Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 04 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WINTER SCRAMBLES sallas, Callf. M_e11 23, 1969 By Dale Wm. han -~ 200 NOVICE Ed Willems Dale Ivan Robert Beaaeuse Kemit Knollea 200 AMATEUR Leon...d Garcia John Brown 250 NOVICE Bob Bowers Steve Cox Ronald Rolhwell Steve Clark Daniel Stolles Jess Walls Mike Musgrove Ted Bailey 250 AMATEUR Jon Ogilvie Kirk Berelsford Dave Harris 250 EXPERT Scol1 DUfenbaugh John Gennai 375 OVICE Steve Wolkans Robert Henneose Pete Laskier Doug Teeter Bill AI vien David Wilson Jon Nelson Roger Bolden Bul Bul Bul Hon Bus Mon Yam Bul Mon Bul Yam o s Bul Bul Bul Suz Oss Bul Bul Hus Hus Mon Gre Mon Bul Mai Hon Tri C-Z PONDEROSA HARE SCRAMBLES April &, 1969 py Pat Dempsey OPEN CLASS 1. Bill Friant 2. Dennis Pierce 3. Steve Holiday 4. Tom Brooks 5. Cbas. Hockie 6. Darryl Ellis 7. Don Finley 8. Wayne Peterson TRAIL BIKES I. Monte Lee 2. Cordis Broolls 3. Walt Bird 4. Mitcb Mayes 5. Mike McCreen 6. Bob Bell ~: =P:~s r; Dus Yam Hus &1 Sul Hus Yam BSA FORT SUTTER I.e. HUmlGTOI BEACH· TROJU SPEEDWAY SHORT TRACK RACE n OPENER SIIII't TrIct n SI~, Calif. Marcil 1&, 19&1 llIrill. 19&1 Marcil 23, 1969 (-..111_ res81ts) I"ce TT MAIN BLUE WASH AMRA HARE SCRAMBLES Mar. 23, 19&9 Phoenix, Arizona I. A Mike Wilson Oss 968' 2. A Ron Moore Yam 968' 3. A Max Bubeck Hod 96'7' 4. A Raody Jones Yam 966' 5. A Bud Bouseman or 965' I. B James Arner Hon 966' 2. B Jerry Calvert Kaw 962' 3. B Leo Coppi Yam 961' 4. B Butch Kobler Hod 960' 5. B W.D. Allen Hus 959' B ONE (ONE LOOP) I. B Carl Yonkers Hon 469 2. B Von Peterson C-Z 468 3. B Ron Miller . Suz 466 FATHER & SON TEAM I. Earl & Larry Roeseller 1857 2. George & Travis Chaneyl688 POWDER PUFF 1. A Pam Bensley I. B Elinor Howseman YOUNGEST FINISHER 1. B Jim De Rose 8 yrs. old 405 (Hon Mini Trail 50cc1 B Mark Riker 10 yrs old 756 RIDING DOUBLE I. A Don Hensley Nor 954" (Barne tickets for Trophy Fund available [rom Dub's Cycle Sales, 434 W. 40lb St., San Bernardino, Calif. 71~82-1818. Drawing April 20lb.) Bul Hon 375 & 500 AMATEUR Don Chisholm Gre James Boolh Ma1 Don Wilson Mai Bill Landsborough BSA 30:50 NOVICE John Bass BSA Donald Wolfe Tri Jolml\Y SbopCner Tri 40' NOVICE Fred Cziska Tri Richard FleellllUl Tri Fred Valdez BSA 40' AMATEUR Jim Chisum BSA Nonnan seidel Tri 40' EXPERT Ray Clausen Eddie Egyed Bob Bellino Mike AkalUf TROPHY LIST LynLE CREEK ENDURO RUN Rialto, Calif. Felt. 1&, 19&9 By Clara Gutierrez By Matt Glover 9-125«, MOD. Findlay Marble Carlock Gaulk Croyle Kallord 0-125cc, STOCK Edwards Griffin Welch Boone 125-250cc, MOD. Boaz Welch Sturdevant Lechte Snodgrass Boat Wouter Hotchkiss 125-250cc, STOCK Chrisman D'Aquin Kilbinger St. Martin 