Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 02 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS ATTElll101l PUBUCITY C.-T· TEES-. __ Ie soad CJde S IIOtico til row e-i0C . . . .s .. • 10 tist'" io lois .. en llslillCIllIl'1s c::a...... ica. e;,cJ. .sd_s ~ ,..-sillil.itJ . . uecellatioll • c"'C.C til ftUts 10, , .jlllMl oolice.. . . . .s Is a "'S S ~ ~ EVERY FBI :i!: Y .IJIT TT SCRUIBLES at JfDDI:1Qgton Beach Cycle Park.. 00 Talbert Aft!.. between BeK.II. BlN.aadGDldea rt he.. 2 miles -.Ib 01. San Frena,y. SlgD- ... 8: 30 -10:.00. Pits close 10 a..m. .IafQ: Al Snow (714) 879-5661, dQs. ~ SPOR'lSMAN TT RACESatTrojaaRaoe-7. located COI"Iler' LoQg Be8dl Fwy. '" Firestoae Blvd. Flrestaoe to Garfield, so. OIl Garfield. ~ OIl Soutbern to tndt. AIlJ aftU. atay, l00cc '" 250cc. U ::.. U EVERY sultOn O"roRCYCLE DBAG RACING at LioDs Drac strip, 223rd aDd A lameda In WilmDlgt.oa, cal.. Info: (213) 4Z4-0961. CMC GRAND P T........... CaI\raD. P4lnt, Info: (714) TT 9:::RAUBLES bJ tile Bl-Boots M.C. at Dl!besa Speed...,.. 'b.Ioe lIderstUe. to JIu1I6-. CU70D R4.,. sips " u-mlIIere. Pnc.. 10 a..m.. race IIOOIl" Dlst.38 " _"_, SIlGI"IIiC poiDts. IJIf.o: 4140 Aada Aft.. Boatta, cal. FIiDAY. FEL 2bi . . . 1 • 2 UY 23riI ROVGB SCRAMBLES. AMA SlUIC.. by tile 'nIft I4.C., quarter m1le east 01. IbrilpositiAlDs, P.O. Box 5945. San FralM':lsco, Cal., 94101. a.m. start a t _ THUBS. DA YTOIA SPEED WEEI 9 WESTERN NA T10NALS&bowat tile Great WesterD EJlIdbIt lIall, Los ADgeles bylhe Nationa' Custom Car C1IiJ Assn.. CaDQp ilardi ID Ie U _It: ....... ......... .. ~ Park, caL 1lIXJico, ___ SU DAY. APBlL i YVES: It• .&- & ~ all classes. iJED: PIx. & ~ ..... ltaco. IrED. lIlGllT: ....HradL. _lfiees • .,. TIllAtS: PIx. • ." ,... 8Olloro. Abo _ifJioC'" ..iab all ~• FJlI: QuIlfyiq . . . trials & JIul races , . _Ic:o..... 291" c 1l1-li1111 ___ t CHA1.IPIOlllSHlP CROSS <..oUN'lRY at Coos 8Q'. Oregoo.lnfo: 267-3311. SCRAlIBLES by tile st. BeIeas M.C. at Ihe Castle RockFatrcroaocl, castielWck, WasbiD!"toa lI861J. '.. MOTO-CRUl6 by C.M.C • .at SPM1ehec:Jr Park, 0raI)ge, Cal. Info: (71 t) 539-3328, Fla. lIlGHT: SIlor1 track, . . . . . . . npoIt . .,. ~6p.m_ SATUJtDAY: 16-ooi1. _lIiee race. 100& uportotll,. SUlUlAr: 2lII-el1., • SUI., APR. i J lAY •• JU E 1 SPECLlL CllC MO'I'O-CROSS SEBlES at saMJebeek Park. .,..ot••.,. • APR. 11, MAY SU DAY r MARCH l&a TT SCRAllBLES at AdelNdo, Cal., ~ Ihe Desert PbILIItom lI.C. OIl Hwy 395. 37 points. Small bikes 1I a.m., big bikes aDd sldebae ks 1 P.Dl.. Info: (714) 246-7S5L CLASS A SPEEDWAY RACING atWlJ1tle. Airport Stad~, £.1) 2850 P!erce lit., Pacoima, t'""~C~ starts 1.2 JlOOII. 1Df0: (213) ;;. .0-9800 after 16. Rain date Mar. 23. maD CMC ROAD RACE at Car~ cal. 1JJfO: P.O. Boll: U34, Buatl.Ilgtx:a BeIIeJl, Cal.. 1I2647. BARE SCRAMBLES by the Prospectors M.C., limed from caJjfOl'1!ia CIty Galt C.-rse DMZ' Moja-.e.. start 10 a.m. Tr0phies an.tlabJe from • APRIL H Dec:. 