Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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CMC Tealll Motocross Car.lsbad Raceway PboliDlI bJ Tom IIId B. Calp AFM, Carlsbad Road Race U) ~ CARLSBAD, CAL., JaI7 10, 1968- TblI ~ CMC put qetbIr aDOlMr 1lnt, a l8am IoJ molDerou Willllbe I25cc cJus IGIIC two ..:I boun IIId lbe 150 IIId 500 ~ com~ t; bIIIIcI IIId l'1IIIIIIDC tIIr.. boura. 'Ibree hlllldrecl doIJara IIId tb8re was a lot of pride IIId prutIp I1dbIC OIl lbe outcome at ' - racee PlIIIdIIc botII DWI IIId mac:Mne r1IIIt 11> to lbe I1m1t. TblI r1deI' turD out far 1"Ce8dlId all P»8CtatIou Willi 34 l8ama I1DId 11> tor lbe 125 race IIId a turD a., IIItry of 54 l8am. 1tlU'l:lIlr In lbe 2GO!500 race. Y.., lbe)' bid to c10IIe P<* IIItI7 In tile 250/550 race tor llfetyalal. TblI dialer. IIId cIlItr1balIcn put tortII a tnII1 DOllI-n117 Ifrori Willi Mltco Baltaco 8IliIIrInC 6 l8am., Tor. . ""1IDW1 RacJnr Willi 4, Fantasy MufOer willi 3, Bob 8I118y 3, Walt AxtIII1m Z, American Motoc:roa 3, DOD VISCO, Unicorn Motorcycle, YIIDIIIa FoatIDa,. Ced1'. Cyc:1l, SuUS Lemoo Groft, DOD's Cycle, Lemoo Gran Honda, SllIft's Baltaco, San Dteeo Su&uk1, 8lIacIl City Cycle, CompetttlOD Service Center all willi at least ODII l8am apiece IIld American EacJe, BereulU Dtst., American Jawaallt1eld- By Greydon MaeeIItle tne teema. TIlts mq Pl'OYlllbe beI:lnn1nr of tbe12 bour motocroa marItIIoo since everyooe was _med to ban a ball. 'Ibe Z IIId 3 boar racea .urpr1BtDclY clatmed nry few macbl n... 'lboae l8amI r1d1nr Willi two bibs bid It a wt1e IS tIIey were able to ebanre rtders willlllOtroubJe.A. 0IIlI r1deI' 18ft tbe course tile otber 8lltered -..ser TIJe 250/500 COfoUDd oar vtsttors from aeroas tile poad of tile line willi a couple at 11> and eomJ.Dr)'OllDC jun1ors. Amerleao 00 tbe oilier maeb1ne all PAId IIId fresh. As riders eIIaDpd mecbln.. It was Dlce to _ DId, Mom, wife, ktd.I, frteDds IIId 1M m mates all In tllere pttc!ltllc to IIeJp out. J4 tile 1258 I1DId 11> for lbe LeMana atart It . . III7bOd7S r-a wbteb JrSen10r eomblnal:lOD could do It. All brIIIds were 'MIn reprlSlotedj PeotoD, 9aella, Baltaco, Yamaha, IIId HodI ka Stu Plltilrs drClA*! tIII&a1lld lbe)' were all. Lar. Lar_ crabbed lbe!.ad willi till flIId strtnrtnr out bebtDd. J4 till bow dt1!lcult a job It was IOInC to be to EacJe 'MIDt all out willi EnrJtsbrnAo Dave SmilII IIld Brad Lackey l8am 4 and Briu.ller Rq JordaD IIld carl CotlIOIl l8am H. TblI flac fill IIld tbe muter Walt AxtIII1m p-aIlbed tile 1eId; IIId wbat a 1eId1 It was at least 50 yean. Walt _ ' t tile fIr.t to Ills bike butaooe Idclt start IUld be1nr first In line IIeJped 10 tile C- Z l8am atAxtbe1m.r. 8eDaoD was a darD rood start. 