Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 04 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Cl\I Three- Wheeled Choppers Set Coast-To-Coast Record By "Scoop" WUson, statf writer, Glenda.1e Gazette LOS ANGELES, Calif., AprU 1 - The radically customized three-wheeled choppers of southern California's two masters of tar out show machinery wel'e welcomed back to the greater Los Angeles area after completing an 8500 mile combined goodwill tour and recordbreaking continental speed run. It all began when Ed "Big Daddy" Roth advertised he would match his Hartey 45-powered "Candywagon" apinst any other tri- wheeler in the state for a series of long distance performance tests. . Immediate to take up the challenge was custom bike builder Tom McMullen of A,E.E. Choppers in Buena Park. Ha1'ing just recently put the finishing touches 00 his latest creation, "The Trike", Tom was eager to pit his sIX eyUDder Corvair unit against worth its mettle. He contacted Roth and the necessary arrangements were made. The flrst test was a drag race beld at ~ County Raceway on a clear sunn;y day in February. With engines thUlldering, McMullen and Roth staged their machines as thousands crowded the stands, cheering excitedly. Traffic slowed down to a crawl on the nearby Santa Ana Freeway as drivers attempted to catch a glimpse of the miDd-bending action. With a horrendous screech of burning wlde-onl rubber, Roth took a bole shot OIl McMullen and jumpedu.dthreeblke leagtbs. But McMullen, with the more powerful Corvair engine coupled to a Powergllde transmission, SOOIl caught up to Roth and began passing, on to what be SUPPOSed would be an easy victory. But Roth bad ODe more card to play, and It evaluate the custom trikes, it would have to be determined which of the two machines had the most sexuality. Ed and Tom had to see how many young girls of the age of consent that could be attracted and inducec;t to "go for a little ride." And the women had to be choice material. No dogs would be counted. As the parade made the final turn at the end of the main boulevard, Roth bad six pretty girls hanging on or desperately running after trying to gain a foothold somewhere for the ride. McMullen, however, bad ten young females aboard. "It was those extra two seats that did it," Roth commented later. "They are a nice touch for picking uP a honey." The mayor presented them with the keys to the ctty and thanked them profusely for bel,plng make this year's Mardi Gras the most successful one in history. Turning down offers to party it up for a few weeks, Roth and McMullen "Just stopped by to say hello? Are you kidding? Nobody slops by the White House to just 'say bello' to the President of the United States," Informed the door crack. "People come by either to get State Department money to set up a new government somewhere, or they come by to demonstrate and denounce our policy regarding the financing of unpopular new governments. Now which is it?" "We're not putting you on," Tom said. "We rode our customiZed three-wheeled motorcycles out here trom southern was a surprise. With ooly tractions of secoods left before tbe7 would cross the t1n1sIliDc JJcbta, Roth reached down and pulled a switch. The Roots blower hiddl!ll in a compartment at the Candywagm's gas tIII1It came into actioo, inereuiDg the horsepower at the old 45 incber by 90 percent. 1b1s l!Il8bled Roth to come aloog side McMullen just as they crossed the Ucbts. It was a dead beat. TheY bad both reached a top speed of 243 m~.b. with an e.t. of 8.8 seconds. It was a fantastic performance. But this was only the flrst of many l8sts of machine and rider. Tbey bid eyeryone farewell and eased oat at the Raceway, wa1'ing to the cheerIDr throng. They travelled for two days, stopping off at Grants, New Mexico ooe n1gbt and Beaumoot in east Texas the next. The morn1Dg of the tbtrd day cia wned with the two intrePid riders already on the road, bead1ng for the site of their next gruelling test. They pulled up to the foot of Canal Street in New Orleans just as the Mardi Gras was about to begin. Roth and McMullen bad wired ahead, informing the city officials of the coming of the two outaslgbt trikes and the festivities bad been held up in anticipating of their arrival. As they took their place at the bead of the parade, the crowd gave a great cheer. Now the Mardi Gras could begin. The three-wheelers made itcomplete. But to Roth and McMullen, it was strictly business. 1b1s was the second important test of their skllls as lop chopper builders. Thousands of dollars of future business would be at stake during this phase of the run. As the parade started up, the two riders eyed each other grimly and nodded in mutual assent that the contest was on. Now, as everyone knows, one of the main reasons people ride choppers (or any motorcycle, for that matter) is to make it with a good looking girl. Consequently, it was felt that to thoroughly California and we just wanted you to them. That's "Rode your motorcycles out here? From California? ADd you want me - the President of the United Slates - to come outside and look at them? You must be out of your mindsl I can't do that. Besides, I'm busy." Tbe door slammed shut. Roth and McMullen stood there for a moment, not sure what to do. This was a typical reaction, but It was too general. What they needed was a speciftc outburst to their particular choppers. Where could they get a studied awralsal of tbeir two machines by unnerved citizens? How cou1d they get a denUDc1atioo of analytical importance? As they walked back out to tI1etr bikes discussing what to do next, they were met wi th a COuPle of bard looldDg plainclothes types that presented them with subpoenas. The actions of the two chopper riders had been noticed in Washington and they were to be investigated by Congress. Now this, though Roth and McMullen, was a little more like it. The next day they appeared in Congress. The galleries were jammed, a full quorum was announced, and the business of investigating the two choppers parked outside got underway. The day wore on as speech after speech was made regarding chopper, how they are Immoral, a bad intluence on the youth of America and that they should be made illegal by federal edict. Roth and Mc Mullen felt they were finally getting somewhere. Then a senator trom the midwest went to the podium and got down to particulars. 