* Laconia * Isle Of Man *
Baja 500
15 - Freddie Nix powered h1s potent
Harley-Davtdsoa 750CC KR to first place
lD tile 10Cl-m1le AMA natlooa1cbampioosbtp road race after a c:I1ngdoIIc battle aDd
a rain-caused lDterrupttoo.
Roo Grant, aboard tile 500ce SuzuId
two-strolle battled with Nix's fisthMd
B-D for tbe first six laps with Grant takIng tile. pace postttoo from laps six
through 24 00 tile 1.6 mtJe, 8-turn twtst;y
course. Tben Freddie rot it back 00 lap
25, but Grant recovered the 1elId 00 tbe
26th circuit aDd held it until lap 29 wben
Yvoo Dubamel, riding tile CanadianSPQDSOred Yamaha 350 got lD troot with
a good 1elId until it started to rain, wilen
h1s motor bepn to mtsf1re.
Nix tben took over, 00 lap 45, with
Cal Rayborn rtd1ng the ultra-potent Andres-tuned Harley right beII1nd btm. At
lap 50 tile race was stopped for ODe boar
until the rain let lIP. Nix beld the 1elId
until the fIntsb, althogp Cal was witllln
strtJdDg dtstanee all the way, for a total
race time d 1 hour, 32 minutes aDd 9
seconds. Cal fIn1shed 9 seconds later.
Tbe Amateur race was rained out
completelY. Fastest time trtaIer was
Frank CamUJ1erl d Cbe~ Mass. ridIng a Yamaha 350.
Gary N1xoo bad the 250 combined
Amateur-ElrP8rt 75-mUer alllD the big
until the 45th lap of the 47 lap race. A1J
N1xoo was passiDg CamUUeri, tbe Amateur fell aDd Gary left tile track to aYOld
him, dropping back to 10th place.
Barry Cooe, ODe of the YWY fast new
road racers out of Sberman, TIlllBS took
tbe 60 mtJe NO'f'ice race, follOWlld home
by DoD Emde of San Diego. Yamaha riders swept the field lD the Novice aDd
250 combined races.
(Results 00 pqe 20)
South.rn Calif. Trials Association Exp.rts
warm up the crowd for Evil Knl.v.1 by dolnc
wh•• n.s and other on..ancl-two wh•• 1 stunts
at the week.nd's Carlsbad/Cycl. N.ws
Motorcycl. Circus. Full story Insld••
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