Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 04 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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YoU'll Always S•• It FIRST in - ..America's Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper- Pablisber& Editor•• Chucl< ClaylXlo BusiDess Manacer•• Sharon Clayton OUice Manacer••Gayleoe Thomason Production Manager•• DeruW! Greene Production Asst••Dean Cunnincbam Caleadar & Club Dir••• llay Mendez OooILkeeper••• , , • Susan Whitelaw Circulation DePt. • J e...y McDonald Lab Teclmician••••••Lily Laktcb Want Ads••••••••• Sandra PurdY Pu blished weekly except the first and last week of the calendar year by C&S Publishing Co., Post Office Box 498. Long Beach, California, also publishers of State Cycle News for the Eastern stales. Second Class Postage paid al Long Beach, Calif. Editorial slories, cartoons, photos, etc. are welcome and will be paid for on the 15th of every month for material published the previous month (excepl press releases and "Voice" lelters.) Addressed. slamped envelope assures return. Reprinting in whole or in part expressly forbidden except by permission of lhe Publishers. Advertising rates and circulation information will be senl upon request. Slade copy price•••••••••• 25t SUbscripi1on: ODe year 2Dd class DIlII. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $7.50 NATIONAL ADVERTISING DIRECTOR••••• Thllllas R, Culp Cycle News (West), P.O. BOI 498, Long Beach, Calif. 90800 Tel. (213) 42H431. EASTERN ADVERTISING State Cycle News (East) P.O. Box 13, Amherst,Ohio 44001 Tel. (216) 984-2433 ~/2 VOICES OF THE WEST BIKES SUBSIDIZING CARS? The state Toll Bridge Authority is ra1s1ng motorcycle rates for crossing from San Diego io Coronado 400%, from flfteen cents to sixty cents. They are raising auio rates but 33% and some auio rates are even going down. The result is that the many motorcycle commuters are subSidizing the autos! Persons interested in protesting the action might write Hon. Gordon C. Luce, Secretary of Business and Transportation, 1120 N Street, Sacramenio, Californta, 95805. JOHN E. HERMANN Coronado, Calif. GUZZI Ys. HARLEY (Contillled) Concerning the H.D. Mota-Guzzi arguments. Let me give some facts. I have been a motorcycle mechanic with the L.A.P.D. twenty years. I was assigned the tests at Riverside and Long Beach Lions Strip. The whole Moio Guzzi bit was started by my good friend AI Vanderpool, owner of World Cycle, 3303 W. Sunset Blvd., L.A. (AI was killed on the 1967 Barstow io Vegas Run). Then it was taken QP by Bob Blair the Western distributor• Blair and I set up the llghts, saddle bags and radiomountsioL.A.P.D. specs. We tested the first one about 10 months, not 30 days. It is true the Maio-Guzzi dropped a fth'e at RiYerside and the Honda 450 blew the cases. They were botiI repaired the same night. As for the 1/4 mUe digout tests, the Mota Guzzi beat out the Harley by 2 miles an hour, with officer Jack Woods (175 Ibs.) riding them both at Lions Drag Strip. As for a drive shaft, we bad no trouble with the B.M. W. in 1960, we had the 500 side car model and it was too slow. i have ridden ali of the motors a lot in testing, and my opinion is, it is 6 of one and a 1/2 dozen of the other. But I wUl give the H.D. the edge for my bit. WES ANDERSON SR. Los Angeles, Cal. IOTO GUZZI ANSWERS BACK There seems io be a great deal of emiroversy over the recent Los Angeles pollee tests ~ the Harley 74 versus the Mota Guzzi V-7. Perhaps at this time I can clarify some ~ the points brought out in the letter from the Southern California Harley Dealers. They cIatmed the Moio Guzzi 'ftS ClIIl7 tested for 30 days - which is DOt correct. It was tested by the Los ADgeles Police Department for over ODe year. Enclosed with this letter is the orig1naI purchase order, dated January 22, 1968, since that time the Los Angeles Police Department has put over 12,000 m1les OIl the V-7. The second point I would llke to clarify 18 the performance tests. It is true the Moio Guzzi was ridden by a Moio Guzzi rider - as was the Harley and Honda. But to qualify the machine had to be riddeD by a Los ADge1e8 Pollee test rider. TIle GUZZi was qnpllfled by <>mcer Jack Woods at 15.49 E.T. and a speed of 85,30 mph. <>mcer Scol:l;y Henderson also qupJIfted the Guzzi at 15.95 E.T. and aspeed ~ 82.56 mph. The Harley was quaIJfl.ed by Officer Duncan at 15.918 E,T. at a speed of 80.93 mpb. Enclosed are the copies of the official Los Angeles Police Department tests to back these times llP. We don't pretend to have a macbine io replace the "74" for police work but we do feel there is a place for both the V-7 and the "74" in traffic enforcement work. GEORGE KERKER