Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 08 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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:i~===::::::;!::=:;:;;:::;Z:===:Z===::::::::ii====Z:===Z===::::2====Z::===Z:===:Z===::::::::ii====z:===:z===:z iZ==: os Q. Vou'lI Always See It FIRST in Publlsb er. • . • • . . . Cbuck Clayton Edil«• ••••• ••••• • Eric Rllits Assista Dt Editor. • • • • Teny Pratt nUSlnc.· ss . ./---::~---_.~ " America's Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper. z z z :\1 -lIWr•• Shdl'Oli ("1..., lUll Orfice ~hu g..r••Ga.vlt'nt' Thomason Product ion Manag.. ...D<.>nnis Grt'"nt' Product ion ."sst••Ol'an Cunnon~ham Circula tion ManagN•• 11m"" F.aslt','· flookkee per••• ••• Susan lI'rowla " Lab Technic ian••• ••• Lili Lakich Want ,"ds••• •••.•• Sandra Purd\' Publish ed weekly except the first and last week .of. ,~he calenda r year 7 HOW TO AVOID HARRASSMENT BarbanL , Baby! Found it bard to beUeve that the same girl who d1d the bit on our ever-lu vin cycle mobste rs could turn out "Motor cycle Values and PubUc Lands." You have mOYed Into the circle ot my "Favorite Ten Women ," one rung above Jaclde Onassis . Only two things overlooked In your column , and lack ot space probab ly could be blamed . The Cause ot much ot our space problem is overpapulat10n (unchec ked breedin g) and our unbalanced way ot congreg ating Into urban areas. Next, conserv ationist s, wood-lo vers - call them what you want - hate us for noise pollutio n more than any other reason. Snowmo biles and dunebuggies could be Include d, but somebo w the four-wh eeled types are soclal1y acceptabl e. I find that I can ride In the woods of New England If my Uttle trall blke is quiet. So, by sacr1tic lng a few horsepo wer I zlp along with very Uttle trouble , even from owners ot private lands. Try the same stunt with an unmuffled bllce and the fuzz are called. JACK MERCE R New Canaan, Conn. STRAIGHTENING THE RECORD In the August 5 issue ot "Cycle News" , you have a story concern ing Evel Kntevel . The opening paragra,ph was ot great Interes t to me lnasmu cb as some portions ot it seem to be untrue. I am referring to the portion concern ing Evel's jumps In San Francis co. More speclt1cally, the sentence reads: "The rear wiIee1 came ott and the sprocke t sliced a gash In the paveme nt, etc., etc." The reason this intrigue s me is that I beUeve it refers to the three jumps made during the San Francis co Motorc ycle Show In Novemb er ot 1967 and, this being the case, it simply is not true. Evel made three jumps In conjunc tion with the Show at Brooks Hall. The first one on Tbanksg lvlng Day, 1967, went ott without Inciden t. The ramps were mov'!d tarther apart for the second jump during which, at the time be departe d the first ramp, one ot the tootpeg s came ott the motorcy cle, due no doubt to taull;y maintem.nce . This created a dI!f1cul t situatio n and it is m ucb to the cred1t ot Evel Kntevel and his riding abWl;y that be was able to right the ma cM ne In mid-air and land success fully on the other ramp. When he landed, one, or possiDl y both, r1 the rear shocks collapse d at impact and possibl y the swingin g arm (I am not certain ot this) cracked or even broke. At no time d1d the rear wheel become separat ed from the macblne and, this being true, obvious ly the sprocke t d1d not "slice a gash In the paveme nt, etc., GOOD OLD MARIN COUNTY Just a shori note to express my thanks and appreci ation to the Marin Counl;y Motorc ycle Club tor their outstan ding sportsm an's motocro ss events held at China Camp, Callforn la. I bad the pleasur e ot riding the events and was most impress ed by the way they were handled . All those Involve d were courteo us and beiPtul under all circums tances. The Marin Counl;y Motorcy cle club thoroug hly deserve s congrat ulations . A satisfie d Sportsm an M. RINGLE JR. San Francis co, Cal.. JIM WILSON'S GRATITUDE On leaving for a trip to England for a tew weeks ot Motocro ss riding In company with Paul Harber I wlsb to extend my thanks to all who are making tb1s trtp possibl e tor Paul and myself. Nick Nichols on bas arrange d for us to pick UP new Greeve s Griffon 250 and 380 machine s at the Greeve s factory . Also we will get spares and special tools