Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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~r--------------------------------~------------" ~ PEOPLE PLACES THINGS ~ " "";~ ~ TACO MINI- BIKE - TACO BELL ~ SO.ER S EEPSTAKES t..> :... t..> What could be more natural than for two "hot Items" llke Taco minl-blkes and Taco Bell Restaurants to get together to give customers a real bargain? Summer Is the time for both. so a Sweepstakes was establ1sbed to gtye away a total of 20 mlnt-blkes over an e1ght-weekperlod during August and September. Entry blanks were provided Taco mlnt-b1ke dealers and Taco Bell restaurants in Los Angeles, Ventura, and Orangecountles at Callfornla and customers were lnvlted to fUl them out - no purchase necessary. WHITEMAN STAGES U.s. SPEEDWAY CHAMPIONSHIPS VETERAN NEWSMAN JOINS WEBCO INC. STAFF Veteran molDr journalist and publlc relations man Wllson R. Springer has been appoloted Advertislng and Publlc Relations Manager for Webco loc., of Venice, CaUfornla, America's leadlng producer and distrtbutor of motorcycle speclallties and related motorsports parts and accessories. "We are fortunate ID obtain the serVices of Wllson R, Springer as our new Advertising and Publlc Relations Manager", declared Nen Holt, General Manager of Webco, "he brlogs with him valuable experience and knowledge of tbls fleld that will be an asset 10 our expansion program." For over twenty-five years Springer served as an artist/writer for the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner; the final years he concentrated on motorsports and motorcycle events. From 1953 to 1958 he was the Publlc Relations DIrector for the Catallna (Island) Grand Prix races. FIRST H-D BAJA IN LOS ANGELES Once agaln this year, Whiteman StadIum 10 Pacolma will host the runoffs of the United States speedway championships. These events - which last year selected Rick Woods from Huntington Beach as the 1968 king-pin - will be contested over a three date span, commencing Saturday night, September 20th. Woods, who Is called the "Lone Orange" because of his brightly colored racing leathers, rodeInAustrallatoward the end of the last speedway season, facing some of the finest dirt-track racers In the world. It was in that country that Rick perfected his sensatlnnal, lockto-lock sliding style. Among the tlfty riders expected to be 00 hand when tbls annual classic gets under way, will be: the current 1969 high-point rider, Steve Bast from Van Nuys, the Callfornla State Speedway Champion, Sonny Nutter from Culver City, and the Long Beach "Flying Flea," Sammy Tanner. The winner of these three nightly contests - who will be Judged on an accumulated point system - will have tile dubious pleasure of battling with the new World Champion of the Speedway. ~ Two winners a week were selectedfor tile first seven weeks, with on winner each day be1ng drawn during the tlnal week. Awards at tile minl-b1kes were made at local Taco Bell restaurants wh1cb were close ID tile homes of the winners, and a number awarded at Taco Bell headquarters in Torrance, Callf. Taco minl- b1ke dealer participation at the awards was encouraged, with good results. EXOTIC MACHINES EXHIBITED AT LONG BEACH ARENA t t' t t Kawasaki Motors recently announced the promotion of Donald E. Weagel to Eastern Branch Manager. Weagel will be directing Kawasaki's total eastern and southern operations from the company's branch office at 3 Production Way, Avenel, New Jersey. Weagel brings to Kawasaki an extensive background in engineerlngandmarketing, Including twelve years in the molDrcycle Industry. Weagel's promotion to tbls top position follows KawasaJd experience as Eastern Regional Sales Manager and National Marketing Manager. L LOlIC'Rucb SIIort Rucb AT! tt t t t t t t t 0 0 0 (check bOl wanlltd) Send Check or Money Order to: So .,.lIrcycle Aeees_ies Ct. P.O. 11I11082 SID Valley, Calif. 