Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 03 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Bo' also ~98, Long Ikal'h. California. publbhl'rs of Stat" C,vel" News for thl' Enstprn iw ......iaberlt Edt.... Clu.c" Clay.... ~ Maalacer•• SIIa.- Cia Office -..eeL .Gaylene na-- ca..a...... ........,. . . 1IaDa&'er••Deaaolis Greene Pnadacu. Assl.. .Deaa Calea... 1t Clab Dir••• 1blY elldez 'Bookkeeper:•••••• SUsan WIIiJelaw Cireulation DePI.. • J enay McDoGJd .. America"s ikekJy {JO Motorcycle- Newspaper- \\1, Lab TecbniciaD••••• .Lily Laklch Want Ads. •••••••• Sandra PuntY : ':1 olished w('"k I,v except thl' first a od la t week or the cal('ndar ~'par h.\' C&B Puhlishin~ Co•• Post. Office slalt._~s. Sl'cond Class Posta!:l' paid at Long Bpach. Ca lif. Editorial storil's, ('art'KlIls, phot",.. pte. UT" wpt(~lm,' and will lK' Paid for on thp 15th of ,'n'IT month for matprull pubtish"d lh;' po'vlous month C"xe"pt pn's,; o'l<-as,',. and 'VOIC"" IpUl'rs.) Addo'sS('d, stampI'd ('o\,('lope assurps rt'wm. Rl'printing in whoL - or in part .. xprpssly forbiddl'n "'C('PI b,v p,'rmission of thl' Publi"lll'rs. Advertising ratl'S and circulation infurmaLion will bt' Sl"nl upon rPQuf?5L VOICES OF THE WEST CIRCULATION BOOSTER Fantistic, Up- Tlght, Out of. Sight, Super Neat, Double Sharp, Groovy, ZoomY,and Everybody Should Have One, are just a few words to describe your latest cover pboto (Mar. 4) on Cycle News. Keep up tile good work, it can't help but increase subscriptions. JAY WELLS LcxIg Beach, Calif. COIllllEI'fr. 'I1Iat was MI Peaay KIa..... sea. wIlD available for mode! assignIDea" dw!rtisers who w.Jsb lD have P _ cIecoIate IIaeir \IIOdIK:ts sIIoaId coalact IIer a _1, John ItaDms. III Skna Dr•• Morleslo, CaJil. Here's aDc6K • 01 Pe.ay: many ways for the OPeration of. the concessions and parking of whicb I have bad no controL I merely lease the track from year to year and have nothing to do with the operation of it except to sell the admission tickets and stage the events thru A.M.A. J.C. AGAJANlAN Gardena, Calif. AU NATIONAL NUMBERS Will you be publishing tile A.M.A. National numbers list for 1969, like you published in 1968? After viewing tile Houston Nat100al ClD T.V. and seeing Fred Nil< DOW witll AI Gunterli former number 3 I began to wonder wbat otber NatJooaJ D1IIt1bers IDd cbanged or been awarded to new riders. After radlDg Cycle News about certala riders in tile nortllern part 01. tile states who will receive oatiaaal rmmbers I lIIougbt I'd l1ke to kDow wbo else rece1Yed a nlllDbel'. H.B. CLARK au- Park, Calif. COI-.i'NT: WE'll IIdM . . ~tioII as . . AlIA c:aa seIId II.. .as _ u.s. CHUCIt ES FUll As you kDow, Claack J.oaes was in a tnctc accident, io AustraUa. '1be people in s,dDey bave coUected some money for bls care. I know Chuck vert wellam I feel !bat there sbouJd be a eoDection tar him corer here. MaJbe tllere could be a motorcyde enmt wttILtbe proceeds crDc to Chuck. It ts very expetIBive 110 care for blm and he needs tbe rnooey. VIRGINIA SEDQVlCK, GardeD Groft, caJIf. CO_ENT: Rea iers wbo wi .. a.tlillu&e to ...... s-.I clleclls PIQ'll1lIe 10 Cllucll ...-s ..... c/o Cycle ews. Bo 498, Lac 1Ieadl, Calif. and we'll see lIIat lie .,e&s - . - . EYtilUliG IDEA I take your cycle paper. What 1 would like to know is why don't tile race riders have pictures of. tIIernselves like tbe race car drivers do? I think all of tile expert riders should sell pictures 01. tIIemselves. A lot of. clubs would like to have pictures of. tIIem. Most of. tile riders are married and tIIeir wives could take care 01. tile pictures. CLAY SlZEMORE Monillo. Ind. GIVE US THEIR NAMES Could you print tile lIIUIles 01. tile 80 .. ssemblymen and 40 Seaators in tile ca1UanIJa Legislature again in your ~ as you did In tile March I, 19681ssoe. PHIL PSZENNY Sanla MODica, caw. COMMENT: Yes _ will,"'t meantime get -.e _ or y_ state assembly_ ad tom ,..... y _ IiIacal lillrarlan ..... write 110 lalm .. care o{ the State ClIpi8tI 8lIOdlDc. 8lIcrameato. CaliL LETTE F AGGIE It gtvB me pleasure to announce 1:bat AgajBnJan Enterprises has made arrangements with the owners oJ Ascot Park for a 25~ parking fee for motorcycles only on all motorcycle events staged at Ascot Park for the year of 1969. This will be police patrolled parking in trant 01. tile maiD llI1lraDee as it bas been ID tile past. I 'IIlIDt 110 10 on record !bat I, J. C. Agajanlan, bave Degel' recetved 1 ~ for any IlU'kIac or coocesaioo r _ at Ascot Put in all tbe time { ban been JII'ODIot- 1DC ~ tIler'e.. I Jaw been autIsed ID Introducing a De,,' colgno, new (rom Europe 01 Interest to •• readers, Bill 81a1lesJee. EAR PLUGS OR SILENCERS? Co-columnist Barbara Dahms made a valid point In ber " LegislatJve Notebook" in tile March 11 issue of Cycle News, regarding tile limited space ar.illable to motorcyclists that is getting more limited all tile time. She correctly pointed out bow noise is one