we may need along with the helP and advice that only a factory can provide . We are flying to Barcelo na, Spain to obtain the van which the Americ an MotoCross Club bas stored In the Montesa factory . Use ot this van bas been arranged thru K1m Kimbal l, Montesa Distributor , who is acting for the Americ an Moto-C ross Club; We will drive through France to Calais then go by ferry to Dover, and on to the Greeve s factory . We are indebte d to Cycle News for the pubUcit y and their generou s offer of ftnancia l belP to membe rs ot the American Moto-C ross Team thru a special subscri ption otter whereb y subscri ptions marked for the team's benefit will belP to defray expenses of riders sent to Europe . Thanks to Cbuck Clayton and his people. by c&s Publish ing Co., Post Orlice Box 498. Long Beach. Calirorn ia, also publish ers ot State Cycle News tor the Eastern states. Second Class Postage paid at Long Beach, Calif. Editoria l stories, cartoon s, photos. etc. are welcome and will be paid for on the 15th of every month for materia l publishe d the previou s month (except press release s and ·Voice · letters.) Address ed, stallll>' ed envelope assures retum. Reprin ling in whole or in part expressly forbidde n except by permission of the Publish ers. Adverti sing mtes and circulat ion intormatio n will be sent upon request. z 7 z FREE RADIO COMMUNIQUE ot CW have been sent to the USCG cutter "Staten Island" , ott the coastot Siberta . Tbro~h the years I send them to the ships that I contact with my amateu r rad1o. or course I bring them UP to date with what is going on. The tellas In Viet Nam especially are eager to belP out. The amateu r rad10 operato rs here In Callforn la are able and wUlIng to send messag es to any service man In the world FREE. In some cases pbone patches can be arrange d and both parties can talk to eacb other via ham radio. If you would like me to whip UP a sbort piece tor you concern ing amateu r radio, I would be happy to do so. RAY N. HAUCK , K6QPE 13248 E. Callforn la Ave., Sanger, Callforn la 93657 COMMENT: lIow about it, readers? WoUld you like to read an articie in CN 011 Amateu r Radio? etc." Althoug h I d1d not actually see the blke str1te a taxi, I have beard eye witness es say the front wheel ot the b1Ice d1d contact the taxi with, boweve r, very little damage . Eve! complet ed the third jump on the same motorcy cle and actually separat ed the ramps by an addition al ten yards. Tb1s IIllI.Y seem a bit picky, boweve r, I mentioo this only because the article iDfers a det1cien cy In the product Evel was prev1ousJ.y jumping . I tb1nk it is safe to say that at no time d1d the Triump b motorcy cles ever do any less than could be expecte d ot any macb1ne and In many cases perform ed conside rably better than one could reasona bly expect from any piece ot macb1n ery. I appreci ate the dI!f1cull ;y ot avoidin g misquo tes when reportin g In any field and simply otter this In order to keep the record straigb t. H. JOSEPH HOPE B1rminc bam Small Arms Co. Ltd. Dlarte, Cal. :!;j(- Subst'ri ption: nnc.' ~ (".. , 2nd (·has!". ..... i1 ••••• ••••• ••••• •• 87.,;0 NATIONAL ADVERTISING 01· RECTOR. , , , • Thomas R. Culp Cycle News (West), P,O. Box 498, Long Beach, Calif. 90800 Tel. (213) 423-0431. EASTER N ADVERT ISING Pall Co ..., State Cycle News (Easll P.O. BOI 13. Amherst, Ohio 44001 Tel. 1216\ 984·2433 7 7 Champi on Helmet s bas provide d protective beadgea r for myself and also tlnancia l assistan ce. The Manage ment of Bay Mare Track was very genernu s In their contribu tions to Gary Bailey and myself at the July 19th & 20th Grand Prix and Scramb les event present ed by the Simi Valley M.C. Also we wisb to thank the many friends and tans who bought the refresh ments and donated there. . Ron Nelson gave me much valuabl e Informa tion and advice which is greatly appreci ated as be recently returne d from riding In Europe himself . Picking UP the remain der ot our expenses will be our parents , thanks to them tor all the bours ot work, miles ot driving and thousands ot dollars they have given to belP with our triP. I really do want to thank my father espec1a lly for without his belP I would never have been able to keep riding and thus take this trtp. It we return as better riders from