Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 09 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ul rly SChleclul d DA v nl ATTENTION ~_"s i IeNsIN II Hy.ll slfte tlleJl ....lIts ift IIlIs col II. COfttaft Tom Culp hll.IUI A,,",U 'Ie OIrec:tDr Cycle •••s (213) 423-4431 EVElY IE ESDAY NIGHT oruce Flattnc.t " tT, Co. Ra.eew.y, ACA 9Utctl0lled. Clates ~ S:So pm, flrst nee 8 pm, VaJmcla artramp 0If 5U FteeWa1 tPproz. 2 IIllies SouCb. aero EYERY FRIDAY liGHT SPEEDWAY RAclNC at orance e-tr FairIt'OUDds, Costa Mesa. 0Ues open 7 p.m. RadDg at 8 p.m. 1/2 MILE FLA'I' 'l'RACK, Ascot Part, Gardem. Cal1f. Rae1Dg starts 8: 15 p.m. see ad Itl1S iSsue. IER KoToaCYCLE RACES b7 The RalD1er Spottaman's ClUb at Rodeo Grounds, Ra1nlel', WUh., HW7. 507 behIeeI1 Yelm aod Tl!II1JXl. C0gel'ed graDdstalIds aod cooceaalOOS. FltSt raee at 8 p.m. SCRAMBLES by Sprockets M,C. Sprocltet's Park, Bakerat1e1d, CaL Nlgtrt program. AMA Smet. SCRAMBLES II)' Kaywud M,C. at Hayward Speedway, Cll. AMA Sanct. EYERY SATURDAY NIGHT TT RACING, E1slnore Race '1'ract, CiUu opeil a p.m., nee start 7:30 p.m.., OIl HW)'. 71 lJi E1ainoI'e, cal. SPEEDWAY t~clBO, Wbll8man Iiladlum, ~s., Cal1f. ~ starts 1:30 P.m~ SHoRT TRACK at PetLluma, FJRST SAT. OF EVERY O. OF EVERY PoInt' ~ , caL - 1.t Stmd. E ~ ~t.i."":Q~"" eI, 1 hr. eaeh- 8 a.m. 1>-•. -10 a.-. start. - 8rd Slm., MotDerosaall e , 8 a.m. PRc.- 10 a.m. IIart. IIlto: ('71 ~ J4?- '14?S (eftS.). !)otdmt!nt cu. Fair- 11'0IIDds. AMA Sand. $600 puree. First race at 8 p.m. tNDOOfi SPEED _ ~J'ft: 'It 'te~ PROFESstONAL TT RAC£S, Ascot Part, oaMeDI., Cal1f. RaelJiI starta 8:15 p.m. see lid tbls ..... 1 • II'lI $II SATURDlY,SEPT TRAIL9I.KE RACE,CmoU 100. By tile Pl'otesstonal Tn.U Racln( A • at ZUll1, New Mexico. 5 Entry. Write to P.T. R.A., P.O. Box 183fl5 WI ta, Kansas 6'7218 for entry and license. .~ Bear En'0 S\I.:· ~ At. . . Into: SHoRT TRACK by ValleY M.C, at CyCle Land~, cal. 14 m1IesS.OfCblco at Hwy 99E and Gqe Stdppe Rd. AMA SUlci. Info: (916) m-3S95. SHOR'I' TRACK by SacramenlIO Tneklrts M.C, at !lltutJD.81to ~ RAce'w1, cal. Pttd1ee aod SlIJ'l-~ at 6 p.m. nee at 8:30. PROFISSlONAL SHORT 'l'RACk atorelUI SldniDdlrs K.C. track S.E. 8Ind aod l.&1IIlftad Road, ClIclla lbU, ore. 8 Mi. Of p~ AMA Suet. FRIDAY, SEPTEM8ER miD. purae. 2SOcc NO\'.. Am.. Ex.. 8 p.m, start. Into: 6S2-S85'1 .tier 7 p.m. or 2M- '1888 s. Portland. 