uP the paee in the second race only to f1nd that one of the riders &head WlI.B Mike David also on a Sachs. This left Mike Spier the only 250 Expert llb1e to defeJld himself apinst the Sachs power 01 David and Fortier. The tb1rd race ended exactly llke the secOlld with Kawasaki mounted Spier ILhead of Dand and Fortier but not without some thrtlls for l!\'eryone. Bot Fortier and David got bad starts. Foetier got &head llfter some smooth riding but got hung uP in the mudhole behtnd Joe V1ellon long enough to let David build uP a lead that 1lI.Bted to the f1n1sh. 500 Juniors came around to play Jlf:xt but no one was p~ llke Darryl Detnhard. Harvey Wynne beat him once but Darryl's leads in the other two raees were commanding, to say the least. WyMe got s8COIId overlll1 with one first, one second and OIIe luI. The 500 Seniors didn't come to play. After two lips an injury Cllused a restart. Bob Bowers on a Husky excited l!\'eryone by passlng Bill OUver three times in mid air off the back crash wlll1. Mud was OUver's weapon because he passed Bowers three times in the mud. Bowers took two first p1llees but flew too high in the last moto, cruhed and eame in lut. OUver's two seconds and a first pve him the win but Bowers gotlll1 the cheers for his wild jumps. (Results 011 PlI&;e 20)