Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 03 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Remember some time back I mentioned the petitions that were out in the shops for the proposed bike park in Harbor Park, and to sign one? Well, the time to do it is now because things are really starting to move. If you're un!am.lllar with the term Harbor Park it's what we've always called Bixby Slough and developing tbis into a properly run bike playground bas long been a dream of San Pedro M.C.'s Don Finley who is the man responsible for the idea. But the groovy thing about ibis project is that it's not a private enterprise that would be run by ei ther Finley or other individuals, the park would be operated by the Park Department so you might say "that it will be owned by us, as taxpayers. 'The area is being developed, and the next big step is corning UP very quickly. If we can get our side in and present our case properly we can have a really great facility there. Plans showtrallingareas, a tralning area where mom and the kids can learn to ride with no one going over 10 miles an hours, motocross and scrambles courses and a mile track for the speed demons. If you're familiar with the area you know that where we've all gone riding is , still what is called wilderness, the Anaheim side of the area is completely undeveloped so naturally other organizations are interested in getting their share too, and rightly so. But because this whole thing bas been approached gently, the powers that be haven't thrown their hands UP and yelled "No motorcycles." 'They've been receptive. The Park and Recreation Department is definitely interested and know the need for such a facility. The Po 11 c e Department is cordial. Two mostly un-publicized but well attended events were held there last year and the city fathers got a chance to see for themselves what dirt riding motorcyclistS are like, that ours is a famllytype sport and what is more important they got a chance to see that we're a far cry from the Angel-type element. The second big thing in our favor is that amiable talks have been held with members of the Sierra Club; the Audubon Society who are concerned about the bird ilie there and ,the Isaac Walton people who keep an eye on the !ish department. So far everyone acknowledges each other's right to a piece of the pie although privately they may not go along with what you want to do with your particular slice. Now it's time to move. Sign those petitions, and please sboPS, if you have any, mall them in regardiess if they are filled or not or even if they are blank as we can still put them to good use. Send them to P.O. Box 591, San Pedro or mail them to me, care of Cycle News. If any of you as individuals have any useful conlacts with city councilmen, members of the aforementioned organizations, anyone who can helP us, let us know. Because public funds are involved in this, the approach bas to be gentle. We don't want to bring our big guns UP unless absolutely necessary; and we have some, but Finley feels it won't be necessary to use them. We'll keep you posted as to progress. The hearing won't be far of!, and remember that public opinion is the whole clue to this thing. So, when the time is right, we'll be asking you to notifY your public officials that you want and need this park. Do it. This could well be the best playground in the West for twowheelers. IN LANCASTER IT'S YAMAHA WINNER AND STILL CHAMPION Elsinore Winner for second • year In a row Elsinore Grand Prix 2/8/69 100cc Expert Class 1st G. Cannady - Hodalra 2nd J. Morgan - Hodalra 100cc Alllateur Class 1st J. Domay - Hodalra - 2nd A. Peppel Hodalra K. Parlrs - Hodalra 3rd . 4th L. Nolen - Hodalra 5th J. Gar;ian - Hodalra . 100cc No,ice Class 1st 4th - J. Sarlrer Hodalra G. Curry - Hodalra Powder Puff Class 1st P. Domay - Hodalra 3rd J. McNamee Hodalra - Desert ·M.C. Hare & Hound 2/'6/69 lst Trailbilre 1st Terry C/arlr - Hodalra Don & Ray's Motorcycle Shop 1223 W.Ave. I, Lancaster, Calif. (8051 942-9&24 . • KAWASAKI SPEED KITS 120cc & 175cc writ. or call · For a f u st-hand demonstratl·on of ~CN';'~~'~~'~~::;':I~;,,:·~~'~~;:k:'~;:~~·:" HODAKABILqY,visit your dealer1 ~:::::=::::::::::::::.~::::::::::::=:::=:::::: ..:::::=::::::::::: for a free test ride. ~ $46·00 up DRACO'S MOTORCYCLES 1629 50. SU/ldard A••• Santa Ana, Cal. 92707 (714) 543·9688 I'rn enclosinlJ 25c to coy.r po.s't~ ond hondlinl. City •.......................... _....._........................•...... : Stote....._ .•.•. _:::.';:.~':: PADA'I'CO '.0. lOX ...•._...•. ~_Zip •. - ..· m·~_~·oa;,;;·;;;I;·· .••- ..--.-•.. ·

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