'Ibe EacJe riders, SmilII ~ IIld JordaD, rode bard bI1d secODd for a wb1le only to lose it to SmilII 00 lap 7 or 8. SmllII cot Walt; IUld JordaD, DOW I"IIDIIInc 5111, bepD to presa. As rlaer. ebanp. bepD, Lackey took onr SmllII's EaclIIIId bepD to stretcIl out tbItr 1eId. carl Cottoa replaced JordaD IIld bepD to close 110 Lackey In short order. Now I"IIDIIInc 1-2 tile Eac18 riders pushed for enD more lead. AxtbeIm IUld Benson, DOW In tbtrd, held 00 willi tile 8eDd1ck-ifarrls C-Z boIdInc 4l11; Hanoao-Clark, Ma.tco 5tb, with EIIl'ClPC! bouDd Bob 8I118y IIld Btu Gordon, Greens 6t11.1bat was tbe flDt.sIIoftllr.. wtJd hoID's of coo.staot actlOD wb1eb prcmded SJ)8clI.tors willi all lIIey came for. score tIIt8 race. Lap attar lap Lar_ lid tIIID IMmma • Beni_tookonrwllll stratav CCIIDInC Into PI81 here IS SOIDI l8ama ~ to alart willi jaDtors rtdtnr fir. 10 lie -wr would ride jUDtor rtder8 lIIua makInr tor IUY ptc!l:SD's. For lOme tbI strUev woraet, for otber. It dtdD't IS BeDt•• IIeJd 00. Riders bid ftl'loua . , . of ttmtDc 110 tile course, aome rodIIG minutes eaeb, IOml 30, eoml a1tIIrDatId by lap; 5, 10, or IG. In all 110 plan seemed any better ltIan tile otIIIr•• A. till Z boar mark spproaellld, Lar_ " Ben1_ stW bid tbe1r PeollOll out It f1'oIIt willi sul'll'tbor!ll-LeeIlIn, P8IIlIOIl, I8COIId; NllaOD- ToJbItt, Peotoo, third; OoJdberr-Sl1ftrtborDlt, P8IIlIOIl, foartb; . Vacca-Rarer., Bultaeo fI1tII IIId AUID-Sbell eo , Yamaha, stztb. Tbat'. tbI . , lbe)' tlDlshed ,momclal1y willi a rec:Ileclt IIId tIDal results DIn _k. CMC Na ber 1 Lett. take tlme to hoaor tile workers lIIat put It all toptller IUld IDIdI tile day a succe..: Stu Peters &lid Ills wife, Mrs. Kurt Lobmayer and Kelvto Franks. Ilratl LICllI1 wlnp lID•• Itl. Alnerte.. Ea,•• to ..... flnt pllCl 1tolItIr. willi I._It. D..,. Sndlll. Tile £111. Ie_ 1-2 wltll .,..t ,ldeI tnlll two Eallillt Sealor. le_" willi two "-Ie. J ...lo,.. ".I.d torn 0' Itl. COZ ..d 11Inl.1t ow. will Itl out St... Strlclllllld . _ . off IIIe Hit to ~I • . . -••• 1enI..... It durln, Ill. !*Md1n, 111_ 110 VIIII. WIleD tile day was over tile scorers loobd worse off ltIan maDYoftlleriders. After sttttoc In that tower eattoc dult all day. wrtttoc all lIIose IlWIlbers, how are tIIey able to enD think of dotnr aootber ODe enD b!aer, better IIId 1oIIpr? Don't forpt till MW series starl:lIlr Aurust 24th at Carlsbad for a DlW Greens GrUfOD. (Results 00 pap 10) DIce ...11 111lIcrus "111 St. IP (1ft. Rassl. GP) lit Gobn - CZ 2111 Rill.. - CZ lCA 111lIenll - 1111... ~ WIN• • 2IICC Seller ClIIS lit _ SIIIIa - CZ 2111 111llJ1H1m - CZ 211ce Jill. ClISS 111 SflYi S1rIcldll - CZ CARLSBAD, CAL. JUly 20 - Located twDty m1les oortb at San DtIlO, carlsbad was tile scene of last SUDday" San Dteeo AFM ebapter, oatlooal points reed races. 'lbe sky was !laZy IIId onreast all day willi a few droPs of rain falltnr In mld-aflernoon.A t1eld of e1chty entries and perbllPs IS many spectators met 10 enjoy tbe G. p., Production, &lid stdebaclt races. UDdoubtlldly lIIe closest &lid most 8%e1ttoc of tile day was tile twelve lap Hea\')'W81Ctlt Production race for bikes 201cc dtsPlaeemeot and up.Roland Pa&an, on his Triumph TrtdeDt, crabbed lIIe lead IIId bad a rood dtce cotne witb BSA rider Dave Smilll. 