Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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ACA lOAD RACES Will.. "'11. Cal•• Ian:II 31. 1. HEAVYWT. PROD. 2:IOcc 1. Geolf Mazon Suz 2. Richanl We t Suz 3. Ray Sebe BuJ 4. Charles Van BreemanDuc 5. Bany Wenn Duc 350cc Yam 1. Dave Damron Hon 2. Dave Allee Kaw 3. Rayburn Johnson 4. arl White Bri 500cc Kaw 1. Ken Russell 2. Bob elson Kaw 3. Re g Chosney Kaw Tri 4. Denni Walters 5. Ray Jennings Vel OPE 1. Roland Pagan Tri Nor 2. Bruce Martin 3. Mike Keen BSA L1GHTWT. PROD. 50cc 1. Ed Kelly Tar 2. Phil Thompson Suz 100cc Bri 1. Mike Velasco 2. Pat Evans Yam 3. Dale Hopkins Suz 4. Geo. Dillaway Ome 5. James McWorthy Suz 175cc 1. Jerry Zemlkow Kaw Kaw 2. Bob Nelsoo 3. James Brister Mon 200cc 1. Roger Wood Bri Bri 2. Stan Srni th BuJ 3. AI1an Love 4. Mike Enyart Suz 50cc DIY. I G.P. L Phil ThompSOD Suz 50cc D1V. II G.P. Vam 1. Don Wicks Vam 2. Sid Chambers 3. Ed Kelly Vam 4. Rudy ReyDOsa I-J 100cc G.P. I. Jeff Patemak Ana; Yam 2. Elllott ADchlws Ilri 3. Sian SIIIi th 4. Dale HopldDs Suz 125cc GP L. Rudy Galindo Yam Hon 2. Ric'Mullaoe Duc 3. Bob BarIIer Yam 4. Steve Froschauer Kaw 5. Gary Kyle acewl, ~ VlEIFIHEIIS &IIAIT PRlI YlHaee ..... 21121. un UeofItciai Il(J Mureetl Lee Ie"'" • 100 NOVI{'E {'LA !eve Goldberg 250cc EXPERT Gary Bailey Gre Gary Conrad Jlus 250cc AMATE R Bill Gomen Os Rick Hall Yam Yam Jim Jackiett 101-2OOcc COMBI ED Gary Bailey Pen Lars Larson Pen AI Baker Yam lOOcc AM./EXPERT Preston Petl,ySuz Gene Camady Hod Jack Morgan lIod POWDER P FF sandra Termin 1I0d Glenda Holenan nod Patl,y Dumay 1I0d JUMP CO TEST AI Baker (63 feet) Yam SlDEHACKS-SATURDAY Ken Metler/Darryl Metter Ed Morris/Rodger Emmons SlDEIlACKS- U DAY Jack GamrallJolin Samson Jolin Pal1reymaD!Bob Wirth 350cc COMBINED Mai Joha Maynard Bul Larry SbOenIlker Yam DIck Allen Mlkc OViCE Hus S. SChneJdeI" But R. Shirley Hus D. Keefe 501cc AMATEUR Tri Sieve Bast Bol SIeve EUswonb Yam Rick Hall 580ccEXPEKT .I .N. Roberts Hus .lion WII_ Gre Bob FriaDt HDS OPEN OViCE Stan Barrett Hus E. Walller Trl Tri F. Close OPEN AMATEUR Jesse GQIdberc Trl Tri D. While or G.Feeoaey OPEN ExPERT Gary .lone Tri DeIJayne JODeS USA Bob BaIley Tri HOLUGAN Tri Gene StnItb 250cc NOVICE Unavailable 175cc GP I. Doua; ClIIYord 2. Ron DeaD 3. Norm Rllle 4. Bob Nelson 5. Glen Miller 200cc GP I. Dick Pearce 2. AI WiJJanl Oce fliNT. FARCE 3. Br1 (Boo Ro&er Wood 350cc GP 1. Dave DoaD 2. Alan 'I'boqlSOD 3. Bayllunl IOIIasoa 500cc GP 1. TollY MuJJIhY 2. Dave Damroa 3. JobD Maulna; OP GP I. Don Ha t1IUI 2. Roland Pa PJI 3. Jerry Wialer 250cc I. Toay I'tIUrVbY 2. Buddy Parrlou. 