91352 Information Regarding Sachs and Penton 100cc ID 125cc Is a new cyUnder head stud kit from Webco !nc., of Venice, Callf., producers and distributors of quality motorcycle parts and accessories. The four heat treated steel studs in the kit replace the stock head studs, eliminates distortion, and assure perfect allgnment of the head ID the cylinder. The kit, Webco part number 11441, llsts at $1.95 for the complete set of four studs and four nuts. CHEER UP WITH PABATCO KAWASAKI PROMOTION EAST Full Price, inclUding sales tax and shipping charges. Valve available in long and short reach and specials for AT1 125cc Yamaha factory head. t t t NEW SACHS CYLINDER HEAD STUD KIT Working steadily toward manufacture The tenth annual CuslDm Auto-Rama, Dune Buggy. and Hot Rod show will be held Oct. 17-19 at the Long Beach Arena, the sponsoring CompetilDrs Car Club of Long Beach announced. The show will spoWght more than 200 exotic machines by some of the most famous builders In the custom world. "Big Daddy" Ed Roth, the beatnick millionaire, will exhibit his "Callfornla Cruiser", the ftrst machine bunt especlally for long distance motorcycle cruising. Another special feature will be ' the presentation of the much discussed Lear Steam Car, which some people predict will be the answer to the Southland'S smog problem. Latest Type American Made Compression Release Valve $12.80 (Dealer Inquiries Invited) Fa~tory Installation Furnished on RelJlest ~~~~~~~~~ j RICKMAN MOTOCROSS FORKS Dick Hutcblns, president of HarleyDavidson, Los Angeles has maDlIged ID fly 10 the very tlrst "Baja" 100 Desert Scrambler and extends an lnvltatloo to dirt bike fans ID come look It over. The slDre Is at 2531 South Main Street in Los Angeles. The Baja Is the National Championship Greenhorn Enduro :wtnner made famous bY the well known team of Jack Krlzman and Dave Ekins. Designed especially for rspECIALOFFER' tt "'~';'';'~;'''~;''~..J of complete motorcycles haVing custombuilt quality, the Rickman Brothers of England are now producing motocross forks of their own design. Rickman motocross forks use very large (1-5/S-Inch) stanchions oftbinwall steel tube for Ught weight and rigidity, withoJit sacrlflclng strength. The strength Is more than sufficient to absorb the severe jolting encountered 10 motocross racing. Satin-finished forged alumloum alloy yokes have large clamp areas ID hold stanchions. Lower legs sllde directly on hard-chromed stanchions, giVing maximum bearlng surface. Complex system of hydraulic damping combloes with callbrated sprlogs to give smooth control over 6-1/2 inches of travel. Price of $204 locludes stem with Tlmken tapered roller bearlngs and wheel spIndie. Stem fIts all Metisse frames; could be adapted for other appllcations. Avallable from authorized Rickman dealers or the U ,S. distributors, Steen's, Inc., Box 2276 C, :Alhambra, Callfornla 91803. AFM WELCOMES FOREIGNERS The San Diego Chapter of AFM will provide free room and board to any riders from Canada, England, or far distant places who participate In the International Road Race to be held at Orange County loternatlonal Racewayon November 2nd, 1969. Down 10 the dumps? Cheer UP llke George did with tron-On Transtersfrom Pabatco. Be the ftrst in your tam.lly ID destroy one of your good shlrts or maybe the second ID jaZZ UP an old one. So easy to apply, even George could do it. There are four dif[erent designs - The Hodaka Name, The Hodaka loslgnla, Tu1e TIger, and Red Baron. (For Heaven'S sake don't be llke George and put them all on the same shlrt). The Name and losignia are Hodaka Red and the other two are full color jobs, but no matter which ones you get, they all cost the same, a measly 25 cents each. Doesn't that Just bash your bumper? RICKMAN FORK OIL With the introduction of the Rickman road race and motocross forks, a specially blended suspension fiuld has been made avallable to match thetr high qualIty. Resistance to foamlng caused bY rapid action of the forks, and constant viscosity over a very wide temperature range are two outstanding features of thls oU. Rickman Fork on Is highly recommended for use 10 all motorcycle suspension systems. Avallable at $2.05 per bottle from your local dealer or the U.S, distributors, Steen's, Inc., Box 2276 C, Alhambra, Callfornia 91803. PRE-DRILLED KNURLED EDGES made of duraluminum $U•• to $25.00 Cllromtd Stainless Steel SpoIles - 3~ eldl DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED W"te lor (REt. "t~'.'lJ'~ NORTH AMERICAN IMPORTS P. O. lOX 621 GARDEN GROY£. CAL .2640