Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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ATTEIITlOII IIDtllrcJclt Clubs - •• _ . til _d Cyel. IItws notice of JOW c_ln, tvtlIls .d . . will list tilt-. In tills dip. . . . fret. ~ :.============= Regularly r.l ,.J U :>.. SCheduled Event. u .1" • F d. J' d J • CALENDAR OF EVENTS ACA 2nd ANNUAL 12-HOUR PROD. GRAND PRIX, WUlow Springs Raceway. Rosamond, Cal., 6-bour L1ghtwe1gbt event OIl Sat., 12-bour Heavywelgbtevent OIl Sun. lDto and entry forms from ACA p.O. Box 247, Fullertoo, Cal. 92632 or call (714) 528-4290. SATURDAY, JUNE 28111 TT RACES (Nigbt), Castle Rock, Wasb. ATTENTION !'r_tars Interested In adv,,1i sine th.1r ....nts In thl s col umn. Contact Tom Culp National AdYerthlne Director Cycl. News (213) 423-0431 • d EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT SPEEDWAY RACING starting JUDe 13 at 0raDge County Fa1rgrouDds, COIlla Mesa. Gates opeD 7 p.m. Rac1ng at 8 p.m. (see ad this isSue). '4 MILE FLAT TRACK, Ascot Park, Gardena, Calif. Racing starts 8:15 p.m. See ad this issue. , dddd d. If • EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT TT RACING, Elsinore Race Track, Gates open 3 p.m., races start 7:30 p.m., Off Hwy. 71 in Elsinore, Ca lifo SPEEDWAY RACfNG, WhitemanStadium, Pacoima. Calif. Racin g starts 8:30 p.m. See ad this issue. .,. II J II FIRST SAT. OF EVERY MO. PROFESSIONAL TT RACES, Ascot Park. Gardena, Calif. Racing starts 8:15 p.m. See ad this issue. FRIDAY, JUNE 21111 rr RACES, $600 purse, AMA sane. at OregOQ Sidewinders M.C. track in Clackamas, Ore., S. 01. Portland. 8 p.m. lDto: DemI1s/D1aDe SeUert, Rt. 3, Box 29OC, Oreeoo City, Ore., 97045. 632-3857 aft. 7 p.m. or 234-7388 days. SAT, & SUN" JUNE 28 AND 2l1li ?nd ANNUAL HOPETOWNSCRAMBLES, MOVED TO San Clemente, Cal., San Diego and Santa Ana Fwys. to Aven1da Plco. by Dirt D1ggers MC. . Sat. 0-25Occ, powder puff, 0-200cc starts at 8:30 a.m. 250Cc start 1 p.m. Sun. 350OPeD and 81debacks, 9 a.m. start. D1St. 37 points. Mall entries to DDMC, 19308 E. Agulro St., Rowland Hts., Cal. 91745. Info: (213) 964-5076. NIGHT OWL RUN, San Diego, Cal., by S.D. Harley-Davidson. SiIJI _12-4 p.m., Sat., 929 lnd1a st., first cDeck point 929 lnd1a st., 1 a.m. Sun. Fairground. lDto: Mt. St. Helens M.C•• Box 51, Castle Rock, Wash. 98611. . . SPORTSMAN SCRAMBLES, AMApolnts, Oregon S1dewlDders MC trackinClackamas, Ore. Five classes, 7 p.m. start. lDto: Dennis/Diane seUert, Rt. 3, Box 29OC, Oregoo City; Ore. 97045. 632-3857 alt. 7 p.m. or 234-7388 days. SHORT TRACK, Cblco's Cyc1eland Speedway, 14 mi. S. 01. Cblco, 99E and Gage Sb1ppee Rd. AMA, by Valley MC. TT SCRAMBLES, Josepblne County Fatrerounds, Grants Pass, Ore. By Rocue valley Riders M.C. Inc. AMA sanctlOQ, 7:30 p.m. lDto: (503) 478-2180 or 476-4018. SHORT TRACK, Santa Rosa, Cal., at Chris Beck Arena, AMA, 81gn up 4:30, races at 6:30 p.m. by Nortb Bay MC. 'SUNDAY, JUNE 29tb SCRAMBLES, Saddlellack sand. Saddleback Park, 2455 Orange, OraDge, Cty., CaI1f. Info: (714) 639-5832. S.C.T.A. RIDING SCHOOL Sadd1e~ Park, 2455 Orange, Orange Cty., CaI1f. lDto: (714) 639-5832. EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES, by Spoke Benders MC Inc. 6 mi. E. of ill-Vista Store, Cal. Two courses,Dlst.37 points. MOTOCRalS, Deadman's Point, Apple Valley, Cal. Practice 8: 30 a.m., race 11. Free entry. Info: (714) 247-7473. 