25~PEN, MOD. Ross Dawson Kridebaugh Carneal Pen BuJ Sac Hoo Yam Hod Kaw Bod Yam Hod Yam Suz Yam C-Z Gre Yam Yam C-Z Bul Gre Hon Yam Duc Suz Hon Mat HILLCLIMB Santa Clara, cal'l Apr. &, 19&9 100cc NOVICE Mike Rooney Walt Burres Charlie McGlmsey Jim VaucJm lOOcc AMATEUR Del Silva Gary Lozaoo Fred McFarland 200cc NOVICE Gary KIIIl_n Jerry Spain Phillip Suiter 200cc AM.lEXPERT J 011II Green Bill StraD e Barry.Webb 250cc NOVICE A. Elon Omisby LeRoy Olambliss Larry Craig Dan Baincco 250cc AMAlE UR Jim Rice Steve Wilson Joe Solo Pat Rooney 250cc EXPERT Frank Gillespie Joe Henry Jim Monegan CUff Aksland Tom Boolh 250ce EXPERT J1IIImy Peu.erMoB Dave Broolls MoB Saz 58O-OI'EN EXPERT Lee sew .... D5 Saz Da.e L _ Bul Gary Bailey ~Im GoldsmUb R-E Mart. B1aclLwell MoB Eddy Walker Tri Don Oook Suz Lany Sboeaalter Suz Jim Grisbmea Jim Elliott Bul Oss Hoo Ka w Kaw See our 1969calalog for the latest custom and racing parts, in· c1uding a full line of speed equipment for Hodaka and Yamaha. Bon Suz BUS Bul Bul Suz Bul Yam Catalog $1.00. Suz Yam Bul BURBANK Bul Suz I Trojan Starts Season Wit" A Roarl 317 N. Victory Blvd.· Burbank, Calli. 91502 Telephone (213) 849-4921 • 842·4847 '·..··········..·..". ,·.·.·.·.·. ·.·.·.·..". ,·..N.·. See 'ern Ri"e at SA DDLEBACI PAIII April 13 - Mlai-Blke Meet April 2G - ACA Motoenss; SCTA RiJlIIg ScIIotl April 2J - saM"ack ser.ules May 11- ClC SllriIlC MltlCms May ll-IIIIi-Blke Meet; SCTA Ridlag ScIJ.1 Jolin Carrasco Don Cortez Carlos Carrasco 375cc NOVICE Roger Voyles ~:x~;:= Clay Catlett 200cc NOVICE Lenard Garcia Larry Silba Ray Real IW.'•• J•• rs.ff .f SADDLEIAC. 'AlII 650cc AMATEUR Don Oody Steve Brooks Mark Smilh 650cc EXPERT AI Ponti Frank Durso Allan Lauer Hod 2O~25Occ AM. EX. Hpeod Albert Ponte Jaltln' Jim Raymond laads Gary Ballay In Trojan n Kaw Manual Ponte SOUTII GATE, CALIF. Aprll 3 _ ThursBod Joe Ponte day night, after a rainout the night belOOcc fore, the Trojan SPeedway raised the Bod :f.."es:;a curtain on its 1969 season. Wbat the = Open 9·5 daily. except T'uesday and Weooesdays Aci11ission $2.50; Juniors & Minis S1.50 Photo 18' Dennis Greeae TT. show lacked in participants and spectators It more thanmade\IPforwithactloo. Jimmie ~ood was the bero d the night. Astride a lOOce Suzuki tuned by iles .f r,..i's Au.s penballS wiD over the hard riding Wayne Hosaka of La Mesa. Young Sal Peluso of san Diego proved previous predictions as to his riding ability to be accurate when be easHy swept the lOOCc Novice horde on his first "pro-prepared" ride. other riders taking wild spills on the smooth bilt slick course were Wayne Butterfield, who like Carter, returned to wiD bis class-Jack Evans, who went end over end balf way down the main straight - John Hoy, MIke Kercher and Larry Collie, all fortunately with no serious injuries. A fiDe crowd of over 1350 fans were on band for a well run program by the Experts M.C. under thedirectlonofthelr new pres. MIckey Chiara. 