Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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.... ~ '" Q., Benet Abera jumps Into the lead at the Motocross des Nations closely pressured by Roaer DeCoster. John Banks, number 41, won the second race to the chee,. of a hlahly partisan British crowd. His win was not enouah however and the British team was third behind the Be I&lans and the Swedes. Belgium Displaces England In Motocross Des Nations ten polots. Each country enters five riders but only the scores of the best three are tallied 10 each of the two molos. Each molo 15 40 mloutes plus two laps long. The first race was won by Aberg 10 a wire to wire ride on a Swedish Husqvarna 420. For the first eight laps It was a very close race. Aberg bad about a 20 foot lead on the first lap and beblnd blm Roger DeCoster, Arne Kring and J. Teuwlssen were cresting the jumps three abreast with Joel Robert, Torsten Hallman aDd Jeff Smith snarllng at their rear wheels. Not more than 60 feet separated the first man from the seventh. After eight laps Aberg began to pull away, but DeCoster was st1ll a stroog second. Kring and Teuwissen were battl1ng for third wblle Robert, Hallman and Smith constantly changed positions for fourth and flfth. Aberg took the checkered on the twentleth lap 29 seconds ahead of Kring and Teuwlssen who flnlshed less than a secood apart. Robert, Hallman aDd Smith almost finished 10 a dead heat all witb1n the same half second. After the first round Sweden held a narrow lead with ten polots agalnst 11 polnts for the Belglans. Great BrIta1n was third with 28. When the riders rolled uP to the Une for the secood moto, Aberg was recog- J .... Bankl In perfect forll. Bankl uled • rolcc BSA luper-llike Iinale to rout the two Itrokes In tile llcoad r-.l. lIulIIber five II J. v.n Velth_ III the .Innlna Bel,l.n teall. Photos and Story by Jeff Nolke For the first time s1nce the organizatioo of the motorcross des Nattons,Great Brlta1n bas been defeated 011 her home soU. A strong team entry from both Belg1um and Sweden put the binders 011 England's bid for her 16th w1n 10 23 meetings sloce 1947. The Belg1ans led by Joel Robert won thls year but they were bard pressed by the Swed1sb team headed uP by Bengt Aberg aDd Arole Krlng. The Br1toDS were a dlstant tbIrd. Tbere bad been DO ra1n 10 over a week so the course was bard aDd fast with some dusV sections. The grounds 10eluded two 180 4egree balrplo turns, a six foot vertical drop-off (or more correctly, a san-off) aDd two wooden bridges. OVerall, the course was about ODe aDd a quarter miles around. Tbe scor1Dg system meted out polots 10 direct relation to the f1n1sb1ng posItloo. Thus, the tenth place rider earned IIInet Abera rade • 420cc HUlqvarna .1 did the rest rtf the five man S.edllh te.lI. The rillers .ear their national lIal's colorl over their je,.e,l. When .111 .e I . the It.s and Stripes? (213) 894-9218 WARREN WILSON MOTORS MOTORCl'CLI St.US-SIRVICI South of Nordoff in Sepulveda. Calif. 9000 SEPULVEDA BLVD. SACHS TRAIL BIKES SACHS WINS 6'. OVERALL Sbilllrocks M. C. Hln .. HOIiIlI Sept. 14, 19&9 1st 125cc ERIC JENSEN - SACHS ACA Motocross - 9/14119 125cc senior ':1155 1st Tim Hart - Slcbs 3nI Mike Kanyn - Sicbs Sachs' new 1969 Enduros, K-100 and K-125GS, are successors to the famous Boondocker K-80GS, which won the greatest number of national events in the 1967-68 season. Whether your bag is trailing, racing, or general fun, check out the new '69 Sachs at your dealer. ~ ~ SACHS Dealer InqUIries InVited Importer and Western 01 strl butor IS: HERCULES D1ST. LTO. 1812 Colorado St. Santa Monica, Calif. 90404 PH: (213) 451",728 nized as the man to beat. The second race was destined to be a rerun of the first until John Banks started a fantastic drive through the pack aDd caught uP to Aberg. The British fans were going wild as time was running out. Banks, the BSA rider, passed Aberg on the last lap and took the w1n for the home team. Aberg was second with DeCoster, Teuwlssen, Kring and Sylvan Geboers roundlng out the first s1x., After the tally Belglum won the trophy with 24 polots, Sweden was very close with 27 aDd Great Brlta1n was a dlstant third at 44. The Czechoslovakian team was fourth with 82. Tbls year there were nlne countries represented: Belglum, Czechos1ovakla, Denmark, France, Holland, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland aDd Great Brit1an. Next year perhaps the USA team w1lI make It an even 10 entries. (Results on page 20) OnlyBULTACO Steve's Sultaco Open 6 days a week Mon. & Fri. 9-9 others 9-6 7627 Van Nuys Blvd, - Van Nuys. Cal. (213) 780-6300 Send For CUSTOM MADE Skid Shoe KEN MAELY........s. Ja.' f., - the shoeman Route 2, Box 75B, Corona, Calif. • Itlc tltt ",~" wit, lUurr NI,.' $25. plus C.O.D. & Postaee S~nd Iraclne of boot for perfect fit