9111 ANNUAL POKER RUN, Sonora, Cal., 90 miles of scenic motber lode, start at David Blrd's M/C shop, sign up 10-11 a.m. AMA. SPORT RIDING, ()pen practice.Huntington Beach Cycle Park, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 31.50 per rider. i-r SCRAMBLES, Sunny Valley Speed_ way, 14 mi. N. 01. Grants Pass, Ore. 1 p.m. lDto: Ray Copeland, 420 Crestview Lp., Grants Pass, Ore. 97526. (503) 476-4018. CROSS COUNTRY TRIALS, limed from CaI1fornla Hot Springs, 26 mi. E. 01. Ducor. By K.C. Trail Blazers. 10 mile course, 8 traps, 3 loops, all. 5,000. 10 a.m. start, spark arrestors mandatory, . waterproof! Into: (805) 746-4058. SCRAMBLES, EscOQdido, Cal., Kit CarSOIl Park, Beoef1t by Brusbbaroos MC, Gates open 8 a.m.. experts meet at 8 a.m., novices p.m., Take Via Rancho Pkwy. Turnoff Hwy. 395 So. (1 Escondido. Info: (714) 727-0373. 6111 ANNUAL LOST PADRtB ENDURO, By Valley Trail Riders Assoc., from Gorman offramp Interstate #5, fonow slgos to Alamo MtD. Rec. Area. Spark arrestors. lDto: Jerry Beer, 764-2446. TT RACES, Autodromo De Tijuana, all classes, 3 mlles past Agua Callente race track. Limed from border. SCRAMBLES, FremOQt, Cal., by Palo Alto MC, 12:30 p.m. Class C only,AMA. TT SCRAMBLES, M1n1-B1Ice Races, Bay Mare Ranch, Cal., S1gn lIP 8 a.m., small bike practice 9 a.m., big bikes, 11 a.m. Into: Dave, (213) 348-3349. FRI., SAT., & SUN., JULY 4,5,&11 11111 ANNUAL GREATER NORTHWEST MOTORC YCLE CHAMPIONSHIP Sandpoint, Idaho Rodeo Grounds. Motorcycles m1n1-bikes, dune buggies. Rain, snow or sblne. I.E.S.R.A. rules. Class C. FRI, AND SAT., JULY 4th AND 5111 1st ANNUAL LIGHTWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIPS, Aurora Speedway, OregOQ. 100, 125, 200, and 250Cc classes, $250 payoffs for first lbree classes, $500 tor 250Cc class. No license' required. Into: (503) 253-5782. SAT & SUN. JULY 511 & &111. 100Cc TT GRAND PRIX,SouthbaySpeedway, Cal., $7.50 mail entry, entries close June 30, Class C traction, camping o.k., lOOcc's only! Info: l.lick, (714) 4794959 see ad page 33 this issue. PONDEROSA BARE SCRAMBLES, POQderosa Inn, 15 mi. east of Lancaster, Cal., on Ave. J. 10 a.m. start.lDto: (213) 367-2907, or (805) 946-1041. FRIDAY, JULY 4t11 ALL BIKE DRAG MEET, Lloos Stadium, 214111 & Alameda, W11mlngton, Cal. The Lloos are putting up a $1000 purse, others. w1l1 be dooatlng to make 1t bigger• lDto: (213) 424-0961. 2nd ANNUAL LARRY FESSENDEN MEMORIAL SCRAMBLES, Santa Marla Speedway, Cal., AMA double dist. 35 points, practice 10, races DOOO by Lompoc Slo-Pokes MC, lDto: Ernie, (80S) RE 6-6362· or Chuck, (80S) RE 4-4716. MOTOCROSS, by Marin County M/C Assn.. Cblna Camp, Cal., Slgo lIP 9 and races 10:30 a.m. $2.50 entry, AMA. ENGLISH TRIALS, 16 mi. SW of Walla 1Ualla, Wasb., P.N.T .A. sanct1OQed, spec1a1 team award. 2nd ANNUAL FlRE CRACKER Grand Pri.l< Motocross, Sadd1e1lack Park, Cal., F1M .sane.. practice 9 a.m., races Noon. Ratn or sblne, top natlooal and internatlooal riders. lDto: (714) 460-8751 or (213) 784-9691. S.,. Ni,., 22 E•• nt Prova.. BARE SCRAMBLES, by Desert Turtles MC, ftrst annual bare and turtle run, Limed from 140tb st. East and Ave. J, ill-Vista area, Cal. Dist. 37 polnts, 9 a.m. start. Info: (213) 676-7260 or 676-6746. her, 8:30 , ••. Wii'e••• S,,"i•• ,.c••• 11121 PI_51. free Readers are advised that II stine in this cal.ndar Servlc•• Cycl. disclaims any Is a r.sponslbillty lor canc.llation or chaneine 01 .vents by promoters without notice. SATURDAY, JULY 5111 '.rki., ENGLISH TRIAL, PNTA sanc., Firecracker Trial, Athena, Oregon. Info: Foster (503) 566-3526. SHORT TRACK RACES by Sacramento Tracker's M.C. at sacramento Raceway, 3405 El Camino Ave., sacramento, Cal. 95871, L. Lawton 489-0476. Prac.6p.m. Race 8 p.m. SUNDAY, JULY &111 .:. Moloreyde ~aces ~ TT's lsI Sal. Nile each m,,11 • 8;IS PII ~~ 25 LAP' FffiECRACKER GRAND PRIX TT, Huntlngton Beacb Cycle Park, Cal• 7561 Talbert Ave., All classes, qualllying-sign up, 10-12, practice 11 a.m. lDto: 897-4458. 