Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Cycle News Survey COOLEY'S COLU " By Wes Cooley RoD III JoIm, DanIell, Scott It looks as tbougb the European fever bas extended beyood ROD Nelsoc and John DeSoto. Prior to their leavinl: for Europe, Russ Darnell, ODe of the local riders, obtained an internatiooalliceose to participate abroad in some early events to better acquaint himself with the type of molo-cross riding dODe there in the early part of the season which is mosUy in the mud. Last week another of the outstanding Southern California riders, Steve Scott, obtained an international license so he could also go to Europe to compete in international molo-cross events. We also understand that Bultaco unofficially will be helping Steve to some extent, at least providing him with a motorcycle, and Steve will have a friend along to help maintain the machine and act as his pit man. By the way, Steve look~ in fiDe shape after his recent injury and seemed to be very enthusiastic and interested in going to Europe to compete. I'm sure Steve will do well in international competition. He is one of the young outstanding riders in all forms of motorcycle racing, not ouly in moto-cross, but he bas done very well in short traCk, TT and speedway racing, and also bas done some road racing. With these four fellows in Europe, we should have a pretty good representative body of Southern California molo-cross riders. All four of thesefellowbavedone well in this area and should be fairly competitive, and also be sharp enough to pick up some of the European styles and teclIDiques to sIlow some oflbe fellows in this area wbo haYe DOt bad the opporbmity to learn it flrsthaDd. We !aft beard rumors concerning the possibility of. a oon-profil corporation beiUC formed which would solicit fllllds In order to send deserving American riders to Europe to compete in international events. We hope this willbecome a reality and that it will gain SQIlPOrtDOt ooIy from the riders but also the industry as a whole. 1bere are manyadmiolstratift and political complicatioos invoLftd In an undertaking of this type, but with the proper people selected to bead this type of effort, 1 feel SllPPOrt woold be given by the motorcycle industry as well as ent1ws1asts and. competitors. I think it wUl be ftry difficult to select a good repre seta-tift body, but with the proper organ,zptloo It can be done. We would be ftry mlEh In favor of. tII1s type oL corpontlon and 1iOUJddo~possible to help it addeve its goals. llicu W ..ts To Talk We !lave also heard rumors, and we hope t:bese rumors are not true, that at the lastAM.o\. Executive Committee meetIng the FIM-MlCUS andAMAsubjectwas brought up and was lighUy put off. 1 feel that lor ciar1ficatioo of problems and goals, 1l the AMA was truly interested in the FlM-MlCUS and international racing in thi country, they could at least extend the courtesy of allowing one of the FIM representatives in this country to talk to the Executive ComDllttee to submit our proposals and clarIfy what our goals are. Wlthont being represented, it is very d1lficult to make our pOints clear • 1 would like to openly go on record that MlCUS would be more than willing to discuss with the A~L"- Executive Committee the goals and aims of MICUS and international racing in this country, and would very much welcome the participation of the AMA in this endeavor. However, without the opportunity to present our lacts and our prOpOsals, naturally, we can never come to any type of agreement. Srnokeborn b GaelzRaces Successful flrst- Sunday Hare ScramblE!s bave been st2ged since the first of the year at Ave. J and 100th Street north of Palmdale, Calif. Promoter ts famous "Smokebomb" Gaetz, so called beeause of his talent lor being first to the smokebomb in counUess desert races. The monthiy Hare Scrambles consists of three l5-mile loops of open boondock trails, faSt sand washes and whoop-dedoo.s - strictly a fun course that is easy 00 equipment. Steve Kirk, #2 on a 360 Montesa, is tile reigning ebampiOD, bavIng won the first two events. Results of tills month's DIC.e are OIl page 16, tile aut __ s sc"edn1ed for April 6 starttng 1It~ p.m. Walter Davidson ResigJIs H·D waIter DaVidson, Vice President in Charge <1 Sales at the Barley-Davidsoo Motor Co. announced he bas resigned from the company that bears his name, to devote full time to his other interests. He was active in the company since 1935. He will be repiaced by 33-year-o.ld John Davidson, son of William H. Bean Canyon Off Limits to Bikes Word bas reached us that Bean Canyon, near Rosamond, Calif. was declared oft limits to all riders because a few motorcyclists were biamed for vandalism and littering in the area. Riders are accused of cutting fences for access to private land, causing soil erosion and leaving trash in the canyon. Trucks with bikes are still allowed in Bean Canyon, but 1l littering continues, we will surely lose the site for good. BIKE TEAMS TO COMPETE IN MINT "400' Silver Eagles M.C. Wut New Ilembers With several major events coming 10 the next few mootbs and an ambitious riding pro g ram Planned, the