Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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:: 1 flers h,-O.zzes ~ :. Cllila Ca., Crew ~ COOLEY'S COlU " By Wes Cooley By Georee ScIIatfer Photos by Bob Labagh ~ lal CHINA CAMP, Cal., Feb. 2 - Luck was ~ with the Marin CountyM.C.ooceapinas U race day dawned clear and calm, unlike :... the previous week at slorms that drenchU ed and battered Ibe area.. Husky-mounted Garry Londers, from Ohio, outran all at Ibe 249 entrants tor the overall win. Second overall, with an outstanding ride was Randy Lackey, tlrst 250 Amateur aboard a Suzuki. Third overall was John Nelson, also 011 a 360 Husky. Allen Garrahan, first 250 Novice riding a Bultaco, was wasting no time as he was one at onlY '7 to do all ten laps. Dick Mann, who unfortunately arrived too late 10 sign in, competed anyhow, and turned in Ibe tastest lap at the day 011 his 230 Ossa. Jet! Smllb lectured during the morning on some at the tine points of molo-cross racing and rode during the race for an exhibition. The race started at the bottom at a hill; with a pnlle slope at pure mud, topped with a very narrow and steep climb. The rest at the course, about 4.5 mn.., included a lot at tire roads, some at which allowed speeds in the area. at 60-70. Three or four creek crosstnes e1Imi. .lied a lot at riders, but the Iourhest With all the inclement weather lately, many at the closed course events have bad 10 be canelled. We see that Speedway racing scheduled for February 16, March 16 and April 19 bas been cancelled. We hope this due only 10 the weather and not some other circumslapees. I think 11 would be far better for the speedway racers and promoters to start the season and continue running until the closing date, We do agree that Ibe rain bas really raised havoc, although it bas really helped most of the mOta-cross courses by eliminating the dust problem, but 11 sure hasn't helped the pit areas. Many at you who enjoy Ibe mud probably appreciate the weather, and itlooks as if there Is more 10 come. It should helP the moto-cross riders, especially those interested In competing in internatiODal events outside this country. As most at you know, Ibe wea.ther in the European countries is more inclement than here, and many at their events are run in the mud. For you road racing tans, we've bad inquiries from the ACU requesting permission from MICUS, the FIM affiliate in this country, 10 allow Rod Gould and Dan Simmonds 10 participate at IliaYtoDa.. If any of you follow the road rac1II( in this COlBltZ'y, you wiD remember Rod from tile' 1967 seasoo wbeD be participated in many local road raciDg tmtnts and ah..YI tIn1shed in the tap lour. It you follow Grand Prix road rac1DC in Europe, you wiD see that Rod tIn1sbed fourth in world's cbaJnpionsbip points in the 2500c lal • Creek crolllniin lIo.t 01 lIIe ..aln clleck wal I ..... obRIcles were three steep doWDll11ls. A lot at riders used both feet for stabWty and braId.De. Another Baha Race class on Yamaba!Kawuald. If be does partlcipalle at Daytoaa, It sboukl be interesting 10 see bow well he LOS ANGELES, Feb. 11 - Lut year's stardust 7-11 bas become the Baba 500. It wiD be run with start and tIn1sb in ED8.ada, Mexico on JUne 10 and 11, spcasored by NatiOll&1 art-Road Racine Auoc1atIon. Dan Ekins at NORRA said they are bailine that a lareer motorcycle turnout wiD reault from their dec1s1OD 10 separate the blJces trom the cars and dune does. W. are oottamUiar with S1mmond's aceomplisbments, but be f1n15bed 14th in world's points in the 125eeclassand 18th in the 3500c class 011 Kawuald maeb1nes. Bavinr a few internatlOJalr1dersatDaytoaa lIbou1d make for a more interestine ennt. There Is also the pou1b11ty that lOme at the CanadWI boys wiD be C;QJD1ne. I would like 10 thank all at you wbo d1d attelld the ACA CbampionsblP A. wards Banquet for the ~maccoladeetvenme. We hope those at you who eouldnotmalte 11 this year wiD be able to attend the 1969 bugtes. Entries open March 5, and bUtes wiD ban a lower entry fee than the fourwluIelers. ..... "alca rider ltartl up tile bill tollle lut clleck. banquet. WEICO EQUIPPED HODAKA WIllS JOOee QASS AT E1SINOIE GlAND PIIX 5 POITING • S20,B. IEED POITING • $25..!!. \~~~ .$Imichrorne i. a honlY Cllln. quick n a bunny !lOST MAKES OF 2 CYCLE -- ------Gene Cannady went the di stance using the all new Webco head and alloy cylinder combination. His winning Hodaka was equipped with many other Webco high performance components. Now isthe time to give your Hodaka the same winning potential by switching to Webco high performance motorcycle specialties. #1!1OS' alloy ell• . , •••••_. $64.95 #1771A bllb performanci h..d __... •••_ ••• $25.95 #1420 expanllon ch. . .r.. $39.95 #1525 Konl shock absorbl" .._ ....._ $22.00 C HALL MAN MOTO·X EQUIP. SEND: DON VESCO RACING '- OMPETITION Tube 1St CH EMICALS Can $2.95 704 .ullinlton A•••• 765 EL CAJON BLVD:.r..EL CAJON. CAUF. '20m Iowa fall. Iowa HUSQVARNA Largest Stock of Mot_cycles & Parts in fbe Los Angeles Area ALSO SUZUki, Zundapp, M.Z. & Montesa lIaLMt4le'6 2 CYCLE CITY (213) 475-4541 10673 w. LOlITA HONDA Saill' Parts· Servlc. lIne 01 Sp_d Equipment CUltom Palntlnl, Frame Works, Fra... Dlllcntnl& llulldlnl 2073 Pacllic Cout Hwy. ..._ - - 326·3110 or 326-3116 - - _... ------.--- . - Moto-x Accessories & Equipment Pico Blvd., West Los Angeles. Cal. Discount Prices en All sales see your dealer for the very latest in high performance components from Webco .Shines Sud. .ly imichrome CULVER CITY CYCLE CENTER Bultaco - Maico MIB - Penton 2-Strokes our Speci al ty (whln others are clone ours Itt II run) (213) 839-9000 DON'T BE HALF-FAST ABOUT ~ YOUR CLUTCH ilt GET A BAINETT CLUTCH AND GO {7;~~, ~tc';;-" r?,. _ I., ..: ®: NOW AVAILABLE IIa Ico - X4A 250 & 3 6 0 c c " · - '-ce..:.. Yamaha - DT·1 & All models (except 80 & 100 t r a i l ) ' II ~ BOX 429 VENICE, CALIf. 90291 • Your Bam.tldlal" has th.m now. Alum· w. do not I num Alloy. Bonded. ~:!B~.O (I'NIIIII/ _JoI~;;r I _ -l SIll ..tall. SEE YOUR BARNETT DEALER 4915 Pacific Blvd., Vernon, California, Phone: 589-5488 , .