Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 04 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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BAST AGAIN ~ AT SPEEDWAY r..J By Carol Sims Pbotos by Dennis Greene raJ :i!: ~ PACOIMA, Cal., AprU 12 - PulJ1Dg a repeat performance of last mpoth' S Class A speedway swooP, slid1n' Steve Bast outran a tine field of competitors to scoop up everYth1J1g In slgbt at Whiteman Stadium saturdaY nlgbt. Bast took the measure ot his foes In the 4-lap beat race, semi, Trophy Dash and "A" Main Event, turning back such stellar speedway exponents as Joim Hateley, Joim Carter, Jack 0' Brien, uncle , Harlan Bast and Rick Woods Inthet1nal. The fuel-burning 500cc Esos and JAP's were out en masse, and a swiftly movtne 17-event program keptthecrowd 00 their toes all evening 1lXIg., In additioo to -tbe races, promoter Dude Criswell arranged for musical entertainment by a rock group, The Human Equation, plus an extra attraction - kids competing In quarter-midgets. Trophy time found three lovelies on band to present the Bella Capri Restau~ rant awards, Including actress Kathy Andrews, star o! Gemini American'S new film, "Bigfoot." The progressive program consisted of 8 beats, 4 semis, 2 matcb races, the Dasb, a "B" Main Event and an "A" Main Event. Fastest time of all the 4lappers was clocked by John Carter, who flew to decisive beat race victory In a sizzling 59.62 seconds, only man to travel the distance In less than a minute. Several spills occurred - none of them serious - but In one of the beats Bill Cody unloaded on the flU: turn of theflrst lap, then Greg Haserot took a tumble on tile troot stralgbtaway, thus necessitating a restart. On the second try, Cody got off aga1n, managing to pull bis macbine out ot lIle way before b1s three adversaries bad circled the track. The next lap found Homer Knapp bitting the turf, and with one lap to go Haserot crasbed once more, leaving American Speedway Champ Rick Woods - - recently back trom a tour of Australia - - the winner more or less by default. Then In the . , /~ ..~", ..., :>. U . ,- • /' / " 1 Larry Heinzelman crosses up In front, Jack O' Brien unicycles out of a tum. Sine Bastin Action. "A" Main, after running second to Jack 0' Brien In their semI, Woods slid down and out of contentiOll for the big money. The other semis were taken by Steve Bast, John Hateley and Joim Carter. Several favorites were WUlble to transfer to either Main Event, Including sammy Tanner, Sonny Nutter and Mllrty Mac- Ste". ..d his broth _ and uncle, with Kathy An.....s. Donald•• , but there's always next week. In the "B" Main Event, another Bast - - this time young Mike - - turned back the opposition to score a bardfougbt win over Norm Elledge, ROIl Miller Terry GralJam, Lonnie Arnold and Larry Heinselman. With the arrival of warmer spr1ngtlme weather, promoter Criswell has now slated Class A speedway events at Whiteman Stadium on an every-saturday-nigbt basis. Fans and riders alike are looking forward to an even more excl~season than last year's - - and it's starting off with a bang. (Results on ~ 20) ;{~///////{///////////~//////////////////////////////////////////~< ~. ~ \ motorcycle - ~ ~ \ 'Ddt ~"'dt 'P",u~ EVER t,'SATURDA Y NIGH1: ..~ 8:,30 P.M. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Off SAN fERNANDO RD:., WHITEMAN A'RPORT 13020 P'ER ESTREET, PACO'MA ~ ADULTS $2.50 ~ liDS UNDfR 12 fREE ~ fREE PARr'NG FEATURING GEMINI "-' ,AMERICAN'S , LOVELY KATHY \ ANDREWS PLUS \ THE USUAL TURNOUT \ OF STARS. ~ -' "" FREE HIT \ ~ S ~ ~ ~ 35 .

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