Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 05 20 B

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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* * Bast Tops At Saugus By Mike Capallte SAUGUS, Cal.. May 16-Steve Bast, current hlgb point man in speedWll,y rae1Dg, again proved that be is the one to beat in tbls fast-action sport as be copped the main event win at the Saugus oval friday night. It was not all gravy for tbls red-leathered missUe pUot as the first beat race pitted him againSt Greg Haserot, whose style bas improved to the point where be can bold his own with the best of them. As the flag was droPPed. Steve took the lead into the first corner and mucb to everyone's surprize, Greg was able to pass Bast and command the lead for the entire race. Steve bad to settle lor a second place wbicb left bim out of the TroPhy Dasb, one of the very few that be bas missed tbls season. Steve was able to come back and win bis semi after a restart whicb saw Johnny Carter taken aWll,y in the ambulance with a recurrance of an old knee injury. In the restart, it looked like It ·was Steve's night to be badgered by the Haserot clan as Greg's brother Bruce made it a fight all the way, but Bast held on for ·the win. He was by no means bome free, because although be bad made it to the A Main, Greg Haserot, Rick Woods and Sonny Nutter bad also made it by wlnnlng their respective semis. The TroPhy Dasb was Sonny Nutter all the way, bui Rick Woods was close enougb for the whole race that it could have been either one of them. OnceGreg Haserot put a wheel under Woods and Brother Bruce both passed bim. Sonny bad won the race on a flat tire! The C Main went to Mike Konle arter be finisbed third in bis semi to Steve Bast and Bruce Haserot, and as be bas been going rather well or late, (winning the A Main at Whiteman last week) it . was a surprize when Joe Cbanky took the lead out or the bole with Koole and .Mar,s,;"e Madness By Dale McKinnon MARYSVILLE, CAL., May 4, 1969-Marysville'S first race or the season drew a good crowd of riders amid some confusion and griping. The races started fifteen minutes late on a track that looked to be too wet but afforded good traction. Jerry WUlis grabbed the lead in the first event and held orr Randy Eddings and #61j all the WlI,y. "Debbie Jackllile was 1be only' female rider to show up and bad to ride with the men in the 100-200 Amateur event. She was doing well until a tangle withanotber rider put her out or the race. Del Silva led for a WlI,yS until Ronnie Gooella found !be groove and passed him to take the win. The 125's and 200'sracedtogetberand the bigger bikes took the toP two spots. VIc Krill and JIm Hubbard rode bard to earn third and fourth bonors on Yamabas. Three riders from Marllnzes fInIshed 1-2-3 in the 250 Novice Main in a close race. Dennis Huff jumped orr to a quick lead in the 250 Amateur event and won but JIm Crenshaw and Steve Young gavebim a battle and finisbed secOnd and third. The side ears came to Marysvilletoo. Ted Kinyon and Robert ZitIau took a quick lead but were passed by Joseph Barlow and Bill Krijer. Barlow and Krijer were dlsqualified for cutting the course, giving the win to the first team. The 650 Novice event featured fast starts by Wendell Snlger but it was not to be his night. Three riders went down with Snlger in the lead and the race was restarted. Snlger took the lead again only to fall himself. John Borden was tile winner. The lead see-sawed between BlllDoran and Bob Brubr in !be next race. Brubr rode strongly to win it. Cliff AskIand won the last event or tile night in what turned out to be a blanket race between Steve McCants, Rodney Norfarrd, and Askland. (Results on 26) uSee AUTOBAHN PROOF Triumph's Trident bas been stamped "autobahn proof" by the German magazine, 'Das Motorrad. Peter Karlau rode the three cyclinder 800 miles from Hamburg to Vienna aat an average speed or 89.05 mpb, excluding stoPs. Average speed with stoPs was just under 80 mph. Karlau bad to lit a new rear chain and adjUSt the front brake during the bigb speed run. The only tblngs needing attention when be finisbed were a worn out rear tire, tappet adjustment, and a broken muffler strut. Harlan Bast rlgbt behind bim. But luck wasn't with him as he drifted wide on a corner and Mike and Harlan both passed him. The B Main was a two-man battle between Bruce Haserot and Larry Heinselman as they bashed eacb other back and forth in the corners with Bill Cody right behind them waiting a mistake, but it never came and he took tblrd with Larry pulling a_y for the win and Bruce second. The A Main came on like an A Main should, but with that line-up what more could you expect? It turned into a knockdown drag-out battle between Rick Woods . and Steve Bast. When these two are pittedagainsteacb other, It seems that they ride so mucb harder that no one could toucb them, not even Sonny Nutter. They were accelerating down the straigbts so rapidly that they were cornering mucb wider than normal, but even thougb the gate was open, no one was able to go througb it. Greg Haserot, bis jinx stlll with bim, spilled in the Main to ruin bis chances. Bast, starting to get better drives out d. the corners. was moving ahead little by little. Rick tried to make uP the difference by driving a little harder into the last corner, but be crossed it up just a little too mucb as Steve took the win. (Results on page 26) The riders shop Factory rider Renzo PasoJlnl shows his unorthodox rldlne s"le. B.nelll has won all th. mlllor 350cc rac.s MId many 01 the 250cc .v_ts. Pasolinl has beaten illite Hallwood and GlacOlllo Aeostlnl Ihls y••• Ben.1I1 Is d.veloplne an a cylinder racine Nchlne lor luture use. "9 SUBSCRIBE! See Page ~ Products lit Quail" A prlc. you c.. Allord Accurate Wheel Mflvric/( $10. 011 SPECIAL Heavy Duty- I 9 22 Moto-x 00 95 Suitable for all !rai I machines Hodaka, Kawasaki, etc. ,95 For 115cc and larger. Trai'lbikes too, , This oll.r lor a 11m! ted Time only '" ... ' .... ....... •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Th. B. st Shock _ at any price. The New ftMAVRICK5-way adjustable heavy duty shocks rebu i IdabIe lustrous chrome springs 12lA- length center to cen.ter of eyes .3'i,- travel' . I . 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SNELL APPROVED Z90.1 °Luther & Nylon Lined SAVE .13.00 ° Ears Vented for added Comfort °Sizes S (6-5/8 - 6-118) Mn - I Ih) L (op. class) °Colors Red - White - Blue - Silver °ldeal for Trail - C~etition or Street Immediate Service on all Mail Orders Accurate Wheels P.O. Box 2386 FUllerton, Calif. 92633 (Send or money order with appropriate stclion of this ad) NO C.p.D. All prices FOB Fullerton Calif...sldents add ~ sal.. tax (114) 810-4991 If no answer (714) 521-9721 (9-5 dally)

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