Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 09 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ o.C. I.C. SportslII•• AlA loto-I Photos by Gene and Maureen Lee know the word qul t, got it golng and tore out onto the course aga.1n.. .a little 100 Novice who was all to obviously mak1ng his first ride startlng with his r1ghtband an his helmet lnstead of his left inspite of coac~, fa1l1ng off several times, getting stuck in the powder going UP Tower H1ll and f1nal1y retiring before the end of the first leg look1ng absolutely wiped out but happy... the sand h1ll an the far side of the course In the 250 NovIce class where you could see all kinds of r1dlng styles•••what some lacked 10 know-how they sure made UP for 1n enthus1asm .. ,Mary McGee getting knocked off aga.1n...don't know what it 15 but the boys sure like to take bank shots off Mary and she can outr1de half of 'em... Bob Rlley on a brand new Husky 400 motocross going like great guns In his first race on the b1ke sloce switching from Greeves and his lnterestlng comments on the ditference 1n riding two f1ne examples of all-outrac1ng macb1nes ••.be f1n1shed probably second over-all but it was another Husky ridden by Ron Fry we tb1nk won the combloed 250 through Open Expert bash. Racing was over at a respectable time so riders could get home before Sunday dr1vers started home. Those1eftremalning In the p1ts for a while were treated to an exb1b1t1on of fancy wbeelies by a trials r1der with a number place In the top five. Didn't 1mpress the racers one bit and several were readY to go and tell the chaP that the pit area was not the place to do some showing off! Results will follow but ft's better to get them right than rush 'em through and get 'em wrong! Wet And Wild A-t Montana Motocross By Charlie Rossell By Maureen Lee ffi VINE , CALIF. Sept. 7, 1969 _ Saddleback Park was the s1te chosen for the -Orange County M.C.'s motocross but there were some ditf1culties. Clubw1se, they ran everything off splendidly. '!bey bad enough helP, the motocross steward was on band to get r1ders signed UP for motocross numbers, the two heats were run off exactly an time with each class getting one twenty-five mlnute moto and one twenty minute one as the heat was lntense and r1ders were really showing the effects at it. The only tb1ng they couldn't come UP with were results In tiine for our deadline. They tr1ed but it was 1mposs1ble, so apolog1es r1ders for not belng able to 1dentity you. The clubs' troubles started early when the ambulance didn't show. A phone call revealed that the ambulance service said the order for the vehicle bad been cancelled by the club president. It wasn't. F1nally they were talked lnto coming out then the driver parks the vehicle on the road where r1ders return to the p1ts and refused to move. According to club members his behaviour was like someone who lives In trees and there was almost an "-1nc1dent." He f1nal1y moves. Meanwb1le the water truck bad watered the whole course and for some reason, Park RIGHT: Ruben Benites charelne alone at Saddleback. ABOVE: Mike McClain compresses his forks to the limit after comlne off a Jump. off1cials told the driver he wouldn't be needed anymore and sent him off. By the end of the flrst round the dust was so bad as to constitute a real haZard In places. On the Tower H1ll v1s1blity reached zero at times. Anyway, despite au the hassles, the riders were happy and not once did we bear one cOmPla1n~ about not getting enough r1dingl The temperature wasn't so high- but the sun was tremendously lntense. Riders we could recognize and 1dentity were ••.Ruben Ben1tes - Penton w1nn1ng both legs of the 0-12~ Novice class••• he not only looks like John DeSoto's kid brother, he rides with as much style! ••• Bob Maynard riding both the 125 and 500 classes and one Novice saying wistfully "how does he do it? I'm dead!" ...but "Badger" won the 125 Expert on his five speed Yamaha and is way UP there In the 500 classes an his C-Z•••KurtLobmeyer having his bands full with a 250 Suzuki••• Kiyomaru Kato having troubles with his C-Z•• Jead1ng the flrst leg of the 500 he fouled a plug and lost the flrst then it wouldn't start for the second but with only two laps to go. Kato. who doesn't rSPECIALOFFERl t t Latest Type Ameri.can Made' Compression Release Valve $12.80 t t L t t t Full Price, inclUding sales tax and shipping charges. Valve avai lable in long and short reach and special s for ATl 125cc Yamaha factory head. t t t t , Lone Ruch Short Reach AT} t t 0 0 0 t t (c!leck bax wan.