Silver Eagles Motor Corp road riding club of Burbank, Calif. bas opened its rolls to additional members. Members ride fulldress 74" Barleys and wear black and silver unlIorms. They plan toform acluh drill team. Meetings are Wednesday at 8 p.m. in Room 1, Oliver Recreation Center in Beautiful Downtown Burbank. Visitors are always welcome. Call (213) 887-7396 or 443-9555 lor information. M/C Safety Council Forums In S.F. The Motorcycle safety Council, consisting of all the large U.S. distributors and manufacturers will meetfor a series of forums at the Del Webb Towne House in San Francisco, coinciding with the SF. Motorcycle show April 2 through 6. Legislation and safety will be diSCUSSed, as well as mlc training and educational plans. Speakers will include state legisiators, federal Transportation Dept. SpOkesmen and driver training officials from throughout the U.S. imichrome Shines Suddenly .Simichfome is a hooey Cleans quick as a bunny ( 704 Washington AYe•• Iowa Fall s Iowa IHARLEY-DAVIDSON I Modem Blacksmith IloJI. F1.11I1 ....1 W.WlI apia, t.a'" One of the businesses that is currently booming as a result of the growth in competitive motorcycle spOrts is Ken Maely's. Better known as "the Sboeman," Ken makes the best botshoe in dirt track circles. A racer himself, Ken bas been making his steel slippers for 17 years. A1tbougb the YOlume of business bas doubled and tripled, be. still does all the bardtace welding and fitting personally. A job lasts for 3 to 5 years <1 hard racIng. then U needs re-hardsurfacing for $9.50. The complete shoe, aY3.ilahle in three styles (1/4-m1le, 1/2-mile or mile-style) co.sts $25. Riders sbould send their left boOt or a carboard tracing <1 the sole and measurement of the height of the toe, for l1ttiog. wltII •Jackalape"' J". IDlIarts la 1969 lliat '4110" Crol.e-try race. LAS VEGAS, Nev. - The lop mollorcycle of Larry Bergquist and Gary Preston and J.N. Roberts and Doyle Fields bave entered the Mint "400", it was aonounC:ed by off1cials of Continental Racing Enterprises. Continental wUl sponsor these two teams In the $30,000 off-rll8d racing classic to be held March 23-25. The Roberts-Fields team returns to defend their Mint "400" champiooship <1 a year ago. Bergquist and Preston are winners of the Baja 1000 and stardust 7-11. These top cycle riders join the growing list of luminaries participating in the Mint "400". Cale Yarborough, Bobby Unser, Parnelli Jones, Ai Unser, Steve McQueen, Marty Robbins, James Garner, Bob Bondurant, sam Hanks, Mickey Thompson and others are among the rlr~e" partiCipants. With the en t ry of .oberts, FieldS, Bergquist and Preston, the "400" now boaSts the top riders and drivers. The hated compulsory helmet law may be 00 its way out in Washington state. House Bill 418 would repeal the illadvised compulsory helmet law and leave the motorcycle operators license and helmet standards iaw intact. Meantime, nuisance enforcement of the law goes on sporadically in Washington, although many courts dismiss helmet vioiations as a matter o.J' course. Louisia a 03upreme Court Reverses Helmet Decision The decision of a Circuit Court of Appeals calling the state's compulsory helmet law unconstitutional was overturned by the Louisiana Supreme Court. The case of Everlulrd vs New Orleans was decided against the motorcyclist in a split decisiOD. New Movie to Show Pro Racing lichael Pollard (of Bonnie & Clyde famel ~ill star in "Little Fauss 2lld Big Halsy" for Paramount Pictures. The feature length movie is an actiondrama about two young men and a girl who become involved with the world of U.S. prolessional motorcycle racing. It will be fllmed 00 location at Ascot Park and in Texas. It is hoped that "Little Fauss and Big HaJsy" will do lor proLessiooal ractuc what "The Wild ODe" did for tbe outlaw element Rapi. I_eo,ate D.li_, Sportster Harley-Davidson of Oceanside 216 Via Del ...... te oc......... Call""aia (714) 757·7510 SPECTATOR LIABILITY AND PARTI· ClPANT lIlSUlWlC£ FOR TRACK OWNERS, PROMOTERS AND CLUBS BUSINESS PACKAGES- MOTORCYCLE & AUTOMOBILE - LIFE & ACCIDENT. s. HARRIS·I'lIlSItY OF MlCHAEJ.. B£IIDElt & ASSOCIATES. I.e. 5225 MLSHlltE BOULEVARD. Slata 717 L.A., CaUL.U (213) '37-2011 BROKER INOUlRIES INVITED. \{ ~ilOND~" -----iillif------ teams Washington State Moves to Repeal Helmet Law OMPETITION Tube 85<' CH EMICALS Can S2.95 Into prol.ssloaal racln, (wi lb 110 rae.., halp) PIOVEN IESULTS ----------------- &/14/&1 Jack lil~.sea & ...... 451 H.nD set fastest Am. IiIIe at PorllUll latilaal. 9/1/&8 Jack Wilki. . . & fast 451 Honda set fastest Am. time at Sao Jose National. Hare laci .aie ,oar Ho.d• • wi•• er f1l4l63J-8422 send 25¢ for catalog & prices Hodaka Montesa Motorcycles Box 3433, Oran e, Calof. 9266 Greevf,S Kawasaki Westminster Sport Cycle Guy R. Loui:s (714) 893-7057 7574 Wes!mlns:er Ave. \' est:lllnster, Cal. 15th ANNUAL NORTHWEST TT CHAMPIONSHIP RACE $J,800 PURSE SAT•. & SUN. APRIL 12,h 13,h $50 fAST TIME $50 TROPHY DASH EXPERT CLASS Gates Opea 9 a.RL All Nowices _Sf titIIe ill ad qualify sat. Apri I 1211I ;/( $5.11 lif . . . , .. QIteI1s "A· $11---'" O.,..lI/C 8DIl 713, •__ 13711 ,