Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 04 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS ~ ~ E III Y an SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH ESDAY liGHT ~ FLAT TRACK RACES, Trojan Racew9 ~ ID cal., Laar Bea.c:h Fwy " ¥lrestaae t,,) MOTo-CROSS races atLleRdmM's Point, Apple VaBey, Cal. by tile Hi-DeaertR8c!DC A.aaoc. All cJuses, free entry. J>rac. 8:30 a.m., race 11 a.m. Info: (714) 247-7473 enntnes. FRIDAY APRIL 18 TT RACES, AMRA at Mangnlb SpeedWIlY in Pboenlz, Ar1zclaa. 6:30" p.m. pnctice, 8:00 race. Ill'rd., FIn8tlaDe to Gart1e1d, so. OIl Gart1eJd• .-t OIl IioIItbern to track. 6-7:30 IUD. mp-q>. 10Qcc to 25OCc. Tropbi. . It 4()fI, r1 .... EVElY THURSDAY IIIG11T SPOR7SMAN TT RACESat Trojan Race"ftT in Cal., Loag Be8ch Fwy." Firestlaae BlYd., Firestone to GarfteJd, so.... Garftek1,- west OIl SoIltilern to track. 6'1:30 p.m. aip-llP. 100cc to 2socc. Tropbies " 4()fI, r1 .... EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY, APHI L lI1Il 32Dd ANNUAL TRAIL BLAZER MEETING" BANQUET atBodger YOUIIC Aid.. 136 W. SPEEDWA.Y RACJBG at 8alIgus SpeedCalIf. Take GoldeA state Fwy. to pelmdPJe turn otf, lett at SoIomanJaDct. for 2-1/2 ml1es. PROFESSIONAL TT by J.C. ApjaDlanat Tulare, Cal. Fah IP ollllds. AMA aaDCtioaed. Race 8:30 p.m. -.r, SUNDAY, APRIL 2DIh 1/2 MILE FLAT TRACK RACES by J.C. ApjIniaD at Ascot Park, 18400 S. Ver1IlQIlt, ~, Cal. Race B:~5 P.Dl. (1Ille ad) 4th ANNUAL RU.N by NOI'walkBock8ta. infO: (U3): 863-5339 or 863-9106. TRIALS by CreaWne M.C. &< Rialto Jr. CJIamber of Com. at Lyttle Creek, Cal. start 9 a.m. Limed from Riverside Ave. &< HIghland in Rlalto.1Dfo: (U4) 882-1818. Dub's C7CJe Sa1ea. MOTo-CROSS A.C.A. sanct. Sadd1ellack Park, ora.uce Cty.. Calif. 1Dfo: (714) 528-4290. TT RACES, Class C, $600 purse, at orecoa Sidewinders M.C. track, oar PortlaDd. 1 p.m. Info: DenDia/Dtane Seifert, Rt. 3, Box 290 C, orecoa City, orecoa 97045. 632-3857 (after 7 p.m.) or 234-7388 (days). EVERY SATURDAY liGHT TT RACING uDder the Ugbis at ElslDore Race Track. Just off Hwy. 71, east of Perria, Calif. turooft. Sportsman tropbles for all classes. TT SCRAMBLES by F_therR19W M.C., Triple M Speedway, S1mpsoa Lane, Marysy1l!e, Cal., Stgnqp " Practice 5:30 p.m., Race 8 p.m., Stde back class. lDfo: Fealber River M.C., 46 Ar1zclaa way, MaryIl't'1lle, cal. 95901. Joyce Krill lDfo: (916) 742-5022. Starts Ma.v 3., S.C.T.A. RIDING SCHOOL Sadd1eback Park, 2455 Orange, OraDge Cty., Calif. lnfo: (714) 639-5832. TT RACES at Perris, Cu. Gates open 5:30, practice 6:30, race ~:OO. Limited to 150 entries. Claas C tractlon 0Il1Y. lDfo: Gerry Burtoo, (714) 657-3678 or 657-8081 SPEEDWAY RACING at Wblteman Stalltum, ~O Plerce st., Pacoima, Cal. Off San FerDaIIdo