Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 04 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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· ~ ~ r.:a u :0.. ... .....a.a-::'1J ...:J U TIle croolll aN on a hlp cliff . . , spotlboJ.t trail otr In til. 1II11111C:O.' II'I Evel Knlavel.· TIt. d tr Is DO prolll. . for til. "Got hill" ucillmi tIIo I.ador TIle just bowIeo otr of A.rlcan Eael.,SIlJ Cycl•• Up of the crDOk cane- Enlll flr.d tho Amorlean Elel. ·Sonlc" h. COOs, af_ lbo crooks. aL"1 hlthlm, buth. woo'tstop." h.Io.1, It prolneb EVEL. EVEL crabl hll Gold Ca•• "WHAII, BANG," the crookl Th.lllyar'l auehl.r Is happy. IT IS A POWERFUL WEAPON are shocked and ovorpowr.d. "liet on' h. IIYs '"I'll taka you homo, your rlth.r Is It the brldp wlllIne far us." ~~~~J " Hane on, wo're colne to jump back IcrOSS the brI dp." \ ntl. sone, EVEL KNIEVEL, hor. they COllHl, "watch out". Tltey landod OK, til. p.achute wlllitop tIIom. THE INVADERS M,C, HARE SCRAMBLES story and Pbotos by Dick Wright - EVEL IbDOII up & Oyor the top H. spins the A....lean Eaele orlbo cllffat " . .ondoul spMd SIly Cycl• •ound. TIt. dirt tho crookl •• Imad. blast hurts the croolls. Th. lIayor's dau.....r Is lifo and lound. "EVEL KNIEVEL lived m." sh. sayI. EVEL KNIEVEL rld.s off, III Titl. lone EVEL KNIEVEL, j.t powr Is bllstlne IWIY. Amorlcan Esel. Skycycl. X-l. Hflrley-DflvidsDn 1fl/(eS II Resert First pact. Morgan still bad the 100cc lead as they reacbed the pits, running Ib1rty!1ftb overall 00 tile big bite course, with Clark right on his taU. These two Hodata handlers diced on through the second loop, with Clark taking over the lead half-way around and boId1ng it to the deep sand dunes, but developed some large blisters on his bands. The relentless and ever-present Morgan regained the lead five miles from the f1nisb and came 10 for the win, runn10g twenty-first overall on the combined course. Clark was ooly ten feet behind for second spot. Dean Goldsmith, #24, bad moved up from 20th spot at the bomb to take third on his l00cc Harley-Davidson, and Jeff Wright, #15, also moved up from a bad start to take fourth on his 5,5. Hodaka. First Novice bonors went to Earl West, #79, with Ken Buckspan, #244, close behind on an 5.5. Hodaka. First Amateur was Tom Jenldns, #44, followed by Roger Peters #45, also an amateur, and both riding Hodakas. Eleven-year-old Cberyl Haley, #815, fioisbed 95thonberHodaka. Random quotes from the pits after the race: Bill Friant; the big bike wiDner: "1 wish those guys on the course with tennis sboes and no belmets would ride 10 a straight Itoe so you'd koow whicb side to pass them on. Also, those slower trall bites can cause you a lot of problems; too bad every club can't set up two RED ROCK, ClLllf., Mar. 23 - Hard-luclt B111. Friant, #30l< on a Tracy's-tuned 250 Busty, t1Dally bad Lady Luck on his side 1Dda,y as be charged ahead of 386 big bite riders to take a well-earned wiD of tile three-loop, 105-mile hare scrambles race 10 two bours and 45 minutes. 11 was no candy course that the riders were beaded for, altbougb it was 10 flunillar territory out around Robbers' Roost. Turning left up Ioto the mounta1ns, some of the old trails were really cbopped up from previous races. From tile start, Steve Kirk, #2 on a Bultaco, led it to the smoke bomb, chased all the way by Danny KUne, #7x on a 250 Greeves, but both ran Iota mechanical trouble on the first loop. The lead position was then left open to bard-charging Gary Conrad, #163 on a Husty, who was followed Iota the pits after the first loop by Bill Friant, also Husty-mounted. Conrad dropped a cba10 00 tile second loop and Friant quickly took over tile lead, with Steve Staats, #5 on a 360cc Barley-Davidson, pusbiog him hard. Comtng into the pits for gas, Friant was passed by Staats, who bad a large tank and did not take on gas. Friant, who bas bad the lead many times 10 other races, ooly to be denied tile wios, was teo feet beb10d as they left the pits. But, as be told it later, "I made up my mind that I was not going to courses." lose it oow," and, gr1tt1og his teeth, be turned It all the way on until be bad reTerry Clark; second in the trail bike class a:Jd running twent.v-second willi captured the lead with a sizeable margio. &be lite bikes: "Man, It was really dusty This now-or-never attitude carried him behind .those slower big bike riders. all the way to the fioish for the wiD. One Some of them got real mad when you try m10ute behiod was Staats, who bad riddeD to pass them and they bold it on, almost a good race on his Harley-Davidson, and pusbiog you into a bush. I th1otit's mucb took first in the 500 Class. Tom Muto, #5x 00 a Husky, was Ib1rd, - better when they have separate courses for eacb class." . Boward Utsey was fourth on a CZ, and (Results on page 20) First Qpen Class went to Triumpbmounted Gene Dempsey, #101.10 slxtb, also 00 a Triumpb, was Jim Dorman, #42, who took Second Open Class. Ron Wilson, #516x, an up-and-coming Husty rider, did his "thiog" again, taking First 250 Amateur spot. Ray YiDger, #32, was the first 500 Amateur 10, on a Husty. Husty-mounted Steve Brown, #566, was First 500 Novice, followed by Don Memmotb, #257x, who charged in like a true desert rider, tired and sweaty, with blistered bands, and clalmed First 250 Novice also on a Husty. WIlo' s that bomblne alone In the cameo? Why It's Steve Staats, second plae. on I H·D 350.And thore he Is IClln, II rlehl, bench racine with first place. Bill Frllnt (Husky). 219 Trail Bikes The 219 trail bikes were started, even before all the dustfrom the big bikes bad cleared, to go two loops on the 35- mUe course. Jack Morgan, #1 was lead10g at the bomb, pusbed bard by Terry Clark, #6, both on bot Hodakas. After the first five miles, the leaders caugbt the slower big bites and began to move through the Llptwolpb lelvo the smoke bomb and pick up tIIo course. 1I0r• • •rl1' rood Is n"dod theN mayboanothor.lIIOrpncy. In circle, Ron 51010, president of District 37 Sports COlllllltt.. and In Ivld des.rt rldor.

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