ROllpilg Rolald Rides Agail
There was hea", traffic and Dot a stop lI&ht In sl&ht as the bikes dalhed the quart. mile to the flfst 'eft hand tum.
Story and Photos by Dennis Greene and
Donna Lucas
Aacust 3rd - The regularlY scheduled
mootb!Y road race at Orange County
Raceway wa.s one 01. tbe most competitive
01. tbe season. A number 01. tbe s~
stars were back East for tbe AMA National roadrace. The door wa.s lett wide
open for a lot 01. DeW ta1eDt to sbow tbeir
worth. The entire race program was
packed wltb h1gb speed, graceful motiolls
and wbee1 to wbee1 compeUtion. No one
really had tbe upper hand,in any class
and all victor1es were bard woo. The
bosting organl ZI tion, tbe A7M scheduled
tbe raclng somewhat dftlBently. Each
class or combination 01. cliasSeS ran onlY
one event 01. longer