Rd. at WhltmaD AIrprt. See ad for more Wo. ENDU.RO at Forest Hlll. Expert "A" &< DOY1ce "B" classes. Polka Dots M.C., , Sacramento. Info: 451-1845. POKER RUN, Redwood Empire M.C., Santa Rosa, Cal. Info: Ezra, EN 8-0530, Lodt, Cal. SCRAMBLES by Lodt M.C., Lodi, Cal. Cycle Bowl. Info: "Ezra, EN 8-0530. EVERY SUNDAY MOTORCYCLE DRAG RACING a~ Lion." Drag Strip, 223rd and Alameda in Wilmington, Cal. lnlo: (aU} 424-0961. EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES by BusIl Busters M.C., AMA. South Nenda M/C Assoc. pOints. Limed !rom Eastern &< Sunset, Las Veeas, Nevada. start 10a.m. lnfo: (702) 735-7897,3128 SlIJIdown Dr., Las Veeas, Nev. ARST SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH MOTORCYCLE RACES at lJeaulUan's Point in Apple Valley, CaL European Scrambles, 3 one hour raceli, 3 classes. Post entries only. Prac. 8 a.m., race 10 a.m. lDto: Pbone' 71- 9, Hwy 11, Rancho MIrap, cal. MINJC i'CLE &< GO !CAR RACESHlIIltlDctoD Beach, CalIf. Cycle Park, 1Dfo: 842-21U. No bikes _ Sun. AprU 6. DESERT RACES by Smobibomb Gaetz M.C., ~15 lIl1. 1oap&. ~ from Bicb Yl8ta store, at Ave. J &< lllOtb St., DOl1b r1 Palmdale, Cal. 1 p.m. stii'BiI&. ROAD RIDE from 71b &< Broad_y,santa MODica, Cal. to tile Ojai ara atgpplng for breakfast at OXllllrd. RIde _yes at 10 a.m. AMA PRO HALF .MILE DIRT TRACK races. WarmllPS nOOD, 1st race 2: 15. Purse $1200. san Jose Cty .Fatrgrollllds, 344 Tulley Rd. SPORT RIDING at HIIIItiIIctoD Beach Cycle Park. Cal. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1Dfo: 897-4458. -~-----_ DSl.5 ~ .HARE SCRAMBL"ES by FootbID Hawlas M.C., limed 10 mi Nortb at Adennto. 245 m11oap&. 'TraUbUlaallooP_10 a.m. start. 61b ANNUAL '4ger "ENDURO by Polka Dots M.C. r1 Sacramento, Cal. Start aad flntsh in Forest BW, first rider out 8 a.m. Polka Dots M.C., 86 Ka10ae ct., Sacramento, Calif. 95820. lDfo: (916) 451-1345 01' 957-0993. BUFFALO FEED by Daft Muon, Ed Kretz &< Sldp F.orQyce at Calico GIIoat Town in California. See ad for lDfo. 'TT SCRAMBLES by L1CbtW'81gbta M.C. at perris, Cal. L1gbtwe1gbta 8 a.m.. big bores DOOD. Info: FloYd Lewis (213) 429-0405. This is a DeW Il8bscription 'ftis is a renewal I enclose check or BODey order bill me later _ _ ZIP _ --------------(due to postal leculatlons we must bave zip co,des on all subscriptions) THURS.1In SUII., APRIL JH11II 'CYCLE WORLD MOTORCYCLE SHOW .u--. at Los ADge1es SPorts .stockers aad ltuatoma of all descript10asin 1Dc1udlDg tile lDdelICribab1e. Say bello aad get dlac:ouat dlac:rlptloas at Ibe Cycle News booth.. FRIDAY, APRIL 25111 TT RACES, AMRA, at Manzanita SpeedWIlY in Phoenix, ArizoDa 6:30 p.m. prac. 8:00 race. SATURDAY, APRIL 2li1ll BARE SCRAMBLES by Master L1nIts M.C. Limed from Barstow Jree_y to