8 p.m. Into: ~/DWleSel f rt, RL 8 Box 290 ~, oregon City, ore. 9'1045. 632-885'1 alter 7 p.m. or 23407388 (weekdays). Ralnout date - Sun., SeI>t. '1th - 6 p.m. Intl, RaceWl)', Cll. $300 pur", fot Jun- SCRAMBLES II)' K.C.M.C. at Hanford, CaL NlIht ptotrtJll. AMA Suet. ~ 1 ROAD RUN. 0ftr'D1IIllIIIr by Nona1lt Rocltets. tnto: (US) MS-58811. MOTOCROSS II)' HJIIl SlerraM.C. Limed tram Hwy. 895 trom 'tom" p aod SoutIl trom .t_ LI.Ile r-uan, lIoCb. tIIt.t L&Jr:M .1tIIIetklli. Ele. aooo It. artnr • 8 tIUtDber pIaIM. $3 Jr. Sr. to: Ill. Muloct'oss, Box _ , lUmmo«b LUM, cal. lISS46. or PbOM etltt1 trom 8 a.m. to BO P.m.-to (?14) tM-nu. SCRAMBLES by Sha* M.C. at Orland Fairgrollllds. Signat 10 a.m. tttst raee at 1 p.m. All elane , ride or watch $1.50. AMA Sanct., Ihree number plates. Wo: 243-4G60. NIGHT MOTOCR(S) bY CMC at Fontazla iors, all classes, Iood ltIbta, mud- stallda and ~reltlunents. Info: (71~ SM-ua8. SUNDAY,SEPTEM8ER1. SMRA T1UPLE HEA.OER, Fort Worth, Tex. EQJ'oPelh sly1e mOlOeross ref!:i, . raees aOll I'OlId raee , productlon llId ap e1usu. AMA pOUlts. Gteea ~ Race.." Fort ortll., Tex.. Info: (915) 049--1080. MOTOCROSS by Prospectots M.C. run. Mare Ranch 9 a.m. bet platies, $'7 post entry, $6 mall entry 10 Do.l'1l Smith, 537 Peon, El SeguOl1O, cal. 90245. Info: 322-4297. UIlder AC-A. at Bay slllrt, 3 tnOlOS, 3 n MOTocROSS by SeatlI1r City M.C. 2 mlles E. Of Renton, Wash. on ~Ie Valley HW7. at ACIl* Bt.rn Ranch. AMA Ptclessltl!lJ $1200pIITse, 50 \raIlbiM for sportsmen. Mail l>ro, 5PortI, to: SeIAlr C1tJ M.C., P.O. Box 8268, Fed era! Wa.T, 98001. BARE SCllAMBLESb7SmobbombGaet:z M.C. Limed I ~ HI VlftI. Store. ~ 15 ttiUf. ~~c~se Iftl'Y montl!. 40% tropII1~ J aod l00ih St, Just Notlb cl the P~ Cal. INDOOR SPEEDWAY at L.A. Sports AreDa 1If Great Bear EntatprtMs. IIlto: (US) 4!7-6'I1'j. TiUALS bY PJ.'f.S. at Loon Lab, 00. Hwy. 50 E. from saeram 110 tIIrOVItl Placentlle 110 Ri'rertoo. 1'aIte Loon LUroe turlloft. 1.tmf!cI from Hwy. SO. We: 482-ll9'1S. AT'ENrIO C L UBS. SEND CYCLE NnS INrORIIATIO ABOUT COIlING EVE '1'S TO HAVB FREE ANNOUNCBIIENT ON CALENDAR PAGE. SAT. AND SUN., SEPT, 11 n~ 1_ ROAD RUN MeFvland Run II)' Cal1fornla EacJes M.C. infO: (2U) 1125-7290. GOLD COAST ToUR bY Sa1IJlu Ratnblers M.C. Pins aIId .uu. tour awards 110 all riders. Fir cheek Cycle Center Of SlllbU. 