-d) Send Check or Money Order to: sa "I.rcyele Accessories Co. P.O. Btl .2 (Oe.ler Inquilies InYlted) lin Valle" Calif. 91352 Information Regarding Factory Installation Furnished on Re~est J ~~~~~~~~~. WADSWORTH PARK, MON., Aug. 23, 1969 - Cal Datta and John Woolsey both of Helena, Montana, provided an excitlng fio1sh In the Open class to climax a wet, rough, motocross sponsored by local Husqvarna dealer Rudy Bazant. ~ Woolsey and Datta bombed off the line neck and neck In a bar mashing contest that lasted flfteen mlnutesflfty-five seconds. They were still wheel to wheel on the last hundred feet to the flag when Datta suddenly shut down, letting Woolsey edge past him by a wheel. Dale Charrten from Helena and Bill Edwards of Great Falls, both Husky mounted, f1n1shed third and fourth. 10 the rain the 125cc class splashed off with Bob Grant on a Penton taking the lead, pursued by Hodaka mounted Jack Fauth. The third place position was a battle between Dave Martin of Two Dot, Montana, on a Sac~~ and Jim Nesbltfrom Great Falls on a 'Yamaha. In the flaal laps of the moto, Nesbit was able to get by Martin to pick UP the show position. The f1na1 l25cc moto found polnt leader Bob Grant go1ng out with plug problems after leading most of the race. Front runner Jack Fauth developed shifting problems and failed to f1n1sh, leavlng the f1na1 moto to Jlm Nesbit and Dave Martin. The 200cc class was Yamaha Day with Ron Ablin of Bozeman building UP a tremendous lead over the Mellinger brothers, Clancey and Mike, of Power, Montana. All were Yamaha mounted. Jack R1es from Helena took the first place pos1tion, In the first 250Cc moto, on his Bultaco with Dave Martin picldng UP the second place spot, and Dale Saeman comlng In third. The second 250 moto a wild man contest between Dan Dailey and T.J. Tjejdln on a fresh-out-of-the-cratefirst-race PurSang. Dalley was flat gettlng with the program on his Kawasaki when he pulled loto the pits with a flat tire. T .J. then took over the tremendous lead their battle had built UP. T.J.'svictory was short lived when he pushed back lnto the p1ts with a broken cba1n. Jack Ries picked UP a hack to back win In the f1nal 250 moto with Dave Martin pulling In second. One 250 r1der, lmpressed by wild tales of the tough new course, showed UP r1dlng a newSberPa T and surprised everybody by picking UP enough poln~ In his two motos to end UP In flfth place. The week long rain let up for the first Open class event. With John Woolsey taking the lead, Don Ford of Great Falls, Montana, herded his Montesalntosecond place. Tony Stimak on a Matchless held onto third. When Ford became over anxious and lost it spec tacular ly on the clubhouse turn, Stimak moved loto second but went wide on the long sand h1llletting Bill Edwards move lnto second. Cal Datta, In the second open moto, booted his Bandido to win and tie John Woolsey for first place polnts. The course took its toll of bikes, and not enough big bikes were left to make UP two f1nal motos. The off1cials dec1ded to run them all together. The new course was well la1d out and rough. Eight rider s. faIled to flnish. Their problems ranged from frozen shocks to flat tires. The feelings of those riders completlng the grueling course can be best described by the, "Thank God U's over," uttered by anellXbausted 360 rider as he collapsed wet and muddy In the rear of his van. The promoter, Rudy Bazant, stated that be has planned a fall motocross series which will be hosted by three Montana towns: Lewistown, Two Dot, and Great Falls. Each town will host two races. Cash and merchandise will be offered to the toP polnt r1ders of the series. "The dates for the races will be announced sometime 10 September," said Bazant. (Results on page 20) was Temp'e Cit, lawl1alri Area's leading volume Kawasaki Dealer Compllte Parts & "cclSso,ilS 5663 N. Roslmud Blvd., rlmple City (213) 216·7504

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