Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 05 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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..America's Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper- SI rve Y ALL CYCLE SH CITY • KANSAS KANSAS CITY, Kan. Aprtl12-13, 1969. Two hll1ldred and tourteen motorcYcles were displayed here lD the "1969 Fun and ThrW Scene All-Cycle SIlow." There was sometll1ac tor everyOlle, trom choppers to vintage machines being ft\' W.,. F.ew.d of S.ta kbara. Calif. took -Top Blk.. aw.cL exh1btted. Door prizes and drawings turn1shed a Hodaka to tile ttrst place 1ODDer, tollowed by;'a varlety of accessorles and tickets to tba Natiooal races. DeLong Wios OIFBMllwhacker DeLong, wlnQllT of the 175cc Production road tile AFM courage-COlltest at ounty international Raceway AprU was pUoting a l75cc Kawasald, out of Temple Clty (Callt.) Kawasald••• DOt a BridgestODe as erroneously nolled • the results. Ray Road EqniplBent Re Dirt BikN? ired For According to a bureau of tile Federal Government, "any vehicle whtch is capable f1 be1ng operated on tile h1gbway must be equipped to be operated 011 tile h1gbway." In case you wondered, that's wb7 HODda m1n1b1kes are now coming equlpped with Ugbts and Ucense plate brackets. A HoocIa spokesman says, "u it applies to us, 11 should apply to all otber imports, lIDd domest1c products as _lL" HODda vows to see to 11 that otbers have to t1t Ugbts to tIIe1r~-road modela, even tbougb they're no more "capable" of h1gbWlQ' use Ihan tile M1Df. Road Riders Give $4,000 to Charity ~ weekeDd's 39 Palms road run tII'oIICbt 605 eotr1es and $4,000 to tile City of Hope. Full story next week. Publisber & Editor•• Cbuc1l ClaytOD Business MaIIll&er•• SbaIOD Clay~ Office Maacer••Gaylene Thomason Prod1Iction Manacel'••Dennis Greene Prodaction A t. .Deall CUllDindlam BclokILeeper•••• , • Susan Whitelaw Lab TeclmicJan••••• ,LUy Laldch Wallt Ads••••••••• Sandra PurdY Pu blished weekly except the first and last week of the calendar year by C&S PUblishing Co., Post Office Box 498, Long Beach, California. also publishers of State Cycle News for the Eastern states. Second Class Postage paid at Long Beach, Calil. Editorial stories, cartoons, photos. etc. are welco e and will be paid tor on the 15th of every month for material published the previous month (except press releases and ·Voice· letters.) Addressed. stamped envelope assures return. Reprinting in whole or in part expressly forbidden except by permission of the Publishers. Advertising rates and circulation information wlll be sent upon request. Slnde copy price. • • • • • • ••• 2~ SlIbscripl101l: OIle yeu 2Dd cia -.tI ••••••••••••••••• 51.50 NATIONAL ADVERTISING DIRECTOR••••• TIIl1R1as R. CUlp Cycle News IWestl, P.O. BOI . 498, long Beacb, Calif. 90800 Tel. (213) 423-8431. EASTERN ADVERTISING AI HIUff State Cycle Ne.s (East) P.O. Bol 13, Amhe.. t, Ohio 44001 Tel. (2\6) 984-2433 1Z ROAD RIDER RECOGNITION I'm an outrlder, witll a dressed hog, '66 FLH black and whtte and silver, witll 'bout 114 sUver stars 011 11 - appropriately named "SUver Galaxy". B1ll Harmer published a plcture of 11 in Cycle News when 11 WOII best-dressed mod1t1ed stock class on the S1ng1ng Wheels overntgbter last year • The road rlding, reputable clubs really put a lot at work In organ1z1ng a tour, "overn1ghler" Or a Sunday run. They deserve more pubUclt;Y. To honor the prestdent at a club. or the energetic organiZer, there should lie a plcture of 111m and a write-IlP, at least once a montll In Cycle News. For instance, Chuck Myers, Pac1t1c Coasters M.C., should appear InCycleNewsevery year alter the annual Indio Tour • You would hOllor 111m each year it you bave observed his "abundance f1 energy" at the popular Indio Tour. He really carries the load In cOllduct1ng such an organized tour. Th1nk about 11. JIM PINKERTON San Diego, Cal. CRAZY MEBBE, BUT NOT RICH What 15 tb1s I hear about Wes Cooley charging $50.00 tor small blkes and $100 tor large b1kes as entry tees tor tile 12 hour eocluro whtch he says w111 be held the 28t11 and 29th at June? The very tbought of 11 is outrageous. Where does he think we are going to rake up tbatldnd f1 bread? He isn't deaJ1ngwith mUUooalres and tIIere are a lot at otller boys who have given up tile Idea at racing out there tor the 12 hr. race. We may be crazy to race but _ are not tbat crazynor tbat rich. CLARK SCOTT Culver City, Cal. WITHOUT RESERVATION Last week a man trom tile Forestry Department was taIdng names and addresses at all the motorcycUsts and Issu1Dc warn1ngs 011 the closing of the laods to bikes and buggies (tb1s was at Mercy Hot Springs). How do _ express lID effective volce In tb1S? U we ClLD't, then I euess my bikes are IlP tor sale. IteeI Uke an Iod1an being kicked ~ f11and tbat I tboucbt be10qged to us all and being told to _ 011. DA VID DuBOIS Hollister, Callt. FORM LETTER? A suaest1011 to Cycle News 011 the t.Dn1ng by tile B.L.M. at use f1 PubUe Lands. Print In your weekly a cUp out letter v 1 e w 1 n g our objecttOllS to COlltrol1ed use of tIIese PubUc Lands. I teel tile time to wrlte to the varlous PubUc ottlc1als. down to Phelan. This gives us some ldea wbat to look torward to. OIl, sure" Big Brotber" will see to 11 tbat the t1ds w111 bave a place to rlde, maybe even two pkces, but wtIo wants tile same tew acres to rlde all tile time? EDWARD L. BOUNDS R1aJto, Callt. HITTING HOME ED TAYLOR Bakersfield, Cal. COMMENT: We would, but a fonn letter does not have near Ibe elJect Ibat a pel_aI, orlg1DalleUer does. BEST ASS FORWARD Atter reading a digest of the new law bann1ng motorlzed vel11cles trom tile desert, l must assume tbat the tast growing tamUy recreat1011 at rock hunting and prospecting will likewise be atfected. U so, I'm sure tbat they will revert to tile age old mode ot transportattOll _. the BURRO•..a means we ourselves ClLD conslder. I would suggest that In Ueu of tile Watts Grand Prix, advertised in your April 3rd Issue, we hold a "HARE and BURRO" race tbrough downtown Sacramento. I'm sure tbat alter a hundred mUe race f1 this type _, II all gladly get ott of our asses and write to tile Bureau of Land Management and to Mr. Hickle, Secretary f1 tile Interlor. (We m1g1lt ask, "U pubUc laods aren't tor tile pubUc, who are they tor?") JIM MEYER Belltlower, Callt. COMMENT: Cattle fatteners, maybe? DESERT TRAFFIC TICKET? Now tIIey want a desert torce lased on tile order of the tor est rangers. I called tile forest StatiOll at Lyttle Creek today. The "ott road" areas are close

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