'lbe two were S"NlIPIl1DC first and second posttlODS quite frequeotly UDtU on tbe Dlnlll lap .. spilt oU \aDII: forced RolaDd out, I.S dtd .. brokeo throttle cable a week &CO ..t orange County. Bad luc:k. MeanwhUe Georee Kereker (Nortoo Commando), who'd rot a very bad start, bad been worldDr btl . , 11> and DOWappearedlnseeoDdPlaee. SmlIII held Ills lead to tile end and tbe riders flDlshed 1-2. The 250 Sr. G.p. saw Dave Smilll 011 a Kawasald ret off tbe rrtd first. Smitb bI1d first for tile twelve lliP8 followed all tile . , by DOD Emde 110 btl Mel D1DIIoD YIIDIIIa. HlIl'ley WUvert 110 a Ka wasaId tI nj IhecI tb.trd. It was cturtnr tilts race tbat a ltCbt rain fell, dlsappeartne IS quickly IS It came. Smltb, I1dbIC a tIIree cylinder Kaftsakt, ap1D took off first from tile atart In tile 350 - OpeD Sr. G.P. Hownr problems forced Iltm to slow dowD IUld flDally leave tile race on tbe stxtb lap. TIlts tlme It VIIS DoD Emcle 00 a 350 Yamaba leadtnr all tbe . , to tile f1Dlsh willi Georp Kerker on his oilier Nora boIdInc second poe1tlOD. BlD'ley WUvert 110 a 500 Kawasald took third and D1ct K1Jcro (Honda 450) tlnlsbed tourtb. In tile 175 Sr. G.P. Ral,ph I.e Clercq, rld1Dr a Dueatt, led all lIIe way to win. He was foUo'll'ed by Stan Smtlll on a BrtclplllOlle IIId HlIl'ley W1Ivert on a HODda. W1Ivert'lI HoDda was mt.sfIrtnr for most of lIIe race but 00 tile tenlll lap It picked 11> IIId WUvert moved UP two places. :I'be stdeear race was au easy Victory for Hummer IIld G11branseD (H-D) from about tile third lap 00. At tIIta point tIIey bid almost a balf lap !.ad I.Dd stmpIy coasted home to win. Sbarrow 110 a TrIumpb was seeODd and NewbraDd rldtnr a BMW tlnlshed tbtrd. ID tile 201cc- OpeD Jr. G.p. race KawuaJd rider Harney flDt.sIIed flrstonrall IIId first In tile 500cc class. Kelly Evans rtdInr a Don Vesco spoDlIOI'8d TOIC YIIDIIIa was seeODd IIld ap1D_ tbe 250 Jr. G.p. cJus. HoDcIa r1der SIlciberd WOIl tbe 3GO elau. 'Ibe last race of tile day was attn lap, Itn eoctoe start, match race. Georp Kerker rldtnr Ills NorloDCommaDdowu first off lie line but Don EmdI 00 a 350 YIIDIIIa ~ CI.UIbt Iltm maktnr tIIt8 race a repeat of tbe 350-OpeDSr. G.P., Emcle first IUld Kerker 8ICOIId. Mike LaDe tln11hecl third 00 a 250 G.P. Ka__ sakt. (Results 00 PIP 20) fl IfUY CYCU SALES 250&5OOcc TAllO PIODUeTS; I We sllOosored and rode the T&rbo : 50cc Sport tbat won its clull 10 tbe a-bour produet1oo G.P. 'eveot ..t WIl- , low Sprlnp June 28. : 18 MOJ-CR-..o CHAMPIONSHIPS JAIA-CI GIVESRiiE0 iEiiiiifY-Titiliis'iiiDh.PlDISBIPS BEE , . .aWA-#ZMME.,. . , ••/••1IE.,. ...l . I PARTS .. SERVICE FOR 5 lAST: 38-15 GREENPOINT AVENUE LONG ISLAND CITY. N. Y. 11101 AMERICAN JAWA L TO. _ . JAWA MOTORS LTO.. 4753 _ _, _ . P.o. WIST: 1325 SO. LA BREA AVENUE LOS ANGELES. CALIF. 90019 • : TARIO • ITAL-JET .. TErn : I • ROMA : 2319 AUaotlc Ave•• Lon, Be&cb. C... I • ~ (213) 426·9694 I