Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 04 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"" ~ ~ lo:I ...::I U G Juat Introduced by Tipr Dtatr1batlJlC Co. are !be "Tlcro" fora for HodaIIa. Priced cClll8ldel'abl1 UDder !be ol!Ier wU-1mown fora d Its t.YPe, !be MtuP allen HodaIIa OWD8I'S a ful1 8-1/4" d traY81 wltb 0IlI1 minor mod1f1eat1oo to the triple clamp, The k1t Includea new fork tubes d quaUty plated steel, Inter sprtnc and pl1111P1". The lnstal1atIoo is quite BUY, ua1Dg the stock bottom fork legs of tbe Bodab. No outer spring Is required. It 1eDctbeD8 forks 2 Incbee and ra1aes crOUDd cl8UaDce, The fork des1gD is by Eddie Crowell, 10actIme desert ace and spouor d many a wIDn1nc desert Bodaka. C)'Cle News impression In testing produced tb1s statement "Jobn Arbuckle can't al,..,s be right." The Hodaka rider wU1 find he gets more than he paid for. It you eYer wondered wiler. tile bouse. Moon Is DOW the d1atr1butor and bas available the complete l1ne of lights, magn1flers, and mirrors. They are a "must" for the muter mechan1c and anyone doillC critical work of any nature. Quality and workmanship is excellent and will last anyone a We-Ume. For a complete catalogue send 25~ to Moon Western Gree,es Distributor's New Home Greevea DIstributor Nick Nicholson bas agaln proved tile point d how ilOIlular allthe-road motorcycles are with his move Into his new modern building at 11573 Van Owen Street, North HoUywood, Nicholson Motors just ran out d room at his old location. The new taclllty bas ample parking for customers outside, wII1le the Inside is a beautifully des1gDed lay-out for sales and service. Machines are attractively displayed In lines before the large parts department counter. Nicholson is tamed for his buge stock of parts, and ships them out the same day as the order is received if the customer Is unable to go there In person. The rear of the bulld1Dg consists of a large service area and a huge warehouse where all models of Greeves are keptfor Immed1ste delivery. Currently the line consists of the new 250cc sbort-stroke, 380cc and 250cc scramblers, 250Cc Trials models with lights called lIie Ranger. ThIs can be ridden on or oft the street. CERIANI FORKS FOR ALL USES Whlcb one would you l1ke? Mota-cross? Ll&'btwelght? Road Racer? Cer1an1 (Cberry-ah-nee) DOW bas special forks for !bese applicatiOllS. Highest quaUty materials and manufacturing proceases are combined with excellent basic de- men. Cer1an1 C-l000 Mota-crossforkshaY8 an ext8Dded Iengtb from stanch100 top to spindle center of 31 Incbee. Normal travel Is 8-1/2 Inches, and gross wel&'ht is 21lbs. 10 oz,Internal mounted springs are procrentvely wound and have a rate of 33 Ibs. Optional 40 lb. rate sprtnes are available for machines wel&'hIng above 350 lbs. Damping Is by a complex hydraulic system which permits less restrictive motion In mid-range of travel, but progressively Inh1blts action at \lPP8r _and lower extremes. Stanchion tubes are machined Swedisb steel, having addttlonal, Internal sleeves In areas d createst stress. For bikes at l00cc or less, there Is the "Baby" Cer1an1 C-30OO unit. Total 'wel&'bt Is 12 lbs. 3 oz.; travel Is 5 Inches, and length Is 27 Inches from spindle to top of stanchions. Cer1an1 C-2000 Road Racing forks are constructed to the same basic specifications as Mote-cross, but total wel&'bt ls just 15lbs.l00z.,andlencthis27 Inches. Stems to fit numerous mach1nes make these custom forks a bolt-ooltem.Prlce for Mota-cross and Road Racing units is $127.50; "Baby" unit Is $95. Complete Intorrnatloo for your particular installation Is available by writing Steen's,lnc., Box 2276, Alhambra, ca11forn1a 91803. YANKEE SALES OSSA GREEVES SERVICE HODAKA 11= Dealer far FULL BORE racing 011 ~ofIlIM~ 22025 So. figl.roa, Torralc. ~NOW AVAILABLE A~ oss~ f4~ 250cc Stil.tto SIJorlSlro', 250cc & 360cc (winaer of Daytona SIIort Track) 250cc Pio•••r Inc motocrosses everywhere) (wiIller of Lytle Creek Enduro) aG~ ~ ~l ' s.I.ction of ARTS and HODAKA ACE 100 • 5 sp••d (winning everywhere) ACCESSORIES Complete Madline SIlop Facilities P.OI. (213) ~t P1uc ractne dtY1s1oD r~ cot tboee kll8ll InapectiOll l1CbtS, m&ll1lfactllred by Welch-Allyn, it was eltber from tbe1r friendly doctor