15 ------ race.. n, J E 15 SPECIAL CJIC MOTO-CROSS SERIES at Carlsbad.. SO DAY, AP L 11 C C Moro-cROSS races at C&rlSmd, Cal. Info: P.O. Box 1334, B.unt1DgtOIl Beach, cal.. 92647. TT SCRAMBLES by Scramblers M.C. at Adeburto tracII: OIl Bwy. 395. Dist. 37 points. LIgbtwelgbts at 9a.m..aDd~ welgbt at 1 p.m. Info: (80S) 497-2060. SONDAY, APRIL 21i 100 MILE ENDURO NA'110NAL byBristol Twins AI.C .• Brishj1. Va. CMC ROAD RACE at Carlsbad, eat. Info: P.O. Bo>< 133-4. Buat1QgtoD Beach, Cal.1I2647. I I I I E D G HITS U TO '0· I I GE EWS OT HISTO YI 0S1. SO 1yearo$ 12 lor 2years (rlj·2." CLASS MAIL) • a,., I I CYCLE IE WS:t Via Air JIail fDl for 126. S18. 0 Via 1st class ail year '0: Year 0 OI 498, Lo g leae ftis is a -hscrjptioa 00 nis is a rmewal Ca'if 90801 I_~~dor_eyorder 0 I I I ODe ODe DeW pIease bill e later _ WlE STATE I I 0 I I I _ SS UR:~ --=-- _ 21P _ (due ill IOI'laI ......atl. . . . . _st 1,,,,,. D, co•• _ aJI .SlibscrijOlioolj PLEASE ALLOW THREE WEEKS FOR EW SUBSCRlP110 S TO START. --------------- ------- I 'NAL CBlllP Deeatur. Cia.. SORIBE I AD I ClTY I n .~ SATURDAY lIlGHT: SIoG"llrack, .......... TT RACES. M8IIzul h SpMdw,y, 32Dd nam U1LE D'rlURO by Ihe Georgia enders . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~Iac&. SATURDAY. IlABCH 1st A.lI.R.A. "HARE SCRAMBLES, B1.ue WasIl 10 m1leeourse, l25-250-OpeJlmall eatr1es $2 to A.M.R..A., 3519 West JI1c Dowell, PJwenJ.z, Ariz. 85009. Road ltmed from can Creek, fI!rclIJP Carefree aDd OIl to Bartlett road. Start 10 a.m. I 75 "roP FUEL DRAG CBAIIPIONSIIIP by .Kena 0aa Sc:ramIlies. 3 one bour r.aces, 3 cJ:asses. Post entries ~. Pnc. 8 -a.m.. race 10 a.m. !do: P~ 71~, Bwy 11. R-=bo Mlrage. cal. 1:30 a.m.. race 11 H'l-'1473 e+aaiJcs. at Vacca ValleT Raceway, VaccarilJe. 27-111LE PONDEROSA HARE SCRAMBLES by Gre)'bouads lI.C. start 10 a.m. at Pooder'osa IJm I5-miJes East 01. Laneaster. caL, OIl Aft!• .I. Trcpldes to 50% 01. entries. !nCo: (213) 367-2907. GUlls q>ea at 'I: Apple valley, 9Ul AmllJAL l00-LAP AMA TT GRAND PRIX at Ascot Park, l83rd st. at So. Vermooi Ave., Gardeaa, Cal. Pr:ac. 11 a.m.. lime trials c:ourse at Car At OF EVERY GIITH M~OSS raeesat ...... CllC MOTO-CBOSS raees at C&rlstlad, Cal. IDto: P.O. Boll: 1334. HaoliJlgtal Beach, Cal. 9Z647. POKER RUN by tile ArriD Travelers. 9:::KA SlUIC. start 8-1I a.m., Travelers Coftee Sbop ar......ne1cl Cal. DoaIItion $1.50. Info: (213) 429-_7. ' TT RACING under tbe .I1gbts at Elsinore Race Track.. Just ott Hwy. 71, east 01. Perr1s, CaW:. lurDoI.f.. SpartsmaD tropIUes for .aD classes. 3nI SUIDAY OF EYERY SU DIY,IWIQI Dn Y, lIAR CH 2111 DESERT RACE by tile HI-Boots lI.C. at San FeUpe. Wash.., east 01. Ocotillo Wells OIl Hwy. 78. TTSCiRAldBLES at Mex!.... u lI-l2practiee.. 'Wheelle CClDiest. No eatr)' Club Latino, P.O. Box 304, QlJerlro. OIl road to T.S., 7 miles ~ 01. lIexicalL EVElY SATURDAY liGHT RRST su SU c '¥ear f,Ihoto ----- --- I I I

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