3. Pat lIYaan Br1 Hon ADg Kaw Bri Gre Hon Hoo Kaw Nor Hoo Vel H-D Tri H-D Yam Yam Yam I.D.ILA.!) 1st OVERAlL Mike Patrlcll Phil Bowers 2nd BIKE. 1st 580 Max Switzer Dick DeaD 3rd BIKE, Al Baller Rich 'Iborwaldsoo 4th liKE Keith erselb Charles StaDderord 5IhilKE Georce Zuber Roo BisboP Yam 250 Gre 360 Yaa250 Kaw 238 Yam 250 By L. Lawion ARdit? Audit? WIIere's my Excedrin?" SO. CALIF, TRIALS ASSN. L_ Canyon, Calif. Marcil 1&, 19&9 II by Gary BartOl!_ 135 ENTRANTS MASTER {'LA "I. Jim Wilson 2 pts 250 Gre "2. Bob Grove 17 250 8ul "3. Robert icbekson 19 250 Bul 20 cl.16 250 Bul • 4. Dave Evans 5. Tom towers 20 cl.16 250 Gre EXPERT 250 Bul "I. Malcolm Smith 23 250 ot "2. Mike Hans 27 3. Dub Smith 37 250 Bul 250 Yam 4. Roy heridan 62 5. Norm Crowell Jr. 70 73 Sac AMATEUR LlGtrfWEIGHT "I. John Brewer 0 250 Cot "2. Bob Hans 0 250 Bul "3. Bill BatzlolY 0 250 Cot "4. William SlDi th 0 250 Bul "5. John Schulz I 250 Spr "S. Victor Conaway 1 250 Bul AMATEUR UEAVYWEIGHT " 1. Bob Moll 7 360 Hus 2. Ed oonfield 42 441 BSA 3. Arnold Dreier 48 441 BSA 4. LanY.Smith ONF 350 Hon AMATEUR ULTRLlGHTWElGBT '1. Gary LaDe 3 cl.23 180 Hod "2. DeBnls Lane 3 cl.23 120 Kaw '3. Bob Riggs 9 90 Hod "4. Bill Earl 11 80 Hon "5. Dean Klippert 12cJ.20 100 Hod WOME DlVlSlO "I. Doreen PoriDer o 90 HoD "2. Joyce Daveapon 6 cl.18 90 Hod 6 cl.16 180 Hod "3. DonDle Stewanl 100 Hod 7 "4. Dee Dee Earl J 0 cl.16 250 Gre 5. MolUe Joaes KIDS DIVISION 190 Hod "I. MartiD Belair I 100 Hod "2. Steve Wrllbt 4 100 Yam "3. Debbie Evans 6 100 Yam "4.. Mark Garsba 7 100 Hod "5. Clifr Heringtonm 8 •, 6th BIKE Sieve H...d Dab SOIiIb 7th BIKE Jacll Payne Gary LeopaJd ....l Kaw 238 ? 8th BIKE Gal)" Olsen ? Ed BlaDcbam 9th liKE Jobo Gaetz Tri 650 Jolm Coots 10tIl BIKE SIe ve Holladay James Martino Hu 11.28-123.00 H-D 13.92- 83.87 H-D Suz 1 .08- 67.36 K :.. U - Iime'- RAGON the only thing Dist. Co. fool ish about us is our ~OW prices on QUALITY PRODUCTS ..r fri_lf sales ""ce" ErnIe Cycle Tow Trailers AralO" Tbont.. Totls -- 12.50-105.50 H-D 11.28-123.00 H-D 11.77-112.00 Tn 11.85-111.00 Suz i3 ",.1 Metric Taps & Dies 10.46--135.93 Nor 12.26-106.50 H-D 12.50-105.501l-D 13.46- 99.22 Tri 12.72-102.01 Suz 14.11- 97.00 Yam 15.41- 85.50 Bri ~ ~ MRI MEET DISCUSSES PAYOFF Motorcycle Racers Incorporated, the " j bargaining agent for p(ofesslonaJ riders, met last Wednesday and elected Its 1969 Board or Directors. New Board members are Ray Hensley (Trackmaster frames, J. formerly Sonicweld), Dick Bruus (moI "" ',~, ~ torcycle dealer and sponsor), Dick Kelm (tuner for Dewayne Keeter and Shorty _ Seabourne), Carl Patrick (Expert rider) and Jerry