of. tile sore spots where motorcycles are racing. In England, where space is a lot more limited, tIIey have takeD one big step to rectifY tile noise problem. Just oow going into effect is an ACU (Brltala's AMA) ruling !bat all scrambles and grass track racers wtll nt approved siJencers to lbelr machines. Tbe word first came in tile middle of. last year !bat tbis would b8IJpeo. '!be rule egen Jajd down tile soaod ael to be metin decibels. One can picture tbe CClDfasillo !bat fol.lowed, and It did. Some Igned tbe edlct, some efforts IDcreased SOUDd and some ebolaed aIf horsepower. Testlng days were beld. Tbe nrst one produced 00 saHsfaetory momers but later tests fowad several !bat were UDder tile noise llmlts and yet DOt barmful to power. Several are being produced economically and used. SportiaIc tJpes here 1IOlIId be well advised to cDoe tbis Idea sedous c:oos1deratloD. I kDow tile first reactloa Is going to 1M! an Indlpaat «tbat cnat II01IDd ts balf tbe f1aI of rldIIlg," and 1IIere is a great am~ of tratIa to It. ao-Yer tIIere Is more at slUe IleI'e. as Bartlara IlIIbms poInIIed out. tII8D lrresponsfb1e tim. Facts stID staDel, mcmn:ycles are going to be regulated (belmets? shoes?) and it is always des1rab!e to regulate one's self before someone else does it for you. Cbeck tbe movie iDdDstry's selfImposed grading of lbeJr ft1ms into de-sirable audiences categories, for instance. Sure beats eensorsbipl After you live with !be idea awblle you begin to tbinIr maybe tile noise isn't what racing is all about. OYercomiDg tile terrain Is reaDy what you're doing (also overcoming everyone else to the race) and noise isn't necessary to do that. Besides tllere are .till tile races in tile _e ?OWOfRPurf RtlCf SiaIde .,..., ,..,e. ... Zst Sall8criptioa: _ year ZDd cia aail. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·$7.:M1 NATIONAl. ADVERTISING DIRECTOR••••• Tlllmas R. C11lp Cycle News IWesft, P.O. 801 491, LNg Beacll, Calif. 90100 Tel. (213) 423-0431. EASTERN ADVERTISING State Cycle Ne.s (Eas" P.O. Bol 13, Amherst, Ohio 44001 Tel. (216) 984-2433 wide open areas left where you can blast eardrums. It's near habitated areas whe-e the noise is offensive. Like my last favorite in-town toning/play area that I got booted from. There are still some left, but for bow long? Silence is not a technical problem, only an emotional one. Designing an efficient silencer is easy. Fitting it is a bit more difficult, so that it'S out of. the way and won't fall off. In fact I now have such a thing fitted to my 360 two stroke. It does take tile edge off. especially that irritating part of. a two stroke's scream. Power is absoJutely unaffected! A dyno might just possibly !ind a tiny loss, and I doubt that, but tile modern racing engine is usually so vastly superior in power to chassis and riders that tbis Is insignificant. I found my s1JeDcer at J&R MaDutac_ turing 1D El Moote, calif. TIley've been advertising tbem fur Jears. -lIOTSlr til Tbe I m ~ of tbis currentlY p0pular make IIIa¥ 01' IIIa¥ DOt ~ rtIIIDiDg tbis pJctare. Be IIIat as it mq tbis brud is DOW 8dIft ID lids coantry and iJI r.ct tbe picture was taIrea here. ClIIl au,tJorIJ' It? Wrlte 7t8' guess to "1W>lslt #1" CU'e of lids ~ UId we'll Jddi,sIl JUIIl' ..... e If you're rJgbt. TIle ~ , obrloas1y, and a !eYoIbers ma;ybe can figure It out just !rom tile picture. Good Lock. _e CO.-uIO onERS on UP Norton Commando riders have a chance to write a ~ io the future of. tlleir choice of tt12ChJnes. This is a Wlique QPPOI'tIInily to get tbeir experIences and opinions right to tile head of. tile factory. The excellent English newspaper "Motor Cycle" regularly condUCts extensive road test of. Britisb motorcycles. Along wifh the test tIIey include a survey of. current owners' opinion. As can be imagioed this results in a fair and realistic appraisal of. !be machine. This is not only valuable to potential buyers but also to tile factory itseU. Usually tllere is not llmefor gathering opinions of. people outside England but in tile Comtn3.ndo's case it is necessary since tile biggest portion of. them are sent to tbe States. Seems tIIey are a bit scarce In England. To make !be report as comprehensive as possible tbe paper ts hoping Commando owners here will write them (air mall) for lbe questtonaJre ktt. Air mail to England costs 20~. The paper's address is: Motor Cycle, Dorset House, Stamford Street, Loodoo SE 1 EDgland -YlVA BO.JO.· Here's a::> item I take great p easure in writing. Montesa importers are especially commeoded lor sending Ron Nelson and John DeSob to Europe. This is reaJl,y a tiDe example 01. "farming," tbe eartIa ra.lber !ban eontinually .. milking" !be ioduStrJ. '1be ~ olber example 01. tbis, and it didn't come ol1., was tbe Yamaha/CyeJe World scheme Ilo sead riders to tbe Isle 01. 1IlIIl. A dadt strtke stopped it and It was _ _ ~

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