Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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..America's Weekly
Motorcycle Newspaper-
S." It
Publisher••••• Charles C. Clayloa
Business Manager. •
ron Clayton
Managing EdilOl". Wayne Flemingloa
Productinn Manager. .DeDDis Gteeae
Assistant Editor & Lab Technician
• • • • • • • • • • • • " Bill Pettigrew
BooIlkeeper•••••• Susan WhiteJaw
Circulation Dept•• Jenny McDonald
Receptionist••••••• Sandra PurelY
Publlshed weekly except the fust
andC&S Publishingthe calendar year
by last we<:k of Co., Post Office
Mr. Roberts:
Many have emulated you by wearing
the famous suPerman shoulder pads.
Once r thought they were SuPer muscles
but when strUlped down to mortal clothing you are very human.
Along with being admired for suPer
go, as a matter of course, I now wish to
report this champion's humaruty In the
Elsinore Grand Prix pits Saturday, after
he and other completed a race very trying to many men and machines.
This was a European motocross cake
walk. Thetr kind of riders and some of
us were as happy as a wee child making
mud pies.
The pits were no less trying for the
four wheelers.
Everywhere you looked there was
digging, pushing, jacking, planking, baYing and cooperation. The tow truck cables
were slowly winching hopelessly mired
metal victims.
Then we saw J.N. in his dual drive,
moving his Dodge with dispatch up to one
and then another helpless case, and In his
style, getting the job done speedily.
Moving all around the pits like a desert
racer trying to find the tratl, he freed all
be found until dusk saw the operation
well completed.
This kind of dual image is beartwarmIDe. tile stutr we like to see In a cbamP.
say, you look neat. sans the face ha1r •
Now we can see wbat kind of guy you arel
No matter bow much trouble the racers
felt they faced, the GrUlsters had the
most challenge.
They made a go of it without abwndonIDe gOOs of course.
Bless the GrlPsters the clty and people
r1 E1s1nore, the new hometown of metropoI1taa raclDe.
Buena Park, cal.
I'ft heeD an and motorcycle race fIUl
since my high scbool days thirty-11ft
J9US ago, first at the old L.A. White
SoK Park, tIBl AtIaDt1c, GUmore, South
Gate, LIncoln Park, C&rroll, Ascot,
Prado, SlIcramento, Carlsbwd, WUlow
Spr1Dgs, EIslnore, Perris and SlIddJe..
I remember riders such as: Elder,
Farand, TnljUlo, Roberts,
Bolder, Cordy & Jack Milne, Kretz 81'..
and Lammeriewc. Later such riders as
Kretz Jr.. Gunter, Pbilllps, Basney,
Everett, Hawley and O'Brien came along.
I remember the Northern California contlDgent headed by Leonard, oorrestyne,
Mann, and Lawwill; the Southern boys
beaded by Andres, Rayborn. and the
Lacber brothers. Pve seen the Easterners headed by Markel, Roeder, NIx,
Draayer, Nixon, and of course, the
present Ascot crop led by Tan.oer and
van Leeuwen.
I guess we're all prone to make comparisons and pick a favorite, and f have.
My selection or the best rider 1 have ever
seen, on any track, is based upon these
criteria: Mastery r1 the machine, competition spirit, sportsmanship, perception, reflexes and reactions, and conslstency. Hoping my selection is not
tinged by nostalgia, my top rider is the
Immortal "Lammy" Lammerieux. '!bat
man was total skill 00 a steel shoe.
Who will agree?
Lakewood, Cal.
r have been attending races at Ascot
Park for many years and really enjoy
the motorcycle racing _ but r believe it
is outrageous the way they charge for
motorcycle parking.
First it was 25~ (years ago) then 50~,
then 75~, then the big boycott last year
and they let us park free, then it was 50~
again, then it was called oU for the
Clyde Litch Benet1t, then again for the
TT races last week they said "50~
please." Why don't they make up their
minds and stick to something so people
will know what to expect?
They really should remove the charge
for bikes to bring in the cyclist. After
all it worked after the big boycott last
year and the parking lot was filled. They
actuallY lose money by charging this unreasonable amount because they are
losing several dozen people every race.
r can gradually see Ascot motorcycle
racing going right down the tubes, as is
the opinion of Carl White from Inglewood
who wrote your paper a few weeks ago.
The crowd is treated as it they are
just being tolerated there and they can
elther like it or not.
The crowd won't dwindle awayovernight, but it's on its way. 1 am also
happy to learn that Cycle News is for
free speech - so I will add ooe more
thing: Any cycltst who keePs up toleratIng the "treatment" they are getting
regarding parking and rest rooms doesn't
have any hackbone. And as a matter r1
princUlle my family and friends are
never going to Ascot Park again.
