Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 03 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SADDLEBACK DIGS OUT RICht, Top: 100= novic. class buzz.s off to battle. Dan (257) Wliliis was th. wlnn... willi GlIfy (242) s.cond. RI&ht, below: Ricllard (at) Swean.y and Danny Hodd. had al it in the 100 expert CDeS, willi 5wuney taking il. (Did the air-conditioned suit help?). By Maureen Lee !RVINE, CaUl. March 9, 1969 - What could have been a totally disastrous event for the Sportsmen M.C. turned out to be a good one, but they sure didn't have the fates on their side! Just about everything went wrong. The club bad reserved Saddleback's new scrambles course, bat the rains washed it away. Crews couldn't even get into the Park unW the Tuesday before and then they dido't have equipmeot as it was all oat being used by the flood CCIIItrol people. In the wee small hoars Sunday morning they were able to eet going and by the time riders started arrtvtnc had a parking 101 made and were carvtnt oat the track, but it was obrioaa to all that racing would be lII8ble to start at the scheduled times. Teclt 1nspec:t101l went smootb17 with the c1Jj) using some new Ideas OIl running it that are worthy of meotion in our scrambles column, butthemostimportantlhing was they had a method of Identifying bikes that bad passed tech. with a sticker that could not be transferred to another plate. Motos were run in almost every class, and some guys complained bitterly about only running two laps, but tilT'e was of the essence. The Sportsmen kept an eye on the clock and ran the last of the series of three for more laps. The lightweights dido' t get any more rtding than the big bikes, in fact the big boYs prollably got more laps, which ought to be some consolation to the moaners In that group. Tbere Is only ODe serious hazard and It was clearly marted by a fJacman. Tbere were a tew who dropped It there and ClIle DOYice lost bis cool, shot dI the stde and antortunately broke his leg bat most riders negotlated everything with- out too much difficulty. The ()pen Novice hrlgade had one of their balry starts and Immediately afterwards track owner VIc Wilson brought up a blade and made the starting line wider, giving everyone a bit more room to maneuver around in. Vegas Tries Moto-Cross By KIbby Scales LAS VEGAS, ~. February 16 - The well laid-out eourse consisted 01 a nice, wide dry creek bed for the start. and then a not-so-dry creek bed, due to copious amOllllts of CaUlorn1a dew we !lave been receiving, some choppy desert, more water, cboppy desert, more and a stretch of rol1ing desert that pr0duced DlBllerous wbee11es, Iwfpntl()llll! -mr, or not. Ftrst off was the 12Sec DOY1ce group, wittl PeDlDa II10lIDfled D. Saavedra tak1ng tile ]eM, and rid1nC I1ke had had full inteatiDas 01 wtnningalllilree motl:ls, 1III1ch be did. Next dI was the 12Sec Amateur-Expert Class with Penton Plint Tom ScaJes winning all liIree motos. Casey Folks, trying his luck rtding wltb the 125cc group on a 73cc "Sachs, loslout to the water gremlins KAWASAKI SPEED KITS 120cc & 175cc wrile or call $46·00 up DRACO'S MOTORCYCLES 1629 So. Siandard Ave. Sanla Ana, Cal. 92707 (714) 543·9688 BOLD NEW BlEED IIOICCO powered by GAIEU' CYCLES <> MINI-BIKES PARTS ACCESSORIES NEW WEST COAST WAREHOUSE ~ ENGINE SPECIALTIES. INC. P.O. Bo. fiOO BEL.W*T. CAL. 94002 415-593-7691 ATTENTION DEPT. lS DEALERS & DISTRIBUTORS WANTED and spent most of bls time In the first moto cran/l:1ng and pnsbing. He wasforced to retire to the pits witb many words (UIJIll1Dtab1e) about wet motorcycle engines. Folks must baYe found a pair 01 water wings for bls SIIcbs as he was able to take tile second position beb1nd Scales In the last two matos. The 250ce Novice groql exploded off the line nut w1tb J. Harber (Greeves) and B. I41kuIsk1 (Busk;y) putt1nc OIl dine display of racing with numerous changes do position. Mllmlsld l1n1sbed witbaflrst followed by Harber and D. 8eJISClIl (YamalIa) all the way !rom the big e1t7 01 N1pton, Ca1Itorn1a, taking the tbI.rd spot. Max Switzer Class The 250cc Amateur-Expert Class was rather dominated bY local Greeves ace Max Switzer. In the first Moto C. Folks (Husky) led the first loop with Switzer taking over in the second loop and taking first, with Folks second, and N. Williams (Bul) third. The last two motos were taken by Swltzer wi th Folks second. All three classes ran together in the 500cc group with Switzer again taking a rather decisive win in all three motos. Rumor here 15 that we are going to keep our regular Novice, Amateur, and Expert classes, and start a MAX SWITZER CLASS, so if anyone wants to race Switzer, they can race In his special class. The only time local riders can beat Swi tzer and his Greeves is when he has mechanical trOUbles, and