Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Eastside M.C.
BJ MarcIe OXford
HALL'S RANCH, CAL., July 13, 1969The lIl1rteentb may be an lIII1uckydayfor
some but for others who gatberedfortbe
hillcltmb at Hall's Ranch it was more
than lucky.
The smallest class was the 200Cc
Novice aDd lIIrew all the little feDows
into greater competition. It didn't seem
to make much dUference to tile sUva
Brothers; Larry took tst on his Bultaeo
and his brother brought in 4th just
secondS beb1nd him. Neltberboyreacbes
much above five feet and tile crowtl.s
yelled and clJeered when Ibese two youag .
fenows flew over !bat icy-slick Z40 foot
Clay Catlett, usual winner in the 350
Novice with a 2nd, also brOlCbt along
his new Duca:tIi which took him flrst in
tfIe 250 1IO'rice. Doug Little, another
Buttaco rtder in the 250 novice, took
second as he's been dotDg
bunch at hi11c1tmbs.
For IIle name of 'Iou, n.arest
So. Cal. McCulloch 0111. Inc.
(213) 772·2106
No. Cal. Coast McCulloch
(415) UN 3-5520
Bob lIaya.;:!' s
Moto-Cross headquart.,s
the last
Di_1IIt Prices H All sales
.'1 III II.
Far _ n tile crowd at til. bottoII of tile Hair s Racll lilli, a 11111 clllllber MillS for Ill. 250 foot
BJ Elaine Jones
PERRIS, CAL. July 12, 1969-Myapologtes DOW for anyone 1 may s1Jgbt in tile
cotnmu tb1s week as myarrtvaISaturday
Digbt WlIB delayed due to a wedding and a
"U" jolnt 011 tile car which decided it
was time to be replaced.
The spectators appeared to be out in
greater numbers than the riders but did
see an increase in the Amateur and
Expert riders.
The lOOCC class bad two grs running and Steve TInsley flnalJy made the
gold. 'IbIs rider bas been a regular at
Perris aDd it is especlally rewarding to
see him move ~ in the ranks. Jamey
B1ant fhdsbed second with ChuckThomp..
SOIl aDd ~ Mclutyre third aDd fourth.
The second go saw RdJertS8Dders win
for the tIdrd strafCbt WMk. BJ DOW be
sboaId baft wan to wan trqlbfes. II be
IIIJeIIS OIl be W01 be Amateur before too
IDa 1oIIpr. an DoIJbs made it bome
S8CCIIId aDd Jim KI1De, &b'. broaIer. wu
2073 Pacific Coast
HWY~'_ _
326-3110.,326-3116 ..
If a ,1_ can .,In down a bill Ilk. Da'7 C,ocket could a bear, IlIls plmac. Is sure to ... It ..,
.ark. IIonI tII.llaIf tile 550 .owlce class "",ed athIItlOll •• tII. IHClaMIcal or Ill.dical.
(n4) 531·9984
Roger VoYles and C)ay Catlett, along
It's a good tIdDg Mel CllIIba made top
time in the 500 novice class OIl his first
nm because be fflpped out aDd down at
the bottom on his second run.SecoodaDd
tbtrd placers were James Rotrie and Bob
205 N. Harbor Blvd., Sants Ana -
Sal.s • Parts • Service
Compl.te lin. of Sp"d EqUipment
Cuslom PaloUn&, F'aIIl. Works, F,_
D.siplollo Bull_nl
In the 250 Am.. Manuel Ponti in first
fotllld DeW competition with Dick OXford
taJdng second. 'Ibis tnockedSleve Brooks
into third who usuaD;y runs wbeeI and
wheel with Ponti.
Albert Ponti surprised no one with first
in the 250...1t's a class all his own.
with Harvey BIlrooe, all on Hoodas gave
the other riders DO chance at all to even
come close to the tropby wagon.
'or O,an.. Co.
CZ • Penton •
Yamalla • Maice
The 650 novice class began a story at
trophies aDd tragedies. Milton Nunes was
torched on full blast when be appr08Ched
the 180 foot mark aDd decided to turn
around aDd go back down to the pits. The
throttle was frozen wide open as Milt
third. Rodney Parsons, a real steady
competitor was fourth.