Box 498, Long Beach. California.
also publishers of State Cycle
ews fOI the Eastern states.
Second Class Postage paid at Long
Beach, Cali!.
Editorial stories, cartoons. photos.
etc. are welcome and will be Paid
for on the 15th of every month for
material published the prevtous
month (except press releases and
• Voice" letters.) Addressed. stamped envelope assures retum.
Reprinting in whole 01 in part expressly forbidden except by permission of the Publishers.
Advertising rates and circulation information will be sent upon request.
The Honorable Tom Hom
Member of the AssemblY of
The State of California.
Sacramento, Calltornia.
y Dear Mr. Hom;
According to an article In the San
Diego Union of this date, you have lntroduced legislation which would require
motorcyclists to wear protective headgear.
Not having a copy of the proposed legislation, I cannot review it completely
but personally agree that some steps
shoulU be taken to regulate fIrms which
rent motorcycles to require them to provide protective headgear of an approved
design to riders who hire theIr machines.
As an active motorcyclist r1 many
years standing, I would not think: of riding my machine without fIrst securing
my safety helmet and the great majority
r1 two
eeled riders share my views.
However, Mr. Hom, to suggestthatcycle
enthusiasts should be FORCED to wear
protective clothing would seem to be
about as reasonable as to Intrnduce leg~ islatlon to force everyone to wear rubbers and rain coats it they ventured out
In the rain and just as constitutional
ton, I mIght add.
If you will study the statistics more
thorougbly, yocr will notice that the great
majority of motorcycle accidents are
sutrered by Inezperienced riders wIIo are
on a borrowed, rented or newly purcbasecI macbine. You may also fiDd that
70% of the accidents lnvoIrinc a molDrcycle and an auto are the fault r1 the
car driver.
Baving _lx:bed your career as a publlc servant. it bas been my obserratlon
that you bave always been a faIr and just
man and _ were pleased to see you go
to Srlcram9llllo; so please doD't start
Ieg!sJaHng against a mlnoritygroupsuch
as the molDrc:ycl1Dg ellthllsiasts even
thougb your 1Dtentlons ~ be fOUDded
OIl Ilooest c:oocern f« the cycle riders
Gentlemen, you haft flnalJy dOIIe It.
A1lIer 16 years of rld1IIg Sportsman
ftEls In the Southern 'Calitornla area I
feel the need to write a letter •
I would like to commend you OIl your
receat Gran Prix. It was, witllouta meaSure r1 doubt, the worse event from start
to fln1sh 1 bave ever had the mlsfortuDe
to ride. A little mud in any event is a
test of skill and enduraDce for a rider
and his machine, bowever your four mile
lake of mud was ridiculous.
Nature was beyOlld your cootrol, bowenr reroatIng r1 the track after the
satanII.J - ' would bave cut down a
Uttle r1 the mud for the big bores. HoweYer, abcm! and beyond the mud. the
compJalnts are numerous.
As a beginning, the "0De-m1Date
spaced start" was more like a mad
scramble. The tact that there were automoblle6 crossing the track in and around
the town was enougb to lID-nerve anyooe,
to say notbtng of the un-beJmeted street
riders that _re crulslng the track In
.n sjlOts.
It is encouraging to round a beDd In
the track and have to dodge a street
rider out for a would be Sunday ride.
The Jack or Grtpster Patrol riders was
evident to all concerned, which I imaglne
was a definite problem on the part of
your club members, after all not very
many would volunteer to ride In that
muck for nothing.
Agatn g e 0. tie men, congratulations,
your well run event of last year brought
back fond memories or the Qld catalina,
and your run or this year will bring back
nightma:i'es of places 1 would rather not
be ever for years to come.
Culver City, Cal.
Subsaiptioe: one year 2nd class
mail. • • • • • • • • • • • • • . •.
Cycle News (Westl, P.O. Box
4911, Long Beach, Calif. 90800
Tel, (213) 423-6431 •
State Cycle News (East)
P.O. Box 13, Amherst,Ohlo 44001
Tel • (216) 984-2433
Inglewood, CalIL
SiDell' copy price• • • • • • • • • • 2:1(
The last sessia:l r1 the legislature
..cted a Jaw wIIlcIl requires an twowbeeled Yebicle ClJl91"8IDr$ to be Iieeaaed;
as SOOII as the Jaw ca.lICIles 1F 1IUIl.n
the riders as the7 r:-w or get DeW
drhers' permits yon wlllllnd the molDrcycle accideat rate drqI, and witll t&e
proper edlIcatiOll r1 automobile drlftJ'S
CClDCerning IIldDn:yc]es it sbon1d decrease the accidents even more.
SIu1 DIego, Cal.
Rescue Three was also a
~ sight
for me and my d1stncate