Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 04 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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U.S. MI Team Successful In First Foreign Try ~ ~ r..:I ~ :... U Roo NeIsoo and J<. Body count was about 9 down In thefirstturu.Fortuoately nobody was hart In Ibis pile-QP and Jon Ogilvie managed to survive the day's events to win b1s class. Kirk Bre1sford followed In second, with Dave Harrison In Iblrd. Len Garcia of Hollister pulled off the win In tbe 200 Amateur class ahead of second place man, JolIn Brown (Hon.). Brown rode a fine race In the main considering the nasty spill he had taken In the beat. (Results on page 20) Th. Am.lcan MX Team didn't rid. at G.nk, B.lelum on March 9, shown In the .. photos. Torsten Hallman won It on a Husky, fonowed byJo.1 (CZ) Rob.rt 2nd, John (BSA) Banks 3rd, Chris (Husky) Hammarcren 4th and Racer De Coster on Cz. The 2S0cc cia .. was b.Cos.... s. AMERICAN MX TEAM'S GP SCHEDULE April 6 - 500cc Motocross, Limoges, France (Both riders). April 13 - Spanish 250cc Motocross GP, Madrid. April 20 - Swiss 250cc Motocross GP, Geneva. (John). 500cc Motoao GP of Austria (Ron). May 4-250 & 500. Vannes, France (Both) May 11- wedish Motocross GP. Stock· holm. Mayl~Club eventtnltaly(not definite). May 18-Dutch 500cc Motocross GP, The Hague. June 8-East Germany Motocross (Both). June 15-500cc GP of Czechoslovakia (Both). J1me 22-Russian 500cc Motocross GP, Moscow. July 6-25Occ Motocross, Switzerland (not definite). July 13-SOOcc Motocross, France (Joim only). August 3-Belgian 500cc Motocross GP, Brussels. AugustlO-FiDnisb25Occ Motocross GP, Helsinki. Aucust 15--GP of France (Boll riders). Aucust 17-Busstaa 250cc Motocross GP, Moscow. AapstZ4-1laJyMotocro (oot deflalte). Allcust31-EastGenaa 51OccMotocross GP, Bed1Il. Sept. 7-Motoa'oss Des Natioas, Eo eland Sept. 1:>-2O-IntematlonalSix Days Trial, Muaicb. Cycle News will fealure coverace of aD events the Team enters, iocladinc later addilioDs to the list above. LfT'S GO, A filC NSI This letter is for the purpose are very aware that there are other fine American riders who are capable of representing America In Europe In tbts tougn sport and in -the future years we believe we will see many more of America's finest riders competing. 'The American Motocross Team fund must be a success to allow Ibis to happen. Dan, Joe and I have been, and will be, talldng to some of the most impOrtant people in all fields of endeavor. 'They are willing to donate money to tbts cause but all of these people feel, along with us, that the motorcycle Industry itself should beJ,p keep the ball rol1lng - hence Ibis letter. . Joe promised one full page once a month In b1s magazine to be used editorially and with pictures following America's riders tllroughout Europe. With your donation you'll be on our malling list for all bulletins. Artist's sketdl of the "m.lcan Motocross T... Jacket patdl. at rais- ing money to heJ,p two Americans in Europe to compete in the European motocross circuit and World Championship races. Dan Gurney, America's foremost internatiooal racer, ~oe Parkburst, publisher of Cycle World Maga.zine, and I have had Ibis dream for many years as it is our strong conviction that America should be repr_ted In all forms 01 sports inclo1lng motorcycling, whicb is certainlY a true sport, requiring physical ability, courage, dedication and training. One very important llIct is that lron curtain countries support the sport of motocross with everythlng they've got as they realiZe the great propaganda value motocross bas (even at minor GrIUId Prix races, crowds of 20,000 are commoDPlace) so they field teams 01 riders on factory motorcycles, with trained mechanics and vans to transport them. Victor Arbekov, 01 the U.S.S.R., was world champion In 1967. 'The iron curtain oountrles are doing a good job of spreading thelr philosophy. With your beJ,p we will be able tosbow wbat some great, young, wholesome, dedicated atbletes can do wben they are doI:ng thelr best on the battlefield 01 motocross. Ron Nelsoo and JolIn DeSoto are Ibis kind at young American that sbould represent our fine country in Ibis sport. 'They are true competitors - honest, courteous, dedicated athletes In every sense at tile word. Also, they are exceptionally qualified as tbey won the first Inter-Am series beld here In tile United States; Ron in the 500cc class and JolIn In the 250cc class. Ron and JoIlnalreadY have raced one race In France with the best results any American bas ever had (ED. NOTE: see story Ibis issue). We Roo and JolIn wiD race next In a 250Cc championsblP race which will be held in Spain on AprU 13th. The Montesafactory has agreed to donate factory works motorcycles - the very bestMontesabas to otter - also a trained factory mechanic and as much heJ,p in other ways as they can. Tb1s is a giant step for such a small b.ctory but they belIeft that thelr motorcycles are capable at wtnniag. Ron and haft been accepted for the 250Cc race and the 500cc race In Moscow, Russia. 'The Am ican Motocross Team fund will give financial he to as many justly qualified rlders on ANY brand motorcycle as we can. Rou and Jobn are only the start. Financial and persooai ~ort so far bas been Jantastic. Some very well known sports-miDded motorcycle enthusiasts that have doratNt thm time, money and energy are listed below. 'They believe in Ibis project: Don famous Los Angeles Rams football great; Dick Smothers, famous TV and recording star; Joe Bihari, President, Cadet Records; Bill Shatner 01 TV and movies; Bruce Brown, Movie maker ("TIle Endless Summer"). Please send $5.00 or more. Donations are not tax deductible. We wtllbeproud to send you the American Motocross Team patcb to proudly wear. 'The patch is tile "Symbol of the Nation" - our Eagle on the red, wblte and blue sb1eld- clutching arrows In one talon and olive branch In the other. Mall to: AMERICAN MOTO-CROSSTEAM P.O. Boz 3276 Hollywood, Californ1s 90028 Our Pledge: ALL DONATIONS WILL BE USED FOR THIS CAUSE ONLY! KIM KIMBALL Los Angeles, Calif. Paw.

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