The lZ5cc Class was taken by R1cbard
Sanders who repeated his victory at two
weeks ago. I'm convinced !bat SaDders
must mean "win" because they sure do.
Jack Dannenberg, Davey Davis, aDd John
Carmeno were second, third aDd fourth.
Bill Gray, who vowed he'd be bacl: made
a return trip and faired pretty wen as be
bad a couple at fUtb places. At leasttbis
time be didn't forget to stay with his b1Ire.
The 250cc Class always bas a good
turnout aDd bad two groups going. Bob
Kline won again making it three weeks in
a row and wbatever be's got ougbt to be
bottled as someone could make a fortune.
Tom White moved up a couple atuotches
to take second with Charles Tidwell third
and Mike Fatrfield fourth.
In the second go we are happy to repOrt !bat Bog Greenstreet grabbed the
gold this week. Bob's sou, now three
weeks Old, already bas the grip to be an
A-I racer according to Daddy. Mrs.
Greenstreet assured us that she won't
let him race before he masters a trike
but after that she woo'tpromise any!h1ng.
Ron Bourbonnais came up two places
from last week to take second. Dan
Walters and StanSweaney, both IIewfaces
were third and fourth.
The Nonce Mota was plagued with
breakdowDs and 0D1y three out at nine
made it to the f1Dal beat aDd only two
fl.Dlsbed. Wben it wu allover John Jooes
repeated his perfoI'JDaDCe at last week
aDd took bome the Ilfc ODe. 0Ua WetlI
l"lIIl8Uec1 in the secood place slot w1tb
beaded for the pits. While the crowdS
screamed the people at the pits evacuated
faster than U a bomb bad hit. You could
see Milt was afraid at hitting someone;
as be hit level grOWld dotDg at least
40 mpb be threw his Triumpb on Its side
and both spun out. Mut got the hard luck
trophy aDd lucked out with ~ more
than a wrenched knee, Pm surprised be
didn't bave heart failure.
Taking first in this class was taIl
Tommy Burnett, and the bard way.Ashe
popped thrOlCb the clock his Tri. wheel1ed him ott and over the hill. I wonder
how it feels to be sldnned allve. Joe
Nickerson not only busted his new Harley
to pieces but lost a lot at flesh too.
More than baU at the class either tore
up their motors or themselves on the
second rim. Determination doesn't
always pay ott.
Jolin Prebble made a great comeback
in the 650 Am. with a 1st, followed by
Dick Oxford aDd Steve Brooks.
Albert Ponti's Tri. not only took the
650 expert class but top time of the day
which won him a four foot trophy.
An in all it was a great day never bave
I seen so ~y spills aDd ~sets. Even
Frank Durso bad a bad mp..out. Hurt as
he was, all be could say was "Get my
motor, lake care at my motor" •
525 N. EI C.11IO Real
Sa CI._t., Callfomla
(114) 492-&141
Results OIl page 20
Charles TIdwell third aDd Steve Northern
John is leaving for Oregon after next
Saturday o1gbt and wtn try to pass along
his trials and· tribulations against the
. Oregon tracks and racers.
The Sweepstakes was nul in the 0pposite direction aDd Robert·· Win" Sanders was the top dog. Everyone thougbt
the race was great so the Burtons bave
promised to do it again real soon. See
you Saturday night.
HellonahUl Raceway opens July 27
with a program at AMA motocross racing and dune buggy bashing near San
Diego, Cal.
Promoters say the challenging course
bas been built with spectator comfort
in mind. They advertise a good P.A.
system, Fest rooms, comprehensive concessions, good parking, and excenent
visibility at the course.
The track bas been bulldozed out at a
hilly region thirty miles east at san
Diego and can be reached by taking highway #5 to 1194 East. It is then 18 miles
east at Spring Valley.
The motocross starts at 8 a.m. with
the four-wbeelenthusiastsdicingatooon.
Fitty-foot jumps, 80 m.p.h. straigbts,
and near-vertical hU1s make up the
2-1/2 mile course.
More races arescbedu1edAugust24tb,
September 28lb, aDd November 23rd aDd
lDformatim may be obtained by call10g
(714) 224-3649.
ImmlG,a.. D.'iv",
Harley-Davidson of Oceanside
216 Via Del Mont. ,oceanside, California
(714) 757·7510