93 riders were on band for the show, with anaddittonal 8 riders in the "kids" race. The next TT show at South Bay 15 scbeduled for April 20. (Results on page 20) (213) 894-9218 WAllEN WILSON MOTOIS MOTOIlCTCLI SALI5-51IlVICI SOulh of Nordolf in Sepulveda. Calif. 9000 SEPULVEDA BLVD. o .f f •• Baker, Carter Star;;;, E£J!a~~;i~E In Spill-Filled San Dago TT we"tt~a:~~~~:~=: SAN DIEGO, CALIF., March 30 - Yamaha mounted Earl Barker of Mount Helli was the outstandlng rider in last Sunday's TT SportIng Rider DIstrict 38 motorcycle races at South Bay SPeedway. Barker, riding out of South Bay Yamaba and TriumPh, won the 250cc Expert Class and the special sweepstakes race, sponsored by Lucky Yamaba. Myron Carter of Poway won the Wheelie contest in spectacular fashion by traveling the entire straightaway "uP" and then failing to make the fir st turn of the balf mile with the resullant "flight" landing landing bim in a plle of lumber below the bank. Carter's injuries were lucidly only superficial, and he came back to wiD the Open-E;>pert Class over a large field d riders. Carl Byers of san Diego continued bis winning ways in the lOOce E;>pert Class by sweeping all three heats and the class .A Bul 650cc NOVICE Tom Elsa Don McNabb Jim Tbompson Criss Inlrania 500 NOVICE Tom Gareia Bill Landsborough John Preble 250cc NOVICE Mel Cunha By Rod Eschenburg JiIII Raymo ad Oss Mark Bladt~l Ka.. Lally Sbaw Bul Dave ValealDe 25ecc TT MAl DaD CarIIOll in the 2SOcc f1attrack tiDal! Te pie Cif, 'owasaii shop. He fought through the paclt to third place behind stumpenbaus and GAry Balley in the 250cc TT on his Yamaba. Bailey's 125cc Penton just couldn't quite cut It against Lee's 250 Bul. (Results on page 20) Area's lea JIg . .1_ Kawasaki Dealer C_plala Parts ~ Accas_la. 566111. RoS_H Blvd., T...le CllJ (lU) 216-1504 FOR THE BIG MOTOCROSS MACHINES SPECIFY THE MOTOCROSS MODEL AT $32.00 PAIR NOW IN STOCK THE NEW HMAVRICK" S-WAY ADJUSTABLE HEAVY DUTY SHOCKS REBUILDABLE LUSTROUS CHROME SPRINGS 12"'" LENGTH CENTER TO CENTER OF EYES 3%" TRAVEL PLEASE SPECIFY MOUNT TYPE REQUIRED EYE AT EACH END OR EYE AND CLEVIS TYPE SPARE SPRINGS $8.00 PAIR Dealer Inquires Invited SPRING RATIOS FROM 151 to 1251 in stock SHOCKS COME WITH 951 • STANDARD COMPLETE REBUI LD KITS 55.00 EA. SEALS $1.50 PAIR ......: (714) 5U4J9O We Pay P_ _ on PrepHl Orders c.lifomie Rasidants add 5% for ales tax MORl1t AlIERICAM 11IPORT1 - P.O. Boa 621 - e;.,.., Go-. C.lif. 92642 --

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