Crivello (former MRI Secretary). "New" AMA rules and payoffs were discussed. Under the new payoff system at Ascot Park. tile winner or the Expert tIattrack maIn event would only reeein! $144. The standard payott calls for' a Io-lap maIn event, although Ascot will "Assemlll,.., still run a 15-lap maIn. Only Ihe first four riders in beats and finals will get fOU've gene paid. No course of ac ttoo was decided by the too far iii s MRl, although promoter J.C. AgajaniaD has ottered an overrtde to help keep Ascot the showcase or speed progress that it has always been. 9.98-141.80 Tit II-D H-D BSA Kaw Yam z ~ MRI MEET DISCUSSES PAYOFF Cbarger Mini Bikes By Dan Zemaa 13.92- 83.87 14.33- 89.64 13.41- 98.90 12.96-100.78 15.10- 82.94 15.80- 79.85 CI) EI: ~-------------------., UONS DRAG STRIP Wil...... Calif., Mar. 23, 1969 TOP liKE: Jeff Goolb RU ER UP: Moulders II Reese TOP GAS: Tim Mark TOP MODlFlED: Henry Mynatt TOP STREET: Ed McDonald STREET AA - Ed McDonald A - Richard Noriega B - Dick Strickland C - Tony Nicosia D - Jim Burleson E - Ed Coon fi eld MODIFlED AA - teve Kewish A - Henry Mynatt B - Tom Clark C - Ron Sommers D - Robert Alford F - Donna Malcomson GA - Tim Mark B - Alex Wei man C - MJk.e cash E - Charlie as F - Tom Thurman RI'II a!hit it's a comfortable riding position, Floyd, but will my passenger go for it?" ODe of tile largest turoouts r:4 riders for a short track race was experienced at Sacramento Raceway for the 1Daogural race or tile 1969 season. Over 190 riders showed up to register for the races over the 1/5th mUe track. Speciators aDd riders swelled the crowd to over 1500 to watch the days exciting events. Mike Rooney and Del Silva r:4 sacramento were first time malo event winners of the local riders entered. Rooney and Silva have won on other tracks In the area but both scored impressive wins for their first times at Sacramento National. Other local riders that won trophies inchJded; Walton Burres and Charles McGimsey in the lOOcc Novice Class, Jerry Spain, second in the 200cc Novice class, John Green and Bill Strange in the 200cc Amateur class, Larry Cralg, 250cc Novice, Pat Rooney In the 250cc Amateur class, and Joe Henry In the top 250cc Expert class. (Results on page 20) :: a. See our 1969catalog for the latest custom and racing parts, in· c1udlng a full line of speed equipment for Hodaka and Yamaha. Catalog $1.00. BURBANK 317 N. Victory Blvd.· Burbank, Calif. 91502 Telephone (213) 4~-4921 • 842·4 47 Viking Helmets with the Aragon Circle of Excellence o.aler Inquiries Invited 223 W. CAMINO REAL. MONROVIA. CALIF. 91016 Whole ..le ONLY 213-447-8342.