Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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234 Play Poker With Knights Story and Photos by Robert O. Fee Two hundred and thirty-four road rid1ng motorcycl1sts played poker with the Knlgbts Motorcycle ClUb, Sunday, July 6th under cloudy skies that occasionally dribbled a drop here and there over the Los Angeles Basin. "It must be the change in weather," Big Daddy Miller, head KnJght, commented as the sign-ins dropped off about 9: 30 a.m. Up to that time, the Pomona Harley Agency bad been jammed with leather clad riders, some of whom bad to park a block away and walk to the registration table. Wblle the start was open, the motorcycl1sts consumed 276 donuts and almost 30 gallons of coffee. The route was purposefully cut short in order to give the riders plenty of time to compete in the many games to lake place at the finish. The riders left Pomona and rode south to Carbon Canyon where they headed west through the canyon to Whittier. North v1a Col1ma Road and Azusa Boulevard, they took to the San Bernardino Freeway for 5-1/2 m1les to San Dimas Avenue. Riding north by It's llea_1Io durlnl til. tutOf·•• at the Knllhts Pok.. Run. Head Knllht "BII Daddy" 11111.. purposefully cut sIIort Ih. road portion of In. til... _Id be plenty of tl... for fun and I ....s at Dltmas County Park wn... tho fl.ld ev.nts . . . h.ld. Sp.cialized Triumph - Honda Repairs" Custom ROlcin." En.ln.s Machine Work" Meli sse Kits Cyl. Borin. " Head Portin. - MIKE BURKE Motorcycle Speciallie~ 15178 Ray"er Sl. Van Noys, Cal. 91406 Telephon. (213) 780-ll779 DESERT SET UP SCRAMBLES ImRnl 81'00£5101 S.Ie~SeAice Barney Tillman's SPORT CENTER Puddingstone Reservoir, the riders jogged east on Arrow Hlgbway to North Pomona. Cutting north to Footbill on Garey Avenue, they then rolled east to the San Dimas County Park logging just less than 90 m1les. The park was absolutely jammed with hol1day picnicker~ several ball games were in progress and there)WS hardly a vacant table to be bad. Some KnJghts bad arrived early and roped off about an acre of area: in both the parkandparklng lot, reserving it for the cycles. Big Daddy didn't let the riders rest long after they arrived at the park. As soon as a large group cleared the signin table, he started the games. Famlly participation was the theme with such events as the Barrel and WheellBrrow race, an egg race with cotton balls (cheaper than eggs), and. a balloon bust. The marble race was different - the contestant bad to run to the coke bottle, lUll so Look!n. just a IIltl. like a Dratt Pastor, Bum., Clark clowns .. the mal. solo comp.tltlon. 6027 1l1l1l.tler Bl veL, E. Los An celes (213) 723-3523 HIS,••,•• &I.,•• Mo_cycles Tires Dlsl. bylltdolntornatlonal4790 Palm An. La lItu, Calif. 92103 BIKE TRAILERS lIew & Used One, two, & IbrM rail IIOftls Stnd for Info. ... Ara..n Dlsl. Co., 223 •• Camino Real, SuIt. n02, MOIUIIVI a, Calif. 91016 N.II Han., Penton - Hodaka Yamaha - BSA Husqvarna Norton 1223 A••• I uncast.. (105) 942-9624 36153 N. Sierra Hwy. Palmdal. - (lOS) 947-7365 W.lcomes You I HARLEV-DAVID&DN I of Lomita ~-.,'+- 40 New lIotorcycl.s In stock () N.w Sportstors I ......htt d,II •." 2212 Pac. Coast Hwy. (R3) 534-5530 Foot Pegs for Yamaha cn, An Fits MOlIeis - DnB, l2DIn x 1.25m Li.....eight & ISO l1lread Low Cost N!!L!!D~!OCK .¢I~ 4915 Pacific Blvd., Vernon, California, Phone: 589-5488 No, It's not the annual outdoor bu...tao contesl. II's the barr.1 race won by Debbl. Clark att.. an tlcltln. runoil" wltn Sandra Osmon. VlUa Capri in Glendale where her new flU it with marbles. and then trot back to hatr w11l be match, fitted, and styled. the f1n1sh. 1f he lost b1s marbles on the The pace was quick throughout the day way that was part of the game. Each and by go-home time, the riders knew event bad both club member and outrider they'd been on a well planned poker run classes. executed by a club who took professional The balloon bust was a rough one. pride in doing a job well. Members of the Normally the guYs blow up their balloons Knlgbt's M.C, will be hard pressed to and then the gals run and sit on the guYs show any noticeable improvement when knee and balloon. In tbls event though, they promote their 2nd poker run next some of the gals didn't slow down to sit year. on the baloon, but btt the balloon and guy (Results on page 20) full tilt almost busting some heads too. The tog of wars got the most particiSLICK LUBE TRICK patlon and spectator interest. Six club Chatn Life comes in a pressure-can. members were matched against 6 outUsing the small tube furnlsbed with every riders with practically everyone present can of Cbaln Life you can give new l1fe lending very vocal support. The noise to tired old bearings, cba1ns and rubattracted many of the picnickers over to bing parts. see what the excitement was. 1be outFoam comes out of the nozzle when riders won over the clubs in every war. you press the can, and It is tb1s white A run-off determlned the w1nn1ng group foam that carries the lubricant goodies of outriders who drew cards for tl}e to the tblthermost crevices of cba1n single trophy award. rollers, brake arms, cables, carbuThe best dressed competition (without retors, wrist watches, squeaky doors, bikes) went quick- quick under the contypewriters •••whatever you've got that stant prod of Big Daddy and he was soon needs 011. Give that squeaking wheel a awarding the tropbles. shot of clean, wblte Chatn Life foam and Tickets were drawn for the special listen to the bearings purr. The stuff is ba1r awards. Pattie Holmes took home so good, it's almost illegal. 'Get a can the $175 wing, Judy McCombs won the wb1le you can. Your dealer bas It, or cascade and Sblrley Brust got the fall. order from Chatn Life, 10505 So. Painter Each girl w1lltake her cert1f1cate to lBe Ave., saDJj[ Fe SIn'tDlrs,""'Cal. 92670.

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