Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 02 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Left Hey J 1m, notice tlIe re. lire. Abo..., D. EJIII.. pts ... ellettered f1a, .d 125ee Jr. wi ... Story & Photos by Bill Pettigrew CARLSBAD, Cal., Feb. 2 - Axle-deep mud awaited some 45 riders at a speeia1 CMC mnd event be1d on the moto-cross track. 1bis special event was thrown toeetber at the last m.oment 10 take advantage of the grimey surface left by the recent rains in the southern California area. Because of the low number of riders that showed it prOftd to be all the riding anyooe could hope for, witb each of the three motos going eight laps. Jim WIlson again prOftd tbat trtais Above: ••Ieo _ I To.. Rapp 11Ir0ll....... 1fUF1... liefor- D. lnIst)' 8JlsJlJ .llUItclleJl fint 5GO Jr. .... ... ezperience can be useful with winI5 In both the 250 and 500 Sr_ classes aboard his Nick Mcholson sponsored Gree.-es. Husky men Jim BentlyandSleftHoWday f1Disbed secODd and t:blrd. respecttYely, in the 250 Sr. class. Husky ace n. Mardon wrestled his Swedish mount Into a first in the 500 Jr, but DOt without a.little excitement in the deeP moo bole in the middle part of the course. wtth all the mud it was expected that the little bikes would have problem 5 but tbey all seemed 10 manage. SuzuIdmounted D. Emler did his thing In the goOklDr a great first.1Z5 Jr. Jim Cooke, altbougb bnlng problems "W1tb his bike quitting, staved off the rest of the pack for secODd 'place. Darrell 91 ssanJ, riding for Custom Expansion CJlambers, pulled in a 1n!ll-eu:ned third. Mike Ruayard again br.oucbt bome his S8chs for a first 1%5 Sr. (Results on page 16) ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ er TEAMED 11TH: Steve Hurd To Win 1968 AC' Ope oto-Cross C ampionship Join The Success Trend For ~969 Dealer Enquiries Care ~AGS Offi~ MOULDERS NORTON VILLIERS CORP. 6765 Paramount Blvd. Long Beach, Calif. 90805 . ~~~N~.J8- ~JIII1IIIf!'~~~;S:;~~~~~~

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