Field Representative ZDS Motor Corp., Glendale WRITE FOR YOUR RIGHTS From my Assemblyman's office I secured the names of the men serving on the California State Transportation Committee. There the two helmet law bills will be discussed; if they pass the committee they will be referred to the floor for further discussion and then the vote. The names and districts are as follows: Foran (Chairman) 23rd Deddeh (Vice Chairman) 77th Burke 70th Roberti 48th Schabarun 49th DunJap 5th Gonsalves 66th Sieroty 59th Lanterman 47th 41st - vacancy The District Secretary told me that the vote is often based on the opinions from constituents. The more letters they have opposing this bill, the better our chances ue. Even if Foran Is the chairman, he still only haS one vote in the Committee, so if we can kill both bills before they leave the Committee the less work we'll have to do. My suggestion is that we start a flood of cards and letters io the Committee members simply stating that the law is opposed. A post card wUl do; but if anyone feels like writing a letter - or even getting a smaIl petition signed - the more signatures the better. Cards and letters are addressed Assemblyman - - - -' - - State Capitol sacramenio, Calif., 95814. ' Since we represent approximately 10% or so of the population, every signature helps. Keep those cards and letters coming In folks! SHARON L. BONSCHER Gardena, Calif. COMME T: We are writioc tD all 10 committeemen. Every concerned citizen should do likewise. DEAR JOHN LETTER IN REGARD TO AB 382 Dear John Shedd, I certainly did appreciate your fine coverage of the Saddiehack event and want io thank you for the nice way in which it was written. Good articles and good pictures such as this do much to helP the sport no matter what assoctation throws the event. Sincerely, W.S. COOLEY Presidenl ACA Dear Sir: I understand you have introduced a bill that would force motorcyclists io wear helmets. I am OPPOSED io your bill for the folowing reasons: (1) Helmets reduce the riders PERIFERAL VISION. (2) Helmets reduce the riders HEARING ABILITY. It is esentiaI that all senses are operating at peak efficiency to safely operate ANY moior vehicle. (3) Helmets in addition io limiting vision and hearing also introduce many spurious soundS, resonances and harmonics which are DANGEROUSLY DISTRACTING AND ANNOYING. (4) Helmets are uncomfortable for the above reasons and are also HOT AND REA VY. (5) Face shields on Helmets have been known io fog llP ddenly causing loss of control. So you see Helmets DO NOT PREVENT ACCIDENTS and they may cause them for the above mentioned reasons. I feel mucb more secure riding in a groQP without Helmets because I know no one wUl turn in froot of me or something because they could not see or hear me. Mostly Helmets are UNCOMFORTABLE AND VERY INCONVIENIENT and so I appeal io you as a fellow human being, whY make EVERYONE miserable?? You notice I say EVERYONE, that is because you must require operators of ALL MOTOR VEHICLES to wear Helmets for if not the law would be ABSURDLY DISCRIMINATORY and people would not standfor that. Besides we all know a man has a right io his own body and to decide for his own safety when only himself Is involved. Of course you realize ~ injuries account for the majority ~ deaths in auiomobiles and seat belts could save many of these. I would llke io hear from you soon in regard io this. JAMES ALLAN BART THANKS, YOU GUYS I would like to say thank you, to all the riders who siopped to help when one of those sneaky rocks Jumped out in front of me at the Sidewinders Hare Scrambles on February 23, 1969. And especially io the man on the Norion from the Desert M.C. who made me comfortable and stayed with me until some nice people in a truck came and took myself and my bike back io the pits. An X-ray and some good tape work by the doctor on a sprained ankle and l'm racing again. JOEL SEMPLE (l3-year-old) #532 Corona. Calif. INVADERS ASK FOR IT The INVADERS M.C. wish io thank all of those who entered our "Saucer Run," on the 23rd. We hope that you had a good ride, however since we realize that no run is perfect, we would appreciate your comments and constructive criticism toward helping io make next year's run even better. Our thanks also io the many nODmembers who helped make the .run the success that it was. THE INVADERS M.C. Jim Meyer Public Relations % Jim Meyer & Assoc. 8740 G Park Street Bellflower, Calif. 