that Is not very often - at least not often enough, according to local riders. (Results on page 16) IN LAIICASTER Irs ODAIA Don & Ray's Motorcycle Shop 1223 W.Ave. I. Lancaster, Calif. ISIi) !MM&2' Husqvarna & Pe ton Complete line of Tor ten Hallman Ra.cing Equipment Largest Stock of Motorcycles & Parts in the Los Angeles Area ALSO Suzuki. Zundapp, M.Z. & Monlesa 1'tdell,(.411 '4, 2 CYCLE CITY (213) 415-4541 .....1 Acces_ies & Elflipment 10673 W. Pico Blvd_, West Los Anoeles. Cal. Tile Racing Bit It was Richard Sweaney who won the 100cc Expert go on ODe of those new little Kawasakis. Be and the macbinetlattlew, ~ winning over Dannie HocJde(Hodaka)and Linus Beal (Brldgestone)._the sandY lIPhill was the downfall of many a TT-tuned small bore If the rider jUStcouJdn'tkeep the r's up when approaching it-Diane Connolly (Hodaka) did her thing and won the Powder Puff••.Bultaco distributor Doug Yerkes got in betweeD a pair do Qssas manned by Craig Cove and D8nDIe Hockie for a second In the 17Sec class but Bul's won both the 250cc Novice (Dan White) and the 250 Amateur (Larry Shoemaker) •••Gary Scott on a Yamaha took the 250cc Exper 1, hotding dI such shoes as David Aldana (ossa) and Leestumpenhaus (Bultaco) ••.Ma1co rider GaryGrayson earned his first win in the 500cc Novice; as they lined up for the third moto be had a first and a second and so did Allen Sm It h (BSA) bat Grayson brought home the bacon •• .Dave Bastian on a G- 85 Matchless won tbe 500 Amateur taJdng two motos straight with Glenn Brunson (Bultaco) winning the third. Fastest time on the 1-1/8th mile track was set by the 500cc Expert Ninner Chuck Minert (BSA) with 1:09 set in the third moto after a 1: 10 in the second_ other t1I:les we have were a I: 13 for tbe 250Cc Expert and a 1: 14 for the Open race of the day was the Open Experts_.1ining lIP for the lhtrd moto, J1m Goldsmitb (R-E) and Terry Dorsch (Triumph) both bad a first and a third, with Mike Van Acker and Mike Posey, both on Triumpbs, still within shooting distance. Goldsmith got a bad start witb a little wbeelle off the line and tIJen proceeded to show the fans the old Goldie is still there as he made bis way lIP liIrougb the pack, passing two of the troops on the worst part of the course, a cobby downhill, to get on Van Acker's rear wheel. Jim passed Mike, Mike passed bim back and then Goldie waited for the perfect turn and when Van Acker went a little wide there went the Royal Ent1eld flying by. Racing like that brings the spectators out! Most riders seemed to like the course, bul for the poor souls who showed up Sunday with Class C traction we felt sorry. The surface was packed and slick In spots and cobby In others but never sloppy (although the up-bill was a little g;ooey in the morning). in otber words, a good scrambles track! (Results on page 16) Adelanto TT Action By Erma Redding Beauillul tr ac k and weather! Nine classes wi th every race five laps (days are getting loncer)andeacbrunasamoto to guarantee every rider three races. The new wider track saw seventeen ovices clear the start. Kaw. 100cc rider Doug Mason took the win, wb1le pressuring Dean Preston on Bul was Jeff Sexton, who took second 011 a Honda. 100cc Amateur win was to Roo Powell (Kaw). In a tight corner Kirk Redding spilled In tront do Ron who completely stopped against the downed Brtdgestone. '!be other riders passed by.Ron overtook all, showing wbatracingisallabout! There was Compet1tiOll galore JlS a pack of fift riders crossed the t1n1sb together in the 250cc Novice class. Doug Mason (Yam) and Larry Hardison (Bul) Torslen Hallman Racing,lnc. Wesl Cout Disl. fo, PENTOI 1IrCJcles Tors. . Halllllao _cial desl. lu"'s .. raclog eqalp-m U.s. Dill. for T,Clloto-C,oss lires for duler .. to. write 0' caD 5345 TielUo 51., La CaL '2Ml "sa, (7141 . .14D2 both totaled first place. Gary Bochkay (Yam) was second, then Gary Shafer. Mlck Rendicb on a Bui won tbe 250cc Amateur witb second by Fran Assad (H-D). And, It you can believe UJis, Loyal Penn on a Bul came in third. Harley-Davidson Expert Btll Bartell won the wbiteplate 250. Second was Bob Hard1soo and third Eric Olesen. Every 500Cc signed in as expert. Ray Shafter (Trl.) took the win with Alan Reed second on Maico. In the ()penJipring Valley Norton rider Jim Harmon won.. TrI-mountedBudC&rter was secCllld, with Guy Smith third on a Trium:ph. Riders tben removed their boots and Btll (Willie) Hardin took ftrst place in the foot races. Now that was funny. (Results on page 16) Specialized Triumph - Honda Repairs· Cuslom Racing· Engines lIachine Work· .elisse Kits Cyl. Barill& • Porting IE BURKE "I"'cycle Specialties 15171 Ibylllllf 51. Van Nuys, Cal. 91406 T• ..,..... (213) 71l1-Gn, DESERT SET UP SCRAMBLES

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