Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 08 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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YoII' II Always SHit FIRST CI.,_ in .....IAer••.•.•.• Ed Erk .. Aaai-.& Edt.r. • • , . Ten:J PrMl .. I.· •• 'kI~tqlJl':"O!'-, '~IIW".·' orrl(:<' . z : f'_ ,J',-,:~--_"," z z t;.,~ P"ICIairU"" !Itllnlll:...... 1)(> 1. ( ·n.· 1l..lI. (·u_.c...... Produc'liGn .. ('Irc'ulllt"'" MlltIlljt<'r•• RnIc'" ":""h·y 1Iook1l.. SuSlltl. lrll.wlll.. Lli b 'f.. dllliellin•••••• Lili La&ida llant ..,d!<••••••••• Sllndrll Pur"" "America's leekly j'.I~ Motorcycle Newspaper· ,\] z ~\li""I:,·r "UI 'Ib"","s,. ft* "14,\ S '""t. . Publ18be4 weekly except the first and last week ot the calendar year z 2 place tropbJ;- 2 2 b:Y c&s Pub11ll11ine Co., Pollt Otftce Box 498, Lone Beacb, Calltomia, a180 PGblillb ers ot Stale Cycle News tor tho! Eastern slates. Secon4 Class Postaee pai4 at Lone Beach, Callt. Editorial lltonell, cartoonll, pbotoll. etc. are welcome and will be paid tor On the 15tb ot every month tor material published the previous month (except press releases and ·Voice· letters.) Addressed, stamPed envelope assures return. in whole or in part expressly forbidden except b:Y permission ot the Pu bllshers. Advertislne nates and circulation i~ formation will be sent upon request. RUSS IRITES AUII I am wr1tIIrc til .....e ItU7Clll8-.dd be able to U8Ut _ IIlJocattnc_.... ",.,nt-w_ ~ UId parta II.t for a Tee~ tItb. I Illqa1red III lbll Seattle U'. UId IId9tAd tbat m8fl""'ctla'lt ot _ _ UId model bd:e 1Iu"'~. _ C.B. TOMBARGE lana 6lItb Soatb Seattle, Wash. COMMENT: CD . , . _ Iaelp Mr. To. _ee? FRED JUI'S liFE SAYS II THAll YOU. z z Su_n.Uoaa.: NATIONAL ADVERTISING DIRECTOR, • , • , Tltemas R, Cal, Cycle News (WesO, P,O, Box 498, Long Beacll, calif, . . . Tel, (213) 423-1431, EASTER.. 1"111 Co_ ADVERTlSI .. G Sbla C,cl......s IEasn ".0. 80. 13, Am~.rst, O~io 44001 T.1. 12161 "4-2433 z z z 2 ASCOT MOTO-I AMA WITHHOLDS SANCTION o...... n.J A8 a wtte, I am 'YfrI Pr'Old otm., 1Ia8bu4 UId lbll wq be I1dIll, aDd would IIIlPr'tIdaiII It It )'011 would DOt dIcr8de Ida win. It was tantaftlc:1 MRS. RAY HOllON TECU_H TROUBLES z 2 eI.. ropy prk... • • • • • • • • • l:k Oft(' H'1U 2nd c.._ ...iI ••..•••.•...••••. S7r" !it (8It Llf. S..I By CIIaet CJIrlaa pw,j were well aDder wq for lbll ftrst Suuibena ca1lfonata AlIA. protecd_' motoerOllS to ~ fUDcIs for lU1 A-seu elPdtloa to Europe'" raeInr aalD8. ~ were to be IbeInd Ids AMA CompetMiaa DtreetIDr'TOID Clark dedded DOt to _ _. a _tIoa for ... Ascot eroe. c wta) 1'IIC8. AMA rnoiIIeI'-.l'1111111 speeJtJ a ,..JataraI', coarae. "Ascot's coar.. lneladell 8DOllI!I ... dlalltmeat io AliA lGp1iIIts III ~ ''PrOtural" I8n'aln to qaalUJ u a JDQtoe9lDees" Wae CalltonaIL How 1I1IICII1aIIcrOIlS ," _llloealrefer. .RI;y("Chllb") er, we , will lbll AMA cine Its KeDam clIqram): Bat Mr, Clark fset'? could DOt be1len It. AMA S4JiiQI'tIIrs ictItt~Uldpa *1m II daroar lime at sorrow. WordlI ClIIIIIOt reaIJ1 pPl'Ull lbe lbat It PI" 1118, wb8D I beud tram II-sreds ot people from aD aerws lbll ...... 181J1Dr me lbat my Ila8bud bed Il1IIo brlllll!ltP1 UId m-rtI nr lDtD tbItr lifts, UId tIIat lie would be rnl8HdUldremamlleradenrywllere. Frsd's maID ccal III life was to be Jliecl by nwy_, to be a fafr sport, UId to maIIe 1118 aIDe mean sometblnr coocL ADd to _ maIIe lbll word "motorcycle" me&ll on!)' somethlJIc cood. To me reeelY1nr aD lbe. . CU"ds UId1etier1l dII1"lnr lbe pUt aDd lbll fact lbat lie was 'Yolilld Most PoPUlar Rider lIIla year meut tbat be reaebsd /flat caaI. May God bIelllI you an. me -a MRS, FRED NIX Lawton, Olda. ! ! FLASH! ! Frlends ot tbe U.S. Moioerou Team dscldecl lids _ _ d to CO abeacI wltb Asat tile Aueast 31 ProtesldoaaJ MoioerOllSat IIttIcnII A8COt Part willi an "xyz" anetloa. &e AI AIl CompetttIoD ue_ wl11 be '-Or..... ad. AU proeelldII to lbll U.s.M.X.p\'aIec' ') ......... upedltloa•. . lin LOYAL FAN In your Aueust 5 1 _ ot Cycle News, you can lU1 account ot lbll s.crameato FJattrack tbat . . . 'Yf1T1 ~. On S&turdI1 nIebt ot .July 19, my bullblU1d rode. UId _ lbe 125cc NoriCll class. I'U lldln1t, you dl4 acne he _ , bat as for boldIDC otf lUI:J'OIMl, I IIbouJd _not. Be startlId 011 lbe 5-yar4 l1De, bllb1Dd lbll oilier riders, at olIIer bar4 earned wlu), came otf III fourth plac.e, aDd worked 1118 wq '" III a spectacular r1de, to flDaIly lab flrllt place, at lbll yeDcnr fllIc, wIIIII1Dc a well dU8n'lld ftrllt o-a- ,.'11 _In. c.· Ha., H•• II a .U ", tile action lie It AICGt'I first ._ocr.1 "cut 31. Mlu (5SO Trla.pIl) 8011 allll ClIr)' "I", (&reevel) _ . 1 llPllrI Lau IIIaIIlII on tIM •... c.... t/aeJ lalel oat. AlIA dust callHll tile U,OOO pur........ t. lie _.IIed. CALENDAR Of EVENTS _STARTS ON PAGE 35

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