Hwy 395, 2 mi to Phelan Rd., left 2 m1 to Rocking "K" Bar. PbUan, cal., lDfo: (714) 892-3709 or (213) 372-3385. SCRAMBLES by Patbfinders M.C. of Fresno, Cal. at KearDey BowlSpeedway. .Practice 6 p.m., race 8 p.m. AMA saac. Info: Rodger Ritcber, 4307 C. indianapolis, Fresno, Cal. . ... ------- -- ----------- 0 0 _ CITY_ _......:. ,ENDURO By Polka Dots M.C. at For.t 'Hlll, cal. Info P. Ezra, EN8-0530. Lodi, Cal. HALF MILE DmT TRACKatSllntaClara Cal. Cowty FatrgrOUDds. orecon. _ ---=- Soatb_ TT RACES by Mesa M.C. at SpeedldT, sw at Chula Vista aad OlIIy, Cal. Umed from MaiD st. exit into 0lIIy from 1Ideratate 5. Practice 10a.m.. rac.e DOOD. lDfo: Doll Seymour. Mea M.C., P.O. &ox 1231, SprlDg Valley, Cal. 920'77 MOTOCROSS by LaDcers M.C. atCIBmpioa Speedway, across from CIIDd1eatick Park in S. San Francisco, Cal.AMA sanc. Prac. 9 a.m., race 11 a.m. Info: Howard Sutton (415) 369-0247. MOTOCROSS by Lom~S1o-pokesM.C. SAT, & SUN" APRIL 2& & 21111 at Santa Maria SpeedWllY, limed from Southern California Trials Association Two-day English Trials, Big Bear Lake, Bakerafle1d turn-oft. Dist. 35 Points, prac. 10 ~ race DOOD, rain 01' sblne. Calif. People interested in scorekeepInfo: (805) 736-6362 Ernte Earne8t. 1ng contact Dave Evans (213) 865-3991. EUROPEAN MOTOCROSS at TqJor's SPRING TOUR, City of Hope BelUlf't by DuII1ap Recreation Center, 1562 N. Tell. Rc.driders. man, Fresno, Cal. 93728. Tel: (209) 266BIG BEAR TWO-DAY TRAILS. seTA 2858. S1gnuP &< practice 8 a.m. race 11 sanctioaed. limed from Standard Station a.m. Take Hwy 180 (V.tura St., KIDCa in Fawnskin, Cal. Start Sat. noon. Info: ClUIYon Rd.) east out Df FreaDO to CllngDave .EftDS (213) 865-3991 or Gary BarU's JuDet., rtebt 4 mi to park entrance. too (213) 697-9441. Rain or 8b1De. SCRAIrlBLES by 9a11nu Ram. . . . . . .C., SUNDAY, APRIL 21 12 m1 N. r1 1Ia1lDaa .OD 101 at Crazy EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES by Cycllers Horse Canyon Rd., cal. Practice &< signM.C. at Bakersfield, Cal. Limed from uP 9-11 a.m. Race noon. ZOOCc " uP. Bakerafleld Speedway (No. Cheater Ave.) Info: 422-9809, 422-6703 SaliDas, Cal. Info: Jack Beson (805) 832-0506. FLATTRACK RACES at Tri-AQCJe TT RAC"ES, Class C, $600 purse, at SPeedWllY, 2-1/2 mi SW of Herm1atoD, oregon Sidewinders M.C. track, Dar orecon. infO: Pius BornlDg. Blue Mm. PortlaDd. 1 p.m. Info: Dennls/Dlane M.C .• -P .0. Box 590. Herm1stoD, oreggn SeUert, Rt. 3, Box 290 C, Oregon City, 97838. may 4, may 18 Oregon 97045, 632-3857 (after 7 p.m.) ROAD RACING at.Austln DrIIgway Park, . or .234-7388 (days). Awsttn, Texas. lDfo: S.MB.A. 250'7 TeU SCRAMBLES, Saddleback' Park suct. Ave., san .A.aee1o, Tuaa 96901. (915) Sa

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