317 West Marlaet.9tl1nU, Cal. Il1M5, ta, mla. !rtIROPEAN SCRAKBLES by Bcppet. .C. at RoIatlia 8Mch, MAPIco. .utA. SIUlct. ortctmJ. cour • Prlet. aDd eartlJliDr SIlt. aI'ld SlID, EJPettS Iiart 11 a.m. lrIto: ('114) '153-t907. 1'RtA.LS R1DING SCHOOL b7 S,T.C.A. at 9tddlehec:k Part, cu. HlLLCl.DIB at OlatIaw ~ ~ fleId, .CaL. Hart Part and LUll. AMA Suet. Into: (805) SI'7-J4M MOTOCR09S IJJ 0nlIIe CotInI:r K.C, at stdd"..."k Part, Cll. .utA. points, POSt AMA 2S-MlLE NA'I10NAL at Old Callfornla State Fatrerouuds, Broadway stoektaI, Sacram , Cal. OalIesopenat 9 i..m.. flrstrace 2: 30 P.m. $12,500purse. Ulfo: (213) 358-55'17. 'M' SCRAMBLES by San Bernlrdino Vl11ey M.C. at Perris, Cal.. Class C traction. 0-200cc Sign-uP at 8 a.m. 2$0Open at 10 a.m. $1,25 ion. $2,2S entry. H~ TT SCRAMBLES at ctcle Put, cal. 1/2 Mi. W. cl Be8eb Bl?d. on Talbert. 10 a.m. to Noon. First nee 12:30. Class C traction, $2 entry. Wo: 897·4(58. SAT., SUN., SEPTE 8ER 2O-21st CAMI?OUT by Goh* BLnnet 1l.C., 4937 MuySYille BlVd.. sacramento, cal. 95838. Info: 922-644a. ROAD RUN ~ bY a-rd M.C. info: (21S) 860-2055 or (805) 48'1-4080. PRACTICE aod sport I1dIDr at Beach CJde, caL 1/2 Mi. W. of Beaeh BlYa. 00. 1'a1bvt. $1.50 per rider, spectators ~. CIUS C traction. OPE a~ SATURDAY, SEPT ER 2l1li SHORT TRACK by vaue, M.C. at CyeJe Land $peedWI)', 00• .utA SIUlct. SlIDlSI at 7 p.m. raetnr starta at 8: 30. RIde or walIcb $1.50. 1. mUea So. Of Cblco at HWy.99 E aod Clqe 9IIppe Road. SHORT TRACK b1 Sacramento Traebrs M.C, at Saeramentxl Ra.ceWl)', Cal. AMA sanet. l'raetlc:e and sten-\CI at G p.m. first raee at 8. PROFESSIONAL 1/2 MILE. BY Visalia Ramblers at Tulare Fair Grouncls, 'I'ulart, cal. Pit lie opens at 4:30 p.m. pract. at 6 p.m• .utA. 5aDct. IIlto: (20!1) 686- SlI'?1 or 688- 0322. progrun. SilORT 1RACK II)' Sacram to 'I'taclaers M.C. At Sa.:ram Race-." cal. -\CI aod prael, S p.m. First ref! at 8 p.m• SHoRT TRACk bY Valle1 M.C, at Cycle LaIld SpMIhIQ, CtJ.. 14 ID1IIIs So. fII. CII100 at Hwy. 99 Ii: aDd 0Ip SbIppe Rd. AMA SaDct. 11ft (116) m-3S95. I.NDOOR SPEEDWAY b7 Grtat EnlIerPruts at L.A. sports At-, LA, CaL 1Dfe: 4?3-6'l17. SHORT TRACK bY til Ba1 M.e . •t Soaoma CouDtr Fa1rp'oaDl1s in Santa RoA, cal. SIp-\I) at .:30 p.m. ~ at 6 p.m. AMA SaDct. HI&1l pOint lI'GIIb7 at _ _'S end. tnto: ('10'7) 5te-6695. SHORT 'mACK at Old 0aUt0tJlla StaIiI Fau IfOl.Jlda, SIeram 10. Cll. AMA sancl, First raee 