10 MILE NATL. CHAMPIONSffiP, san Jose, Cal., qual. 1 p.m., races 2:30. san Jose COlmty FairgroundS, West TuI1y Rd. ~IOTOCROSS, Crescent City, Cal., one mile course, Race 10 a.m. Info: Harvey Bigham, (707) 464-4871. CMC GH.AND PRIX atCarisball Raceway, Carlsbad, Cal. Gaies open 7:30 a.m., race 9 a.m. 757, dirt 25';( asphalt. Info: P.O. flax 1334, Huntington Beach, Cal. 92647. I". 1st ANNUAL POKER RUN, Pomona, Cal., by Knights MC. Starts fromPomooaH-D at 1241 Holt Ave. 8-IOa.m.Spec1a1competition for outriders. MOTOCROSS, by Bay Mare MIC Assoc. at Bay Mare Ranch, slgo up 8a.m.races at 9. Dist. 37 points. lDto: Dave, (213) 348-3349. SAT. & SUN, JULY 12111 & 13111. 4th ANNUAL ELSINORE TOUR, by Pacific Coasters MC. Sign-in and finish, ElSinore, Cal. Trophies, parade, dinner, dance and more. Info: coniaci HarleyDavidson dealers or phone (714) 2743755. SATURDAY, JULY 12111 TT RACES (Nigbt), Castle Rock, Wash. Fairgrounds. Info: Mt. St. Helens M.C., Box 51, Castle Rock, Wash. 98611. SPORTSMAN SHORT TRACK, sacramento Raceway, Cal., AMA sanctioned, SlgouPS and practlce 6-7:30, races 8 p.m. Info: 783-7588 or 481-6527. TT SCRAMBLES, by Rogue Valley Rider's MC, at Josepblne County Fairgrounds, Grants Pass, Ore. AMA, Racing at 7:30 p.m. Into: (503) 476-2180. SUNDAY, JULY 13111 A.C.A. MOTO-CROSS saddleback Park, 2455 Orange, Orange Cty., Calif. Info: (714) 639-5832. S.C.T.A. RIDING SCHOOL Saddleback Park, 2455 Orange, Orange Cyt., Calif. Info: (714) 639-5832. TT RACES, by Desert Phantoms MC, Adelanto, Cal., OIl Hwy. 395. Ltwt. practice 9 a.m., 81deback and big bikes nOOQ. lDto: (714) 246-8857, (213) 927-3860. INTERNATIONAL MOTOCROSS, Brisbane, Cal., S. of San Francisco, plus Sportsman Scrambles, practlce 9, races Noon. Info: (714) 460-4289 or (415) 4678646. MOTORCYCLE RACES, RaDler Rodeo Grounds, RaDler, Wasb. by RaDler Sportsmans Club. Practlce 12:30, races 1 p.m. TT SCRAMBLES, Swmy Valley Speedway, 14 mi. N. 01. Grants Pass, Ore., Races at I p.m. lDto: Ray Copeland, (503) 476-4018. AFM MOTORCYCLE GRAND PRIX. Orange County Internatiooal Raceway, Cal. SAT. AND SUN., JULY 19th & 21111 GRAND PRIX, Bay Mare Ranch, Cal., by Simi Valley MC, District 37 Scrambles, Desert and Motocross points. Mall entry opens May 30, closes July 5. Info: (805) 526-1237. SATURDAY, JULY 19111 AMA NATIONAL TT RACES, castle Rock, Wash. 8 p.m., time trials and Novice event, Friday nlght, July 18th, 8 p.m. SUNDAY, JULY 2011 MOTOCRalS, Cblna camp, Cal., by Marin County M/C Assn. Slgo uPS 9, races 10:30 a.m. Entry fee $2.50, spectators $1.50. MINI-BIKE RACES Saddleback sanct. Sadd1eback Park, 2455 Orange, Orange Cty., Calif. lDto: (714) 639-5832. BRITISH COLUMBIA MOTORCROSS CHAMPIONSHfP by Totem M.C. at Aldergrove, B.C. Practice sat., July 19. Entry fee $5, all entry fees go into the purse. Oanadian license requtred. Info: Wally Sukaroft, 106 E. 35th Ave., Vancouver, (604) 321-1424, or, Kurt Lohmeyer (714) 522-6109, Maureen Lee (213) 597-7883. 25 Lap Firecracker GRAND 'RIX TT Huritington Beach Cycle Park Jul, ",. SIlO up 10-12 Start 12:30 All Classes Class EIlmlnatlons $2.00 Entry 1st plac. - 3 loot Trophy 2nd plac. - 2 loot Trophy !'LUS Small 8or. - $10. GIll Cir. 81e Bore - $25. Gilt Clr. Park PoInt Wimer - $25. cash