or a medic1la1 S1IPPly 328-1242 Closed SlInday & Monday Equipment Co., 10820 South Norwalk Boulevard, Santa Fe Springs, Ca11f., 90670. Phone (213) 944-6311. .... GYT KIT AND ROAD RACE PIPE B N Supply of LaMesa, Ca11forn1a is now marketing gyt kits and road race pipes that give a claimed 2000 more rev's and 15% more horsepower to the rear wheel. Kits and pipes prices range from $39.95 to $49.95. For Into: P.O. Box 651, LaMesa, Ca11f. 92041, (714) 465-8327. BSA SWEETENS THE POT The prize money available for the Annual Speed Week at the Bonneville SaIt Flats, Bonneville, Utah, will be increased this year by the addition of $25,000 in prize money offered by BSA/ East and BSA/West, jointly. The annual event, whlcb Is beld In conjunction with SCTA Speed Week (Southern ca11forn1a Timing AssociaUon) and the AMA, wU1 commence with inspection on August 16 and tho speed trials on August 17-23 under the direction of AMA official, Earl Flanders, who will be the Referee. Entry fees for each record attempt are charged by the S&nCtloo1ng body. Any persoo wtshIng to enter a threecylinder, 75OCc, BSA Rocket 3 In ooe or more of the 16 classes open to 750Cc motorcycles wU1 have a chance to win the BSA' prize money which will be allocated as follows: A. $1250 for eacb record establlsbed by the AMA at the end ot Speed Week. This amount of money will be paid for records established In eacb of the 16 classes, including tully-streamllned motorcycles. B. $2500 bonus will be paid for the fastest overall speed record attained by any BSA motorcycle entered during Speed Week, except for fully-streamlined classes. The contest Is open to anybody In the country, and the rules and regulations concerning the 16 classes (and official entry blanks) maybeobta1nedbycontactIng your BSA dealer. HONOA MINI-FILTRON Flltron Products Company has announced another addition to their growing line of air filters. ThIs one Is for the popular Honda MIn1- Bike, and like the Honda Itself, the Flltron air f1lter adheres to the same hlgb standards of materials and manufacture that are used In their larger models. The f1lter increases the filtering area many times more than the stock item, and you guessed it, gives better performance too. Available througb Flltron alrf1lterdealers throughout the U,S, Suggested llst price: $4.95. NEW MS&ATA PRESIDENT TAKES OVER - Ivan Wagar (center), editor at Cycle World Magaz1ne, moves Into the presidential chair for the first time after being elected head of the Motorcycle, Scooter " Allied Trades Association at the annual meeting In Washington, D,C. 00 February 5. Flank1ng Wagar are William E, Kennedy(left)outgolngpresident, and Paul McCrillis, executive secretary of the MS&A TA, METISSE MARK IV/YAMAHA 2i1 SCRAMBLER Two- stroke enthusiasts will welcome the news that the scrambler, Rickman Metlsse Mark IV, is available for Yamaha DT-l 25occ/5-speed engine-gearbox units. Those already having a Yamaha DT-l and wishing to convert, might cboose the MeUsse Kit, conlalnlng frame, swinging arm and spindles, fiberglass components, rear brake lever and cable, footrests, saddle, air tIlter, set of 20 chain adjusters, engine mounting plates and studs, alI vital bolts, nuts, and wasbers, engine sump shield, rubber tank mounts, 011 f1lter and f11ler cap, fuel petcock, carburetor-ta-airbox connection, and bandlebars. In addttloo, both right and left brake pedals are provided, permitting choice of shift location. No exhaust pipe Is supplied, but a tuned expansion chamber (optional extra) maybe used In place of stock item, routing over and across exit througll left sldepanel. For the rider who wants the most complete Metlsse scrambier, Chassis are available with everytbing but engine and drive components. All parts listedabove for the Kit are Included, plus Rickman magnesium bubs, nylon-llned cables with Magura levers, Cer1an1 forks (or the new Rickman forks, $75.00 extra), Glrllng rear suspension, rear wheel and 4.oox18 knobby tire, front wheel and 3.50x19 trials or 3.oox21 sports tires. Frame Is n1ckel plated and tlberglass parts are pigment-Impregnated In U.S. Racing Blue. Intormation from: Steen's, Inc., Box 2276, Alhambra, Ca11f. 91803.

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