Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 04 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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More US Foreign Successes SCRAMBLI,N AROUND By Maureen Lee On May 4th, the Oxnard throwing a no-point scrambles at Perris and we hope they have a good turn-out. They are primarily a road club but they have enough members with competition backgrounds to pull a scrambles off. They are also throwing a poker run the same day terminating at the track which will give us all a chance to see how the other half lives. I know road machines don't turn many of us on; it takes machinery like a C-Zed or a Griffon personally speaking, but let's try and co-exist on that particular Sunday without too many snide comments, huh? One reason is that if this is a success other clubs may want to co-operate with the road people and we'll point out why. Money! What scrambles club wouldn't like a bigger gate ata. race and think of all the loot coming through the gate with only 150 road bikes showing up! We know July is a long way off, but if you have a vacation around the 20th, go up to Vancouver if you can, and ride the motocross there the Totems put Oil. It was a gas last year (just ask anyone who went) and the course is excellent. It's not too rough so you won't come home with a busted frame, but it's good. We're sure glad to see Bay Mare reopen. One of the new management was on hand at the District Sports, Committee meeting and it sounds like they've really got something going for them up there. If your club is thinking of where to throw your next one, check with them. Their fee schedule is different than in days gone by. If you noticed that bit about flveporting being illegal a couple of 'weeks ago. with all due respect to Mr. Jules Horkey, we have gone through that rule book until we're blue and can't find that rule anywhere or any rule that could be interpreted that way. It was definltely stated in last years' book but not in this one. We still think it would have been fun if just one protest on five-porting was filed last year. and then to watch half the lightweights in District 37 head for the hills and a legal piston! If you have new boots and can't find someone to wedge them properly, try Maletta's at 5505 Stearns in Long Beach. The store is behind the Mobil Station, and the little gentleman there does a slap up job on racing boots although we suspect he considers racers are crazy! Last week we mistakenly alleged that Ron Nelson'S 10th place motocross finish in his first foreign race at Jovart. Belgium was the best placing an American has ever achieved in European motocross. We owe an apology to Bud Ekins who notched a 3rd at Hawkstone, EngraJ,d in a 1952 world championship G.P. scrambles (motocross). Paul Hunt. who scored a third in an international meet in Italy in 1963, and Stu Peters. who was second in a 1963 international at Vannes, France. In addition, Charlie Hockie, Ray Mc carty Bill Silverthorn and Bill Thomas enjoY~d some success in their recent European motocross tours. Nelson's 10th place in hisfirstforeign outing is "a marvelous thing," according to Paul Hunt, who raced three years in Europe. "It usually takes three years to make the first fifteen," Hunt says. .. MOTOCROSS AT SPROCKET MOTOR MAID WINS HONOR By Bill Harmer Phyllis Clark, Riverside housewife and mother of 5, recently placed 5th nationally in the AMA's annual "Typical girl rider" contest and was honored in ceremonles at Daytona during the ., National speed week". Phyllis, who is Southern Californla State Director of Motor Maids Inc. made the trip to Daytona and back to Calif. on her BMW sidecar rig accompanied by her spouse Burney. When interviewed at the "Yuma prison run" she proudly pointed out that six of the top ten contestants were members of the Motor Maids Inc. Phyllis and Burney own fille BMW motorcycles and Burney keeps them all in top condition. All five of their children as well as their son-in-law are cycle enthusiasts and win more than their share of field events trophies at the many tours and rallies that they attend. Whenever they have a trophy for the largestfamily mounted on motors, the Clarks add another trophy to their well filled trophy case. Phyllis has many prizes for "Best dressed woman cyclist" and specializes in field events. She would like to see more women motorcyclists in the Motor Maids Inc., an organization of which she is very proud and urges all gals who have motorcycles of their own or who have access to their husband's or father's machine and ride them solo, to contact her by mail or phone. She will be very happy to hear from you and will give you complete detalls about Motor Maids Inc. Her address is: Phyllis Clark, 9648 52nd St., Riverside, California 92509. Phone (714) 685-6868. Top: Don Hughes (Bullaco) winner among the 250cc Jrs. followed by 2nd place George Snld•• Above: Woody (6) Wilson, Yamaha, 12Scc Senior winner and Gary Emory. 