90706 LETTERS NEEDED OWNER FOUND, LEATHERS LOST In the planning stage is a State Recreation Area at Point Mugu. The Park is south of Ventura. in the prellminary design, consideratioo has been given to an area set aside for motorcycles. As is always the case, there are some selfish interests which wish io exclude cycllsts trom the recreation facllity. In view of the fact that Ventura County desperately needs a cycle park, with provisions for competition, the persons harboring the belief that only their form of recreation should be allowed must get a clear and firm message. 'Ibatmessage is this: Let's work together to construct a retreat not now found In the immediate vicinity. With the acreage involVed, we should be able to satisfy the horseman, birdwatcher, sandwich-eater and cycUstJ Letters to the editors of Ventura County papers such as the Camarillo DaU y News, the Ventura Star Free Press, Oxnard Press Courier and the Conejo Valley Times of Thousand oaks wUl help. An entrance io the park is proposed from the Ventura Freeway in Thousand oaks. This should interest the San Fernando Valley riders. CAMARILLO COMPETITION CYCLES David E. Smead, President Carnarlllo, Calif. Will the rider, riding in the Lost Angels race at Hi Vista March 30, who found a pair of blaclt shoulder leathers, please calI Gary Davies riding DO. 232. He would like them back and can be reached at 21~40-8538. Would appreciate it very much. GARY DAVIES Woodland Hills, Cal. UNSTUCK THANKS My sincere thanks to the people who helped me get my bike out of one of the mud holes in the Viewfinders G.P. Particularly io a member of theRam'sM.C. who got completely covered by mud from the spinning rear tire. (Sorry about that.) This represents the kind of sportsmanship that makes competing in District 37 really worthwhile. JOHN 0' BRIEN (226x) Invaders M.C. Santa Ana, Calif. PUBLICITY GOES BEGGING Buried 'way back on page 18 of the March 25 issue was a squtb that should be read very carefullY by everyone connected in any capacity with the sport or business of motorcycling. Headed "One Man's Publicity Campaign" it told how a single individual garnered a lot of ink in Hawail on the occasion of John DeSoto's European venture. ~o the cycllst, publlcity is like the weather - lots of people talk about it but nobody does anything about it. Except io decry the coverage given "the ele- ment." But constructive publicity is there for the asking, as witness your ftller. As a matter of fact, I even wrote an article on (mostly) publicity-getting for Cycle Magazine a year or so ago. But nobody listened. And if the Industry was at all interested in ink as a promotional tool the moiorcycIe boom would be a helluva lot louder! For instance, I've an assignment iodo a mini-bike siory for one of the "big 3" outdoor mags, but I've yet to find a manufacturer interested in seeing his product displayed before an audience of half a million! I've diddled around so long locating a bike (or two) that the project is probably blown anyway! I wish BSA or Bullaeo made minis! DOUG RICHMOND oaJda.nd, CaUl. ASSEMBLYMAN FORAN'S REPLY: Dear Me. Bart:· This is iD reply to your recent letter I.n whicb you state your opposiiion tD my pro_d lepslatioo (AB 654) that would require IIIOtorcycle operators and riders tD wear helmets. OIl die oCber hand. I am coo vlDced that die arlllmeDis for a D8IldafDry helmet hI.ll far ouiwe icb aoy arcumeu Is apiDst it. For your informaii.... I am enclostng some staUstical data wIIicb poiDts up the need for a IIIlUldatory ~t law. While we _y not be able tD acree on this lecislatlou. I b _ you do uade.. siaDd why I have tnlroduced tt. I appreciate die iime you ba ve to write me on thls lmpoc1ant maUer. JOHN FRANas FORAN CbainoaD. Assemh!y ColllllJittee 011 TransportaU.... Salte 3132 State Capitol, SIlcrameulD. Calif. 9:l814 EDITOR'S COMMENT: Assembly_D Forau's 1969 arcnmeuts for a COlllPulsoI:y helmet law are retreads of his 1968 reasou.tnc, with lbe additiOll of a few more iDcompIete·statisiics. If it is true that untruths can be classed as "lies dalJlll lles and statistics,- Ibea Mr. FOI'llDS arpmeuts are almost entirely or Ibe lat.ter category. Estimates. out-of~te foreieu country studies and a quote from -Reader's Dicest" cOlllPlete his argu1JIeIlis. • At last couut, 40 slates had maudatory helmet lawso •• • Foran coacludes. What he doeSll't say is Uaat iD a dozen of Ibose states, repeal actioo or lecal test cases are under way. . Gettin~ Well U.S. racing star Ohuck Jones is slowly recovering from his Australian speedway accident. He had regained movement of both legs and his right arm. "My left arm is a little lazy," Chuck reports. Both he and his mother, who flew io Australia to be with him, have high hopes for complete recovery. Many Cycle News readers have cootriboted to the fund set ~ io help bring, Jones home, and he wants them io know that he appreciates it, Jones

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