Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 7 of 31

In a narrow. IIIIlI.SSUID1ng storefront at Atlantic' Blvd. in Long Beacb. California (ZIp 908(6). tamousAmer1can four cyl1nder motorcycles -1nd1an, Henderson, Ezcelstor, Ace - come back to life under the baDds of two craftsmen, Bob cavanaugb and Ken Young, wbohave turned tIIe1r hobby into a business. "Antique Motorcycles" Is the name of the store, and It speclallzes in the early fours. Store hours depend on the whim of the proprietors, but they are open most evenings. Bob Cavanaugh's perfect 1935 Indlan graces the window along with a rust;y, but running, 1912 lDd1an that Cavanaugh discovered in a san Jose tarn. The '35 four Is priced at $2,500 "to scare bll)'ers away," says Bob. What If someone agreed to Four parts from Sam Pierce's stock and eDO\III1 spares l1ne the walls and benches to keep all the fours runnlng for many years. PartDer Younc was away when we vlslted, so cavanaugh showed us the wares. H ~ a set of new transmission cluster and sIldlng gears, Bob explained "We have tIIese made in quantities. They're expensive as hell, but cheaper than having tbem made one at a time." Marla;> is very low, but prices for parts are high. A porceel!n1ze

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