Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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... Sunny Valley Speedway .enefit Race ClD -. "a.. Tile pack . - d a lall•• rider _llllllle 500 M• • TIIat'l V. SllIp" of Gr.t'l followad bJ Fritze EaPJ. Milia Lawt..., IIld 80ll Vapa. VIII bald tlle Iud all til• •., III tlle "al. - GRANTS PASS, ORE., July 13, 1969'lbe Beoef1t Motorcycle Race for 'lbe JosepbIne Count)' SberUr Patrol search and Rescue UD1t, sponsored by SUDIlY Val18y Speedway was a roarlDr success as 72 riders turned out to put OD one of tile beat flat track shows of lbe seuon. 'lbe boYs In lbe search and rescue uD1t 11M cot out and rea1J7 worked to aet all tile prizes donated for thll riders Instead d trQllll1P and door prizes for lbI spectators. Eftrytb1Dc lIlat was left _ liter tile races was auctioDed off 1Io !be ldCbeat bidder. T1ckets were sold In adftDC8 as well as at lbI pte and at 1:00 p.m. awrox1mate1y 8SO spectators watched as lbe races cot under wa.y. DoD 'lbumlM of central Point was !be bIC wInDer d tile daY as he walked off - wtlb lbree first places. Be took lbe 100 trophy dash and "A" main and lbe 200 "A" main. Dale Ball Jr. of Grants Pass cot lbe honor of t:ak1D&' first place In lbe 200 trophy dash. Peter Simonsen of Grants Pass was also a double winDer wilen he lIook !be Idda trepby dash and "A" main. 'lbe 250 class saw WesWOl'd jump 1Io!be lead only to lakearougb spW OIl !be secoad lap lIlat put him out of lbe race. Jdm Soy of Yreka tooIt 0YeI' lbe lead for tour laps lben StImI Nuon of Medford cot around him and weat OD to win. 'Mlen the checkered _ dropped the crowd was more Interest8d In wbat was ~nlDC back In the pact as they watcbed Tim Tepper of Sh.dy Coftcomefrom f1fttI place to lake lb1rd 011 tile last lap rtcht beh1nd Jdm. 'lb. 500 c1ass saw Van SII1ppyofGrallta Pass come aI1 tile l1ne In ftrst place and WIElE SIAll WE .,DE TO ? - Operated By Bl1l Harmer for a place 1Io 10 011 tbat two 1IbIe1ed beaub' of yourS? Why not lake a re1a:dDc r1dlI dowD !be coast to tile place wIlere cal1forD1a bepD? We man . . . . terior, !be Cahr1llo Nattoaal MClIIIJII.Jt is st:Ifted by courteou.s eDlP10JeU of lbe Nattoaal Park Sentce wbo try 1Io -a your nsit ~ t anrt Informatml. 'Ibe ftrst th1DC tbat meets tile nsitor's turDoff 1Io the San Dteeo l:Iternatlonal Airport. Go to tile Airport OIl Harbor Drift, but continue beyODd lt unt1l you rach Rosecrana BlTd. Make a left(Soulb) turn unttl you come 1Io C&noII Street. By lbeo you w111 _ tile State 209 Bl&hwa.y sips wb1c:h you follow past lbI NayY E1ectrontc Lab and !be a-rans Na11oaa1 Cemetary 1Io lbe C8br111o Nattoaal Moaument. MtIl lbe ucept10D of some Utt1e park In Utah, lbe cabr1Do NaI1ona1 Moawneot bu more v1s1l1ors lbaD &D7 olher• .umo.t a mtlUon and ODe quarter pWlIODa nsited lt In 1968, and tIlere 18 a 20% tncr_ In .tteDdance so far Ibis ,.ar. Recently constructed, In time tor San Dteeo's 200lb Anni'lU'SU')', tile newVislto!"s Center is open. In it is housed a museum and information deSk.. 'Ibere is al80 a pubUcaud1tDr1um wberefreefUms P8rtaInInc 1Io !be history of !be mOllll- R1dI down Interstate 5 unt1l7OU _lbe hold it all lbe way to the ftn1sb _ . Fritz Espy of Grants Pass was PushtoC hard but went down OD lbe last lap leavlDr MUte Lawless of Grants Pass In S8CODd. Fritz d1dD't lose out aJtceelber lboU£b because be had alreadY taken the trophy dash. 'lbe qleQ class was !be rran

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