8:30 p.m. SUNDAY, SEPT ER i . COMBOCROSS liS moeotross, 1/3 'M' and 1/3 GP course. No mud.. 3 rae per e1Us. First 5 III ¢JUs WlJi trIP to Las Veps. Hoollpn for 5 more trips, 70 in $6 mall entry to Ba1 Ma.t~ FWi, ~ DeSoto St., Caoop. Park, Cal. an. HALF MILE DIRT 'l'RACK. AMA Sanct. at Downs, Tex. 8 U. E. clA at I' Do on Hwy. 290 at Tex. 7 claSses Incl. mW's blk • Sports oo1y. 5 open 10 a.m., first race 2 p.m. Into: 472-~ or 444-590L fOTOCRO$ bY Gollien the Internat10w (X Info: (214) 358-5577. £aile course on Hwy 395. SIgn-1;>S close at 10:00 a.m. All classes. Jdlnis, ladles, open l1'udge nee. Info: (213) 927-8860. SHoRT TRACK '1 M.C. at Cl\j) Grouuds, PROFESSIONAL MOTOCROSS by Pan Amerleatl Racinr A • III Zunt. Mulco. sa lrll1es Of 0a11\C1 00. Hwy. 82. Ft» SIUlct. For try or Info. 11ft. Plul Amerteu RaelJiI AaIl.. p.O. Box by C.A.M.A. fI'Om BloomPOK£R R flell! Park in LakeWOOd, Cal. 1/4 mi. N. cl Carson 011 P oneer Bml. Into: (714) 828-2806. TT SCRAMBLES at AdelanlD,. ~ $600 'M' RACES; CHAMPrO RIP: $900.00 (min.) purse, AMA sanet. atSlde rs track In CJacDmaS, Oregon. South at. SAT. '"0 SU ., SEPT.' 'M' SCRAl4BLES by Rock ~ 5 M.C. at WllIte Mountain Race Y, 3 MI. No. Of Rock Sllt1JCS, W)o. race of tile year, tropbies for all clasSes, A aod BSweepstakes. DAY, SEPT Q)'psIes stureta, S.D. IER Bit OTORCYCLE MCg bY RaJDMr Spw taIMA's CldI at RaIIIler, Rodeo ClrolIrIda. Hwy 50'1 aod TeaIDo. Speda1 ~ nee y fiat MIDl'•• 12:30 p.m. tint nee at 1 PA 'M' RACES at '1'lJuIa, )fa. At*JdrOmO, AD c • SJp-uP e10eM at 11:30. Firat nee at NocID. TIltee mn.s past ~ Aga CIJ1 Tr1IIek. MOTOCROSS. '1lllrcI ill ClIO A al'f 8er1it•• W1IIIId, caL Slz nee ...... a1WDat1IlC .-eb .-It bItwa car1ai2 aod Part. ar.... QrUItlD to .m. . . - . POBt . . . , $10. Man eIItr7 $15 to p.O. Box 11M, B18ItIIIItDG, cal. 1II&C'1. IlI!o: (71~ sa-sau. SCRAMBLES at ~ I t Part, Cal.. SIddlebIcIt 9tDct. Into: (714) 6505882. ROAD RACE. MM C\aznplQllSblp .t Car1ai2 Ract." 00. Mtil -try to: MM S.D. Cbaptiar P.O. Box 33'71, La Mesa, Cal. 111041. SCRAMBLES by the s M.e. at eJd, Tex. .utA Sanct. Into: 421"()165. SCRAMBLES bY tile BeaU1lUlllt M.C. at Sea OIlt, 'rex. A tA sanct.. Info: 8322766. SCRAMBLES by at Seattle .C. at lolly Roe-ers M/C Grounds, Kent, Wash. AMA sa.nct. Info: 728-09&4. .C.oo. , Tex. ((0 ,i ..~ •• ,. 3)

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