2nd. By Ernie Winslow won the first moto with Snider nipping at his heels and things were just in reverse for the second. The last go-around was just as close with Hughes winning by a wheel. Hughes was Bultaco mounted out of Griff's Motorcycle Store. Snider. better known for his prowess In midgets and "Indy" cars. managed to squeeze In a motorcycle event before leaVing for the East to begin the current season. Snider was aboan\ Mike Lane's Yamaha. For the fans wondering about "Mighty Mike," he suffered a broken thigh at a recent event and will be out of action for a time. Dennis Keefe from Bishop showed what desert riding can do for you by winning the 250cc Senior class with such ease that his potent "Husky" hardly got warmed up. BSA powered Mike Keen led the Open beginners all the way with Jim O'Hara placing second. It was either a Matchless riding an O'Hara or the other way around for at the conclusion Jim said he was so tired the bike must have ridden him. The final class of the day was an allMaico win. Bill Oliver won all three events with Ed Taylor winding up second. (Results on page 20) Always prOUd of their scrambles course. the Bakersfield Sprockets M.C. in a constant effort to stay abreast of current competition, constructed a new motocross track .at their China Grade raceway. This new innovation is completely independent of the scrambles track. The greatest advantage is for the spectator as the track is bordered by a bluff that gives a clear view of the course. The general consensus of the riders at the March 23 race was the track rated among the best in district 35 but could be a little wider in certaln spots. The only place needing widening for the 125 Juniors was straight UP as these boys were airborne most of the time. Wayne Garrett and Ron Ely played tag down to the final moto. Garrett rode a Yamaha with Ely on a Maico. Woody Wilson emerged the victor in the Senior division of this class with a fine second effort in the first fifteen minute affair. After a poor start, Wilson moved from dead last to barely miss first place with a soaring leap at the finish line. The 250 Juniors were outclassed by Don Hughes and George Snider. Hughes AVAILABlf AT THESE DEALERS s....... s_.... _ ... IU".,C",-" 0._ CIlU'OIU"'" SaIl" CI ... 1I...... 0.~.t - Cu.... CltyC'tI. Cul_CI" .. C,cll c.~."2 t,eI,s., 0 ..'.... '"ft_I..I,. ,,,,01..,_1" CI._ Uklall KAWASAKI SPEED KITS 12000 & 17500 'write or call $46.00 up DRACO'S MOTORCYCLES 1629 50. Standard Ave. Sanla Ana, Cal. 92707 (714) 543-9688 Coos Bay Cross Country 4/6/69 1st OVERALL - Jack Baxter· ToW 11I.11I•• , ... 0100.. ,.." .....,. $.......) •., S. •• CulM In•• ....... Itl_",c,el., "11.... l~. Sprockets M.e. Motocross 3/23/69 Open Senior Class 1st Bill Oliver 2nd Ed Taylor , ...... 1>1 ....""1-" "kl,h ",_Crel. Vlull. J.... ......,IhUt. ~:c~~ll/C H""O."I_I .... ....... , ...M SACHS NORM. REEVES Paramount' Anaheim • Downey Salinas Winter Scrambles 3/23/69 40' Expert Class 1st Ray Clausen L.I. Trl ......111I L... I ..d1 lhekll.ll/CC_. II....... . ,,,._tN),,. D.~. C'C.. ...... 'M'lll"... Lr_' Hilltoppers Motocross 3/23/69 360cc Class 1st Jac~ Baxter Torsten Hallman Racing, Inc. West Coast Dis!. for PENTON Motorcycles Torsten Hallman special design lealllers & racing equipment U.s. Dis!.forTrelieborg Moto-Cross tires For dealer info. write or call 5345 Timken St., La Mesa, Cal. 92041 (714) 460·1402 0 .." .. C.. Cjll:1e ..... Troc(.IIIIC Trl"."'''_ L_..... Crcle SlHl.... It I.II./C 11,.... I"'. Cl'l'1e S/Oooo LNe"... O"VucollfC Itl C.Jtft 1'" 1I_ll/Cs..•• ,.... M _ :=\~":i:. C~ ...C .111.,... =r:;i~;iPPi 0,.. III•• C.. ._. ••••t T"~~Y~.''''' ~t~~.~~ ....... c,." c•. ...,,"'... SonL"hC",IoP)' O,......... IIlIC C.... O••• ~.oI. 50.11 (;",.C,<1I1)' S... to e... Illc~.~ '" C_IQc'Mu. 111110. 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