Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 04 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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2nd Viewfinders Grand Prix and Frog Hunt By Maureen Lee WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif. liar. 28-29, 1969. satunlay actilll was like i we w! wo. TIle Pi.t area was .re CI'I_ tall l ' VI ever seea at W stI ake and e we'ft seen all II. races held lIIere...this was the best eae Sl far. The 100 NOYic~s lelll Iff...first sight for us was Steve Goldllerg (Hldakal aad Bruce Baron (SIII1kj) CIllIigg Iver tile brillge... GIllIberg hung Into bis lead aid Will tbe class... Brad Eyre of the Sandblasters in the same class looked very very relaxed the wIIol. race in spite of being one of Ibe smallest riders Ibele ...Kim Bradeaburg ping ap the bill tlwarlls the bam in great shape until a previously stalled rider pulled outright in front of him and Kim got sideways . burry! sb t lire II N . Sb In a . . . . arpes sser among e OYlces was amrock Jin Lang wilD sported wIIite leallers wilb shamrock trim. The' 100 Amateur- E>_ {+ .!i._ PLUS ANNUAL OIST. 31 TROPHY PRESENTATION ! : !* ' :!t ::::r :;+ : 6. S. Kirk 7. G. Jones B. B. Ydianoo 350 AMATEU R 1. W. Podolece 2. K. Lohmeyer 500 AMATEUR 350 NOVICE 1. F. Aguaro Jr. 1. J. Cortez 2. L. Shoemaker 2. B. Irversen 3. N. Holt 3. D. Gruver 4. B. Tondro Sr. 4. B. Rudd 5. H. WesselS. G. McKinney 6. E. Newcomb 6. B. Frauenberger 7. G. Lay 500 NOVICE 1. W. Burrell SIDE HACKS 2. W. Groom 1. Pilot-H. Zerr 3. A. Knapp 1. Pass.-.J. Billings 4. R. Shirey 2. PiloH. Moffitt 5. E. Walker 2. Pass.-N. Soteros 6. G. Foreman 7. F. Russo B. G. Bookout 9. J. Biedenbach 10. J. Galvin 11. R. Richardson 12. R. Farmer 13. M. Macklin 14. D. Rochlen 15. B. Rogers 350 EXPERT 1. K. Sparkman 2. B. Robinson 3. J. Willinghan *' *' ::::r ''* * ::r '* '* '* *' '*' * ''* * ::r * '* * * '* .Iol.. ...,.. ..12.. ...,.. .Iol.. ...,.. .J.1.. ...,.. ..12.. ?)"" ..0.1. :~*****************************************************~ ...,.. ~ !ol ~ !ol t3 ~ U

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