10 summing up Congress' case, the senator mentioned that two examples of customized motorcycles were parked right outside and everyone should go and see for themselves what a detrtmental influence such vehicles were to the orderly and sane operatioo of government. All the coagressmen immediately got up and began making their way down the see got ready to continue their run. After three bard days of riding, Roth and McMullen were in Washington, D.C. where they would subject their custom bikes to another type> of competitloo testing the reactions of the Establishment. For a chopper to really be rlgbteous, it has to be able to rattle the civicminded, up-tigbt, ~r-middle class citizen. It has to do tI1is just by being there, by existing. To determine which of the two bikes bad the most of this nebulous quality, they were going straight to the source of the established way of thinking - the nation's capitol. Roth and McMullen hadn't planned tI1is part too carefully; they were just going to play it by ear. Not sure where to start, they just rode around for awhile, digging the dumb federal architecture. Then McMullen got an Idea. "Hey, Roth, let's drop by and see the prez." "The prez? I didn't know Sonny was on the east coast." "No man, I mean the President," Tom explalned, "You know, of the United States." "Ob yeah, I know who you mean now. Sounds okaY to me, but where do we find him?" "Where he lives, I guess." With that they headed for the White House. Parking their rigs by the curb, the two of them walked up to the impressive porch and knocked on the door. No answer. They knocked again. This time the door slowly opened a litlle and someooe asked, "What do you want?" "Well, we just wanted to stop by and say bello," Roth said to the crack in the door. au." seeps to the chopped tllree-wbeelers of Roth and McMul1eD. The machInes set there in all tbetr prtsIllrreverency at the foot of the halls of that august body. The congressmen came up to the two customs, clucked their tongues, raised their hands to God as Job must have when he was visited by his great misfortunes, and generally bemoaned the existance of such objects not in keeping with the great American ideal of what was Right and Proper. Congress went immediately into a closed-door session. Escorted by the Master-at Arms, Roth and McMullen were brought forward to the special chambers where the real business of government is carried out. 10 the course of asking the two bike buUders questions In order to find a convement and expeditious way of outlawing this type of vehicle, Ed and Tom happened to mention their successful mail-order businesses. The committee learned that between the two chopper entreprenuers there was a total of $1.5 million spent a year on postage along in ma.lling out catalogs, magazines, parts, and other custom paraphernalia. Upon hearing this, the congressmen became silent, looked at ooe another, then began whispering amongst themselves. To outlaw choppers, they soon reallzed, would mean losing all that postal revenue. That would never do. The Postal Department was already under flre for gross inefficiency and needed all the money it could get to keeP on its ponderous way. Congress not only had to do an abouttace, but bad to give their approval to that which they were morally committed to denounce. But being expert in tills type of manuever, It was surprisingly easy. A member stood up and madeaspeech to the effect that Congress bad been misinformed regarding the nature of chopped motorcycles, that true individuality was dear to the hearts of all Americans, and that the question of brand.lng choppers per se as Wega! and immoral was no longer a valid matter for Coneress to coocern Itself with. TherellPOO, a motion was introduced to adjourn tor a five-day weekend. It was seconded and tile meeting was quickly called to a close. Roth and McMullen were free to go, and to go with the blessings of the federal lawmakers. This wasn't what Ed and Tom bad wanted, but It was a lot better than sticking around for who Ia1ew bow many days, sitting through dull, retorical speeches and committee meetings. Tbe big question hadn't been answered, but they were anxious to be on their way. The next and tinal segment was to be the most Important: the high speed, long distance run back to Los Angeles. They raced for 36 hours straight, stopping ooly at gas statioos to fill up (and sometimes wben they didn't have to till up), occas100aUy reaching speeds of 145 m~.b. They were neck and neck as they took the Grand Avenue oftramP from the Hollywood Freeway and sped towards the Los Angeles Civic Center. Cheering crowds lined the streets as the two rigs crossed the predetermined tin1sh line in trOllt '~ city ball. It was McMullen ahead of Roth by only Incbes. Roth's beard bad blown up into hts eyes, b11nding him momentarIlY, forctng him to shut down enough to let McMullen take the win. a slow _ around the Center to cool off their eaetnes, the Il"O riders SWllllg q> to the civic offlcla1s' stands in troot at city ball where theY were asked to say a few words to the tboosaDds of people gathered there for the momentous occasion. McMillen went over to the microphooe and read from prepared notes. "Ape hangers are 'out'," he declared, pausing dramatically, "and flshtall exhaust tips are 'in'." Upon bearing this, the crowd went wild. Roth and McMullen shook bands with Mayor yorty and other grateful city officials. Tbey were congratulated for brealdng the intercontinental speed record and tor showing the whole nation what Southern California stood for as epitomIzed by their far-out choppers.

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