our trip, mucb ot the cred1t will go to all who are helPing us. JIM WILSON Torranc e, Cal. The last several months Sind.' COP." pr'('t'•• ••••• ••• 7 7 2 BECKER, LAY, RANDALL SERIOUSLY INJURED AT ASCOT Marsba ll Becker , Rory Randall , and Sam Lay are In Garden a Memor tal Hospital with serious Injuries as a result ot a three-m otorcyc le crash at Ascot Friday July 25th. Becker, a native of New Jersey is In the intensiv e care ward In poor cond1tion but Randall and Lay are doing better and can receJve Visitors . You don't have to know them to drop by and say bello. Randall is In room 514 and Lay is In room 504" VIsiting bours are from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Randall works tor HOnda- Triump h or Torranc e and Lay is with North Ameri- can. THANKS DESERT KNIGMT Tb1s letter is a thank you for the Desert Kntgbt who came to the rescue of this damsel In d1stres s atter doing my endo (ouch) at the Four Aces Europea n Scramb les. Thanks also to everyon e else who belPed and Rescue 3 who d1d their usual thing ot patchIn g boles. Their organiz ation is the best thing that's happened to desert racing, next to trailbllc es ot course. JUNE McNAM EE Victors M.C., San Fernand o, Cal. STAY ALIVE ... Today's Fresno Bee carries the story ot two Hantord teenage rs In critical condftio n In the KIngs Genera l Hospita l after a three-w heel motorcy cle they were riding crashed Into a trUCk-t railer, whicb then dragged the victims 90 feet before stopping . Reporte dly the boys were unable to stop, when a brake nut came loose as they approac hed a red Ugbt. I urge all riders to make at least monthly (more, If riding on any Idnd ot rough terrain) cbecks ot all b1Ice nuts; stay slive, to enjoy motorcy cUngl Regular, thoroug h tighteni ng ot all nuts takes very Uttle time, especia lly compar ed to the time it takes to recover from an "accide nt", If you survive . Preven tative mainten ance keeps youfam 1llar with your macb1ne, whicb will seldom fall you, If you give it sufficie nt TLC. It can easily be done wb1lst dusting ott the upper, and moppin g up the underco ating of dust and oU-grea se most b1Ices collect If ridde:: enougb. For added pleasur e, remove those nuts which seem to come loose most otten, and hand or power dr1ll small boles through them; add a Uttle careful lytwisted wire, and YOU'll have a "protes sional" looking bit ot safel;y- wirlng, to bold your eyes to the road ahead, Instead ot looking down to see It everything is st1ll bolted on. Take a lJttle time to make SlIl'e your blke Is 100% A-OK before hitting the road, DO matter bow far you're going. Stay alJvel ERNIE KRUMM JR. Kerman , Cal.. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM at Our forgetf ul cartoo ni t Jerry (Scarl ett Streak ) Barnet t has been our numbe r one rider decked out in a mediit again. This time he's got , can the eval racing suit, comple te wi th joustin g pole. What, we wonder reader s? And remem ber, good ol' ref be telling him? What do you think, arked it's gotta be funny. For the funnie st finish that we receiv e .postm Sunday , Augu t 10th, we will award a CriSp, new $5 before Midnig ht su!tab le for bill (or reason able fac imile thereof ) in Americ an curren cy, one, all you folk out there In newsspendi ng. So exerci se thatol ' funnyb the Funpaperl and, and end your funny finishe s to Cycle News Finish ny Conte t, Box 498, Long Beach , Calif. 90 01. We would Uke to voice our opln1on about a recent desert event g1vr.:ll by the CresWn e M.C. There are a few important factors that should be learned from this run and that would be belptul to new clubs In putting on desert races. To begin with, the smoke bomb was ott to the side otthe directU ne ot the course, therefo re making it imposs ible for many riders to bypass it comple tely. The proper way to lay out the course is to put the bomb at a point where it must be ridden through In order to stay on the course. The next point is even more importa nt, and that is the lack ot danger marker s. When the satety ot four to five bundred riders is at stake a real effort must be made to mark every dangero us spot and road crossin g on the course. In this race there were many very dangero us spots

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